diaper rash, nutramigen, nystatin, help!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by simonethecat, Jan 6, 2007.

  1. simonethecat

    simonethecat Well-Known Member

    So one of my twins ended up on a heavy dose of antibiotics for 24 hours right after Thanksgiving. As a result he had pretty bad diahrea for over a week and at the same time (and I am starting to wonder if there is a connection here) started on Nutramigen and then developed a horrible diaper rash. It looked like open blisters and red bumps. After trying an assortment of diaper rash creams, my pedi prescribed a treatment with nystatin in it. A week of 4x a day of this and only using cloth to wipe him with (wipes hurt) and drying his butt with a blow dryer to make sure everything is totally dry we really weren't seeing any improvement. The Nutramigen makes him poop almost every time he eats and that in turn seemed to be aggrevating the rash. We experimented and gave him soy (which his brother is on) a week ago. Stupid idea as neither of us thought about the fact that he has been on a pre-digested formula and suddenly we were asking him to digest, and digest soy no less! As a result he had a tummy ache and was rather unhappy (we switched back to nutramigen after only 2 feedings). However, he didn't poop for over 12 hours and his diaper rash almost totally cleared up. A week later of still using the prescription cream with the nystatin 4x a day (to make sure we had totally killed off the yeast) the rash is coming back and slowly getting worse. Short of changing his diaper every hour or more to make sure he is never wet, I don't know what to do? Could the Nutramigen be making this worse - besides the fact that it makes him have fairly wet poops all the time?

  2. simonethecat

    simonethecat Well-Known Member

    So one of my twins ended up on a heavy dose of antibiotics for 24 hours right after Thanksgiving. As a result he had pretty bad diahrea for over a week and at the same time (and I am starting to wonder if there is a connection here) started on Nutramigen and then developed a horrible diaper rash. It looked like open blisters and red bumps. After trying an assortment of diaper rash creams, my pedi prescribed a treatment with nystatin in it. A week of 4x a day of this and only using cloth to wipe him with (wipes hurt) and drying his butt with a blow dryer to make sure everything is totally dry we really weren't seeing any improvement. The Nutramigen makes him poop almost every time he eats and that in turn seemed to be aggrevating the rash. We experimented and gave him soy (which his brother is on) a week ago. Stupid idea as neither of us thought about the fact that he has been on a pre-digested formula and suddenly we were asking him to digest, and digest soy no less! As a result he had a tummy ache and was rather unhappy (we switched back to nutramigen after only 2 feedings). However, he didn't poop for over 12 hours and his diaper rash almost totally cleared up. A week later of still using the prescription cream with the nystatin 4x a day (to make sure we had totally killed off the yeast) the rash is coming back and slowly getting worse. Short of changing his diaper every hour or more to make sure he is never wet, I don't know what to do? Could the Nutramigen be making this worse - besides the fact that it makes him have fairly wet poops all the time?

  3. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    i wish i could help more but all i can offer is that my boys have been on nutramigen since about 8 weeks and have not had diaper rashes. They do poop everyday though so that is similar. I wish you luck-
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When my twins have a diaper rash, we use Butt paste, that is what they used in the NICU too. My DD is just getting over a bad rash and has about 4 BM's a day, which didn't help it go away. I just would lather her with the butt paste.

    Sorry I can't help you with the nutramigen, we're not on that.
  5. healthybabes8/06

    healthybabes8/06 Well-Known Member

    Your poor child. Did you try to put him on alimentum (similac) they have soy based and milk based. I don't know why your child was put on antibotic but let me please tell you something take it or leave it Doctors are paid to prescibe medicine to people. Pharmaceutical companies pay for doctors to go to school. They do not do this maliciously they teach them about the different drugs to prescribe they do not teach them about vitamins and natural supplementation if you will. I had the same problem with one of my girls! She seemed to have a hard time processing it through her system. FYI: if you switch formulas you should do it for three days at a time in order to see the results! I had her on the alimentum for a while but at thirty bucks a can it didnt exactly fit in our budget I switch her back to soy the same thing her sister is on and she adjusted to it just fine. It seems as if our children our the same age. You should switch her back to the soy her body will adjust. Antibiotics are grossly over prescribed our bodies will naturally fight off diseases . Antibiotics have too many side effects diahrea being one of them. For a diaper rash you should get bacitracin ointment ask the pharmacist he'll point you in the right direction. Your child should NOT be having a bowel movement more than 3-4 times a day. He is in high risk of dehydrating. Get pedialyte and give it to your child to replace lost fluids. Mama you should also switch doctors. This one doesn't appear to know how to help you care for your child! Call the hospital you had your delivery at and ask them if it is normal for your child to have so many bowel movements. This stuff is SERIOUS. Babies can dehydrate pretty fast I dont mean to scare you but pls for your childs sake get the pedialyte, bacitracin ointment, soy formula and get a new doctor! Yur child will still be uncomfortable for first few days with soy formula but he will get over it within next couple of days.
  6. simonethecat

    simonethecat Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the concern - however, my pedi didn't give him the antibiotics. He ended up in the hospital for a fever along with the fact that he wasn't eating and was screaming in pain with each feeding. Since he was a preemie (33 weeks, 3 days), the hospital approaches it (I think the fever was key to this) from a rule out everything first approach and thus the antibiotics along with just about every test you can imagine. Sigh. It was awful.

    Anyway, they put him on soy and then the same thing happened with the soy - the constant screaming. My pedi put him on the Nutramigen and then reflux meds. Since Nutramigen is pre-digested, it has a similar effect to breastmilk - it kind of goes right through the baby. Alimentum is the same thing as Nutramigen - different companies, same concept.

    Anway, we are making an appointment with a G.I. doctor as the feeding/reflux/major unhappiness is not abating. I am hoping to get some answers and that the food answers will lead to diaper rash answers.
  7. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    I don't know the answer to the formula question, but my son came home from the NICU with a butt like a baboon - much like what you are describing. We used Aveeno (blue) diaper rash cream - it worked wonderfully (and we tried everything else under the sun) it has collaidal (sp?) silver in it. If you haven't already tried it, I would suggest it. I am sorry you and your baby are going through this, hang in there!
  8. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    it could be a yeast diaper rash from the antibiotics.....the antibiotics kill off all the bacteria - even the "good" bacteria that keeps the yeast levels down. So now the yeast is free to grow.

    One of our girls was on amoxicillin for 10 days and had horrible diarrhea and a bad diaper rash. We used Vusion. It is a prescription cream that your pedi can give you an Rx for. It is for yeast. What you described (red and little bumps) sounds like it to me!
  9. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    I agree with the pp. Be careful to wash your hands and keep the babies from touching the rash with their hands iwthout washing, cause yeast can cause thrush which is a bear to get rid of for many folks.

    My son had a yeasty rash when he was born and nystatin alone didn't work, but once the dr gave us a compound of nystatin, carafate and desitin all mixed together, it worked quickly. I guess that nystatin needs a water barrier to work well, and it alone will wash away with each poop, pee.

    Ask if you can get this custom compound and see if it works better.


    Teri D
  10. lola5

    lola5 Well-Known Member

    So actual for me! Dealing with diaper rash can be challenging, and finding the right solution is important. Nutramigen and Nystatin are often recommended, but every baby is different. Just like how Exhale Wellness reviews emphasize personalized experiences, it's key to find what works best for your child. Stay patient and keep trying, you're doing great!
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