Diaper pail discipline dilemma

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rebekahj, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    I'm struggling with how to deal with discipline issues at this age - my boys are about 13 months adjusted. I've mostly dealt with things by removing temptation, ignoring bad behavior, and trying to praise good behavior. There are a few things that are No things though, and I can't figure out what to do. Their current favorite thing is to play in the diaper pail. It's not like I can remove the diaper pail from the area! They'll do it most often when I'm tied up at the changing table with the other one. I say 'No' and they just laugh at me. I've tried nudging them away from the diaper pail with a foot but that's just an even better game for them. I'm considering changing my rules here and just locking the 'trap door' on the diaper pail and letting them play with it if they want. But that doesn't bode well for future problems! It just seems like they're too young to understand Time Out (I've read until around 18 months it's ineffectual) and it doesn't seem like I can really count down 3-2-1 without having some consequences at the end of it. Most problems I deal with by removal and distraction, but sometimes that can't work. I can't tell you how many times a day I say, 'No Mommy's glasses!' but they don't care. I do a lot of ignoring of mini-tantrums but that only gets you so far.
  2. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Can you put one in his crib with a book or toy while you change the other one's diaper? I know our nanny resorted to that when our kiddos were younger.
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  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i was going to suggest the same thing - is there some where you could contain the baby who isn't getting changed until it's his turn?
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  4. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    Thanks, ladies. I'm not sure how they'd react to being put in their crib since they don't go in there except for naps or bedtime. I don't have anything downstairs to confine them in, but I could get out their old PnP. I'll have to think about that. :)

    Any suggestions on disciplining in general at this age? Did anyone have success with 1-2-3 or time outs at 13 months?
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    At that age it was all about "no" and redirection for my guys. They're starting to learn cause and effect now, and consequences, so I'm beginning to use discipline techniques like 1-2-3, but there's no way my guys would have understood at that age.

    My "go-to" method when the boys were younger was distraction. I would give them something they normally wouldn't get to play with (like a magazine or a baby food spoon) to turn them away from what I didn't want them getting into.
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  6. trudyhm@att.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    All of the books I've read say that redirection is the best way to go until they're older, closer to 2, and can understand a time-out and that has worked well for us. We've moved everything possible to limit the times we have to say No, so that when we do say No (laptop cord, stove, touching the TV), they know it's serious, but we still pick them up and take them to a toy or something so they leave that object. Can you put one in an exersaucer or jumper to contain them? I used my exersaucer forever for that sole purpose. I moved my diaper pail to a locked cabinet and now it is up on a countertop. Can you put it up somewhere?

    I just finished this book about 12-24 month olds. It's kind of old, so some of the advice and info is dated, but it talks about the development and normal behaviors at 12-15 mos, 15-18 mos, 18-21 mos, and up to 2 years old. It reassured me that most of the "bad" behaviors (throwing food/toys, running away, taking off clothes, tantrums, etc.) are totally normal and part of their natural development, though difficult to live with. It advises redirection and patience. It's a very easy read. I bought the book for 2-3 years of age so I can get ready for that!

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  7. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member

    We tried to start Magic 1-2-3 at that point for a different issue, but they were too young for it.

    I have the diaper pail now in my bathrooms. I wrap them up tight & get them out as soon as I'm able.
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