Diapers - How many ?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by bel05, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. bel05

    bel05 Member

    While I am on bedrest, I am trying to get organized with a little on line shopping. (and my husband thought he would be saving money with me on bedrest :rotflmbo: )

    Does anyone recomend a good number of Newborn and size 1 diapers to start off with ??

  2. 3Xblessed

    3Xblessed Well-Known Member

    Its hard to estimate because a lot of it depends on the size of the twins when they are born. My kids were born at 33wks (4 and 5lbs) and we lasted in size one dipes for 3months. Estimate a diaper change for every feeding and you will be feeding about every 3 to 4 hours. Doing the math you will need 8 diapers a day per kid.

    So in the first 3 months we went through approx. 1500 diapers.
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I didn't buy a ton of diapers beforehand because of the sheer space that they took up! :faint: I would start off with a couple boxes of Newborn diapers and go from there.

    I did took part in plenty of retail therapy while I was on bedrest! And used the time to read reviews on all the baby stuff I needed! :good:
  4. AmyH

    AmyH Well-Known Member

    My twins are just turning 6 weeks old, they were born at 36 weeks 5 days and both weighed 5lb 14 oz. We went through like 8 jumbo boxes (84 count) of newborn diapers (I had 6 stock piled and ended up buying 2 more). We are now half way through our second box of size 1 diapers (96 count) and I have 3 more boxes with 1 of the 216 count. I've started buying size 2 and 3 now.. Good luck!
  5. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Also, make sure you keep your receipts for all the diapers you buy (and check the return policy), so that way you can take them back if you don't use them! I would just tape each receipt to the top of the box, to keep it all straight. The only thing worse than supplying diapers for two growing babies, is having way to many diapers that are too small that you can't do anything with.
  6. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    I had 700 newborn diapers and 200 size one diapers before the girls were born. To this day, we still use 7 diapers a day per baby so that adds up to approximately 400 diapers a month. We used more the first two months. Now that they hardly wake at night, we don't do as many overnight diaper changes.
  7. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We were given 1,000 newborn and size 1 diapers by a friend of ours that worked at a Huggies factory...they lasted about 2 months.
  8. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    I'll second the keeping of receipts... BRU has great deals (sometimes, not as much lately though) on their Storebrand Diapers (Especially for baby) I used to stock up on Black Friday when they were $10/case. Throughout the year, if they changed size, I'd take the unopened ones back and exchange them for whatever size I needed...

    My girls were petite though. Born at 36+4, they were 5lbs. each. They lasted in NB diapers for the first 5 months! Preemie diapers actually the first 6 weeks, then size 1. We stayed in Size 2 diapers the longest though, going from about 5/6 months to 18 months. They FINALLY moved into a size 3 diaper when their brother was born at 18 months, stayed in that for about forever and I didn't move them up to a size 4 diaper until (GASP!) their brother went into a size 4 with them! He moved into a size 4 at about 12 months. I've still bought size 3 on occasion when diapers are on sale becuase my son gets changed so frequently throughout the day at daycare....

    I always just bought the cases (I think BRU is one of the only brands that carries NB sizes in a large case instead of a pack) but it's really hard to determine how many since every baby varies on size, weight, etc..
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