I would like to get a diaper/outing bag that will hold the essentials for an outing with two toddlers, but am having a hard time finding something I like. I want to get away from carrying a large diaper bag with a foldout changing pad and multiple pockets that just add bulk. Does anyone have a bag they would recommend? Here are my criteria, all negotiable, of course: Small size Easy to carry - either like a purse or a one strap backpack Can hold two diapers, a small container of wipes, an Epi pen, a few snacks, tissues, etc. Not too horrible to look at Thanks, Tricia
I don't use a diaper bag, haven't for years because a regular backpack is easier to carry, small, and have plenty of space for diapers, wipes, drinks, snacks and some compartments for my things.
I use a backpack and I carry everything you have listed. I would look in the backpack section of like walmart or Target.
Weird. I posted in here earlier, but it never went through. :umm: Anywho...I was saying that I love my Vera Bradley - Betsy bag. It has a few inside pockets that are the perfect size to stash sippies in.
Depends on your style...I have an old Land's End Little Tripper that still gets a lot of use, because it's sturdy, and DH doesn't mind carrying it. Love my Skip Hop Dash. Maybe the regular Duo would work for you? I know Skip Hop makes a cheaper line of bags for Target, too, but I think they're still good quality. And, if you like funky girly bags, so many people swear by JuJuBe....there's something for everyone there. I haven't bought one yet, but only because I have waaaay too many others. ETA -- I haven't been able to wean off the large bag yet, although I gave up the changing pad long ago, and just carry a thin blanket for that. Love my huge Posh Baby bag that holds everything...it's a lot cuter than the Skip Hop Double Duo that I'm thinking of selling.
I used to carry a back pack. But At Christmas I switched over to a "mega purse". It's an executive mom looking bag that I got from Target for $30. The bag is designed to be a purse/briefcase combo and It has several compartments. It has a clip for my keys, cell phone compartment. 2 side pockets for small pkg of crayons, pen holders. zip section, etc. I can put 4-6 medium sized board books for the girls to flip through during church. I have travel sized lotion, hand sanitizer, bandaids, hair brush, clips (all in a make up bag, plus a wipes container. We no longer need diapers but this bag would easily hold a change of clothes if necessary. front pockets can also hold several granola bars. The bag is big -- large enough for a lap top. But I like the look and convenience of being able to carry everything I need to maintain my appearance of being "super-mom". I figure when my kids are old enough to keep up with their own purses then I can scale down my own purse.
Mine are a bit older, but they each have their own backpacks that I stash a change of clothes, travel wipes, snacks, a pull up or two etc in. They LOVE having their own backpacks and look too stinking cute carrying them!!
I also just switched to a Vera Bradley bag! The other one was soooo gross, it literally had slime and mold growing in the outside pockets from spilled sippy cups and cheerios, eew! So I tossed it and used a smaller vera bradley purse that I happened to have at home. I liked it so much that I went out and bought a slightly bigger one to fit all of their stuff. But you kind of have to be a girly girl to like Vera Bradley! Mine is even pink! For travel I ALWAYS use a backpack, though.
I have a backpack purse (they were very popular a long time ago), I think I got mine from wal mart but that was about 4yrs ago. It has three different comparments on it so I have two diapers, a thin bag of wipes (I use the kirkland brand and when it starts getting low I put it in the purse), and thins receiving blanket for changing, I usually have a small snack or two and I can even fit a sippy cup in their but then it does get bulky if I do that. It also has a spot to put money in or a credit card and you can zip that part up. I love it. I don't use it to much anymore because I just usually keep everything in the car so now I use it for when they all go to the ped and I keep their baby info in there (the little books that the drs fill out).
I carry a backpack pretty much everywhere, so I just use that. When we're going someplace with the stroller, I transfer all the stuff to a small canvas tote bag, because it takes up less space in the stroller basket. If I had to buy something new, I'd probably get a bike-messenger bag. But then, I'm not very girly. Title 9 does have some nice ones that are a little bit stylish, if that's important to you.
I also have a Vera Bradley backpack. It is large enough to hold wipes container, sippy cups, crayons, paper pad, snacks, and the epi pen. The extra clothes I leave in the car.