Diaper Pails--Opinions Needed!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jpgeyer, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. jpgeyer

    jpgeyer Well-Known Member

    We already have a Diaper Dekor which is fine but we need a 2nd diaper pail for our first floor. Is there a diaper pail that anyone really likes? TIA!
  2. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    This time around, we are not using one at all (used a Diaper Champ with my first). Wet diapers are accumulated during the day a plastic grocery shopping bag which hangs from the chaning table....then get tossed in the garage garbage at the end of the day. The dirty ones go immediately in the garage garbage...we live in New York so it's cold outside and in the garage...no smell :)

    I did like the Diaper Champ with my first but decided not to use it this time as it'd fill up fast :)
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We used a diaper genie for all of two days, then decided that a trash can with a nice smelling trash bag was an easier way to dispose of diapers considering how many we were putting in there a day.
  4. Colette

    Colette Active Member

    I really like my Diaper Genie Elite. I think it is the best diaper pail out there
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also like the diaper genie elite. Munchkin makes little arm and hammer discs that you can put in there to help with the smell. Good luck on your decision!
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    The diaper champ worked for us.
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I had the Diaper Champ and HATED it. We only put wet diapers in there and no matter what we did, it always smelled. When my boys were around 16 months I started throwing wet diapers in the regular garbage can under the sink and poopy ones went outside. I sold the diaper champ shortly after on craigslist.

    If I had to do it again, I would skip the diaper pail.
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    We have 2 Diaper Champs. They've gone through many models, and when we got the 1st one 2 yrs ago, it was pink... its not as nice as the newer one we got 18 mo. ago that was Blue... I think they've improved it even more, 'cause the one in the store now is a little different than the one I have.

    what I like about it is that it takes any bags, you don't have to buy specific bags. good luck w/your decision.
  9. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    We use the diaper champ. I rinse it out once a month even though I don't think you have to. It takes any bag. I use vanilla scented bags - you can get a 100+ role of them for like 1.99 at Walmart. Anyway, it fills up in a couple days and if you let it sit full it will smell, just an FYI...it does need to be changed regularly.
  10. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I gave away both diaper champs after two weeks. We just have a trash can in their room that we empty nightly and for downstairs, they diapers just go into the regular trash can. That trash also goes out nightly.
  11. cec02c

    cec02c Well-Known Member

    We have just given up on our Diaper genie elite. Honestly I felt like I smelled dirty diapers all day. For the past week now we are just trashing them. I am bagging poops seperately, before we chunk them (I have a terribly sensitive nose). I can really tell the difference now, so if I had to recomend something, I would say invest in the little powder scented poopbags, or just use all those grocery sacks.
  12. ronee75

    ronee75 Well-Known Member

    I use a diaper genie elite for the stinky ones only...wet ones go in the regular trash, otherwise I'd be changing the bags all day. I think the genie does a good job concealing the smell...but when i do open it...WOW does it stink! LOL! So I give it two thumbs up!
  13. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    My diaper genie stinks a lot, still use them though, despite the hefty pricetag on the refills...man maybe I should rethink that haha! Good luck!
  14. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    Diaper genie lasted for 1 child, diaper genie version 2 lasted for DD #2, Diaper champ lasted for 9 months of the twins...
    Since then - walmart bags tied around poopies, dumped in kitchen trash. Taken out every night.
    BEST EVER!!!
  15. Tracy5780

    Tracy5780 Well-Known Member

    we have the saftey 1st and it really isnt that great
  16. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    We use the Diaper Champ and have no complaints. 99% of the time we change our boys on the dresser in our master bedroom where we have a changing pad setup. We only put wet diapers in the Diaper Champ, rolled up really tight, and have had no problems with odors in our bedroom. When it is a poopy diaper we tie it up in a plastic bag and throw it in the trash can in the garage. I don't think I have to empty the Diaper Champ but maybe every 5 days or so.
  17. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I use my diaper genie elite for the poopy diapers only. When I start a new bag I put 2 drops of tea tree oil that keeps the smell down. the others I put in a regular trash bag and take it out at the end of the day. it's way to expensive to use the diaper genie all the time because the refills are rediculous and with two it only takes a day or two to fill.
  18. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    I use the Diaper Genie Elite and find it does a great job of masking odours. The only drawback is of course the expensive refills but otherwise I love it.
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