Diaper rash - bleeding!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Krissa72, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. Krissa72

    Krissa72 Active Member

    Mother in Law strikes again!! Went out yesterday for a while, came home and both babies sitting in their poops! I smelled it the 2nd I got in but of course she did not smell it. Baby boy had slight rash, gone now from treating it. But baby girls' has gotten worse, bleeding in a few spots. It had gotten better but DH & I went out for one and a half hours, came back and MIL said she pooped again, well now baby girl butt is bleeding in spots!
    We have on it now a layer of triple paste, then butt paste, then A&D, a combo a Dr told us years ago for our now 5 yr old who once got a bad diaper rash from daycare. I was just searching online though and it said just A&D and bare bottom when possible. Tomorrow I am going to get her butt some air when possible and use just A&D. Any more suggestions? I did read no wipes, just water to clean. MIL will NOT be watching them until she learns how to check diapers!! Should I take her to the Dr? I hate to have them think we did this!
    Thanks, my poor baby girl...

    5 yr old boy
    7 month old B/G twins
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds like you've got it covered! I would just give it a couple of days & see if it improves, if not you can always take her in, it could have developed into a yeast rash, which would need an antifungal cream. And don't worry, I'm sure the doctor has seen worse diaper rashes, he probably wouldn't think anything of it! :hug:
  3. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    I agree with Tina...sounds like you are doing everything needed. We have gone through the bleeding diaper rash 4 times now with my son - every time he is on amoxicillian for ear infections, he gets them. He has such sensitive skin. We do everything you are doing and nothing helps all that much except using water to rinse poopy bottoms and letting air get to it. It's so hard to see them in so much pain when you change them. Hang in there. :hug:
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would avoid acidic foods for a couple of days (no juice with apple, cherry or prune)... & get that butt some air. I just give them a good 5 after a diaper change or if their clothes need to be changed.
  5. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    It soudns as though you´ve got it covered and I agree with the PP who said to stay away from any possible acidic food and drink (e.g. oranges) for a couple of days. I would also have a gentle word with your MIL (or ask your DH to) and ask her to check their nappies regularly. I´m from the UK and I swear by Sudocrem. Mine have had bad nappy rash and I put thick layers of it on them and change them more often. It´s amazing how well it clears it all up. I also find that giving them a warm bath (depending on how irritated their skin is of course) helps to cleanse the area as the wipes tend to hurt my LOs. They do cry a little when I put the cream on post-bath but the next day their bottoms are so much better.

    GL & I hope it clears up asap and that MIL is more vigilant.
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: If that doesn't work you can go to the pharmacy and ask for calmoseptine ointment. It's what they use to treat bed sores and is even thicker than triple paste. We had to use it a couple of times. It's inexpensive and it works.
  7. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    No additional suggestions but I would be really mad! I mean--they must have been fussing so you think she would have checked the dipes! :girl_devil:
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My only suggestion is it could have turned into a yeast infection, if it's not clearing up in the next 24 yrs of religious diaper cream and butt airing, call your dr and ask for nystatin cream. I've heard of using OTC lotrimin I think it is, the foot fungus stuff, but I'm more comfy using a cream my dr prescribes.

    You can also feed them extra yogurt with the live cultures in, and even slather it on their bottoms. The cultures in it help fight the yeast. Just be sure it's not flavored or sweetened, the sugar in that will make it worse!

    :hug: My twin dd has had several yeast infections already, I keep the nystatin cream on hand and if the diaper cream doesn't work in a couple of diaper changes, I use the nystatin and/or yogurt combo and it works within a day! :hug:
  9. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you know the cause of your DD's diaper rash, but when our DS got one from amoxicillin (so it was fungal, yeast infection), they gave us specific instructions.

    Baking soda bath for 15 minutes every diaper change
    Mylanta rubbed on bottom to neutralize acid in poop (this was the strangest thing!)

    Anyway, that cleared him up in a couple of days and he loved all the bathing!!
  10. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    No wipes just water and rag..AIR AIR AIR AIR AIR AIR AIR :) DD had one that bled some about 2 months ago and even the DR pushed AIR AIR AIR..anytime she has a diaper, A&D or some kind of ointment but when she is airing out, just plan on butt :) Great time for tummy time! GOod luck
  11. teacherandmom

    teacherandmom Member

    Hi! My boys had rashes, and a friend recommended mixing the following: a small tube of Neosporin (can be generic), 5 oz of Mylanta, and 4 oz of Creamy Desitin. It worked a lot better than the $100 cream that my doctor prescribed me. I will never use anything else again. It sounds strange, but it definitely works. They were bleeding too. The neosporin helps heal the open sore, the mylanta is an antacid for combatting the urine and poop, and the Creamy Desitin helps the rash. I mixed all three and put it into a small ZipLoc container. It lasted about a week. I highly recommend it! Give it a try, you won't be sorry!

  12. jamiandkyle2002

    jamiandkyle2002 Well-Known Member

    Same thing happened here. I let her air out and this helped a lot!! I used vaseline petroleum jelly and this works way better for my dd than any daiper rash cream! Good luck!

  13. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I was also going to suggest a petroleum jelly or Aquaphor added to the diaper cream. my doctor suggested that as the first layer against their skin to create a barrier, then diaper cream on top.

    they past couple of days for my dd were bad (I'd been serving them several days of pasta and tomato sauce and I think it was too acidic!), and I tended to put the medicated diaper cream on first, then the petroleum jelly, not sure if it matters which is first, but her bottom was dark pink on Wed. morning, then after MIL was here... and didn't catch a dirty diaper... it was really RED Wed. afternoon. 24 hrs later it was better, and 24 later (today) its much better!

    good luck, its no fun!
  14. minivanmama

    minivanmama Well-Known Member

    My little ones both had raw bottoms when they were a few weeks old. It was awful! I did tons of research, but what worked best for us was:

    using cotton balls and water when changing her. The wipes hurt.

    Blowdrying her tush with a hairdryer at each changing.

    Every half hour or so I would take off her diaper and use the blowdryer or a fan on it for a few minutes to help dry it out and heal.

    Changed her constantly.

    Triple paste as well as bacitracin as the raw skin could get infected.
  15. Double Vision

    Double Vision Well-Known Member

    Aquaphor, Boudreaux's Butt paste, Resinol

    From the pedi - nystatin if it turns into yeast and really bleeding.
  16. pittmane

    pittmane Well-Known Member

    We had this happen with our boys when I ran out of baby probiotics. I ended up really liking the Burt's Bees diaper rash cream - seemed to work better than Boudreaux or Desitin. Kept them out of diapers as much as possible (i.e., bare bottom) and used a soft cloth at changing time instead of wipes. It healed pretty quick once we started on the Burt's Bees and added back the probiotics. Now, I make sure I never run out!!
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