Diapers...Store Brand vs. name brand

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twinmommy2B2008, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. twinmommy2B2008

    twinmommy2B2008 Well-Known Member

    Ok-same question I had about formula, except this time with diapers.

    We are still using all the diapers we got at our baby showers (thank God!), but when we run out, I was considering going to a store brand due to the price. Has anyone found a store brand that works as well as name brands, particularly Pampers Swaddlers?

  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I've used Target and BJ diapers with no problem (I still use pampers overnight at night though). Just bought some Especially for Baby ones so we'll see how those go!
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have never found a store brand diaper that I really like. The closest I've come are Luv's. Luvs are a lot like Pampers except cheaper, but not as cheap as the store brands.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    For us, the BRU brand works really well. We also like using the BRU brand or Target brand wipes.
  5. denali_ice

    denali_ice Well-Known Member

    We don't have a lot of selection as far as store brands up here. We have had good luck with White Cloud but absolutely hate Parent's Choice diapers. Here, Luv's cost the same as Huggies or Pampers.
  6. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    We used Pampers Swaddlers until our girls were about two months old and then switched to the Costco brand. It's been great and no problems, plus lots cheaper than Pampers.
  7. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    If you want to save... you have to walk away from the swaddlers!!! Vons/Pavillions have a decent store brand, at Costco their store brand are usually the same price as huggies. HTH - trial and error always works :D .
  8. ceej8670

    ceej8670 Member

    I unfortunately have found nothing that is as good as Pampers! Target and BRU brand don't have stretch in the sides, so always sagged. Luvs wasn't very absorbant, and has a weird smell. Never tried WHite Cloud or PC. Costco is about the same price as Huggies, and Sam's club has no stetch either. If you shop sales and use coupons you can get Pampers fairly reasonably. BRU usually does promotions where you buy 2 boxes and get a gift card, so if you keep using the gift card and coupons it makes them almost affordable! The baby dries are cheaper in some sizes, but not really in other sizes. They also run a little smaller than cruisers, almost a 1/2 size. Thats my experience! I've been shoppin sales and still using Pampers- the quality is worth a couple cents a diaper to me!
  9. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I dont live in the States but I wanted to share :)

    I buy a supermarket brand as they´re cheaper and just as good! (for anyone based in Spain, UK, etc., I buy Carrefour´s own brand). The babies go all night without a change! That and a load of Sudocrem nappy cream! ;)
  10. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    We use Target brand without any problems. It just depends on your what works for your babies.
  11. mandyanna

    mandyanna Well-Known Member

    I have started using the ones from Sams club they are great! We were having a problem with the night time leaks but we havent since we switched
  12. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We swear by the Sam's club brand. Worked for us.
  13. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    I hated Target Brand. The outside of the diaper gets wet if they pee more than one time in them (we usually change after 2, but with Target you have to change if they are even SLIGHTLY damp or they leak through)

    Especially for baby Supreme has stretch in the sides now, and I like them better than any other brand. I HATED Luvs, absolutely NO stretch. Pampers I used to like, but when I went back to them after I ran out of Especially for Baby, they sagged to much when they got wet. EFB doesn't sag, AT ALL.

    Kinda late now, but BRU had the EFB (that's their store brand) on sale for $10/case on Friday. Even not on sale, if you buy the cases and use the BRU coupons, they are way cheaper than a case of Pampers or Huggies (by about $10)

    Oh, off topic, but your question about formula (didn't see the thread) our girls survived on Target brand formula and are not only fine and healthy, they are smarter than 90% of the kids in their class! Formula (store brand at that) did not do any damage to my girls
  14. Carrie27

    Carrie27 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JicJac @ Nov 29 2008, 09:41 PM) [snapback]1090531[/snapback]
    We swear by the Sam's club brand. Worked for us.

    What would you compare them too? We buy formula from there and haven't tried the diapers, because I'm too scared too.

    We use Luv's with my older dd and now that we are having to buy diapers for the twins we are buying Luv's as well.

    As soon as they get older, I'm sure I'll have to use Huggies overnights like we did and still do with my older dd.
  15. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(blueclouds @ Nov 30 2008, 10:22 AM) [snapback]1090854[/snapback]
    I HATED Luvs, absolutely NO stretch.

    It depends. I buy the big boxes at BJs when they give coupons and they have huge stretchy straps, which I love. I bought a mega pack at CVS though, and it didn't have the stretchy tabs and I hated them. So, still not sure it's depending on the diaper size or the box size... I won't buy any for a while anyway as I bought 4 of those BRU diapers boxes on Friday (3 was the max but I found one big box at TRU also).
  16. aandja79

    aandja79 Well-Known Member

    We used to use Pampers Swaddlers, and now we use Luvs for night and for when we go out (we use cloth Bum Genius in the day time at home). We switched as they were cheaper, but still did the job. They're very absorbant, although I do agree about the weird smell. The ones we get are from diapers.com (great site) and do have the incredibly stretchy tabs.
  17. Lindae73

    Lindae73 Well-Known Member

    I loved Luvs for my first born son. Once he was in size 2 I never went back to any other brand. My friend used the Walmart brand and liked it but they didn't work for me. I plan to use Pampers until my twins are into the size 2's with Luvs, but then probably won't use any others once that happens! Bottom line-
    I guess I LOVE Luv's!
  18. mmbadger

    mmbadger Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(idril @ Nov 28 2008, 10:09 PM) [snapback]1089648[/snapback]
    We used Pampers Swaddlers until our girls were about two months old and then switched to the Costco brand. It's been great and no problems, plus lots cheaper than Pampers.

    Ditto on Costco brand - they're great, and if I remember correctly, they're only $.18 per diaper (as opposed to nearly $.28 for Swaddlers where we are).
  19. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    It's worth a try if it will save money.

    But, after trying Luvs, Huggies, Pampers, White Cloud and observing the infants we helped to watch in our church nursery, we've always gone with Pampers because they saved money in the long run. . . we got too many stains (that would not come out) that ruined clothing from blow-outs when we used other brands.

    I also noted that one baby we kept at church would come into the nursery with this big old stash of White Clouds. We would have to change her diaper at least three times in a 1 1/2 hour period to keep her from leaking all over her beautiful Sunday dresses. I remember one Sunday, she came in, played for 10 minutes and then seemed tired, ready for a nap. I changed her diaper (White Cloud), put her in the crib, she slept, and we didn't want to wake her. At the end of the hour, I noticed her crib sheets were soaked, her dress soaked, and she hadn't even had a bottle to drink during the time with us! I noted the White Clouds as always. I changed her, and her mother acted very miffed at us for letting the beautiful Sunday dress get wet. . . uh, not our fault! The sorry White Clouds didn't work well.

    So if you're having to go through a "cheap" pack of diapers three times as fast as you would with a better brand, it's not savings.

    Also, something else to consider is if your child's skin is sensitive to any particular chemicals/ingredients used in the diapers' manufacturing processes.
  20. clb8899

    clb8899 Well-Known Member

    I've never used the store brand diapers, but I like Luvs. They're quite a bit less expensive than Pampers or Huggies. Even better if you can get a coupon. They're kinda hard to come by though.
  21. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I don't know of any generics that resemble the Swadlers. I found the Kirkland (Costco) brand to be very comparable in quality (and less in price) to Huggies.

    I would put my diaper brand preference in the following order

    Kirkland/Huggies (same quality, IMO)
    Target/Luvs (same quality, IMO)
    Used once and didn't care for these:
    White Cloud/Parent's Choice (these were different, but I didn't love either of them)
    Safeway/Albertson's (same quality)
  22. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    i love pampers and if i was rich thats all i would use. lol. luvs are okay but still pricey here. i hated huggies and white cloud. parent's choice remind me of pampers with the stretchy tabs. we've had a few leaks, mostly poop blowouts, but that could be my fault and a combo of so much poop. we do use pampers cruisers at night though cuz they absorb more.
  23. two4one2008

    two4one2008 Well-Known Member

    We "love" Luvs!! :p White cloud are good too. Just depends on which Wal-Mart we go to!!

    Huggies and pampers are good - but too expensive for us. I don't find I change the boys any more/less with Luvs.
  24. kierasmom

    kierasmom Well-Known Member

    I use Huggies Supreme for all 3 of my little ones. It cost me a little more(not much with coupons), but it's worth it because they work well.
  25. erwelch

    erwelch Well-Known Member

    I use Pampers for all 3 of my kids. Funny b/c I just sent DH to BJ's to buy 2 boxes for the girls and 1 box for DS and he couldn't believe how much they cost. I have tried both Huggies and Luvs w my DS and both leaked. He had to be changed more often so in the long run I think it was comparable to buying the Pampers. I can't wait until DS is potty trained so that will be at least a few less diapers a day. Kids are expensive is all I have to say!!! We don't use formula so I guess that makes up for the expensive diapers.
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