Diaper Genie v. Diaper Champ?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by agdgirl27, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. agdgirl27

    agdgirl27 Well-Known Member

    Which one do you have and do you recommend it? I have heard mixed reviews on each so I am wondering if you guys think investing in one is worth it?
  2. caba

    caba Banned

    Diaper Genie!

    We actually had them both. Genie in the nursery, Champ downstairs. The Champ was great because you don't need those specific refills, but holy god is stunk! It was just awful! The more we used it, the more it smelled, even if we used lysol or febreze between emptying bags. The Genie needs those special refills, but honestly we've loved it. It really locks in the odor. So we are still using it.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We like our champ! :) We've used it with the twins and started out using it with Evan. He is now in cloth diapers so we are not really using it now. My SIL had the genie and they stopped using that halfway through their first daughter.
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We had the Diaper Champ in their bedroom, and just used the garbage downstairs. We'd wrap stinky diapers in a plastic grocery bag, and garbage goes out once or twice a day around here. We never had a problem with the Diaper Champ stinking, but we stopped using it before they turned one.

    Using the regular garbage/wrapping the stinkies works best for us.
  5. singesp

    singesp Member

    I used the Champ with my daughter. I liked that it used just regular trash bags. It worked perfectly for the first year while I was nursing her. As she weaned and started eating more and more table food, the poops got stinkier and stinkier. We ended up having to put the champ in the hallway because the stink got too strong in her room.

    I'll probably use the champ again this time around to start with since I already have one, but will probably switch to the genie at first signs of stinkage.
  6. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I have 2 Diaper Genies II & love them. One in their room & one downstairs. They have never stunk :good:!
  7. msamoyedny

    msamoyedny Well-Known Member

    I used the Diaper Champ because it uses regular trash bags. It was great for the beginning when my DS was pooping at every feeding. We only used it until he was about 6 months because once he was sleeping through the night, we didn't have as many poop diapers upstairs. It never smelled bad. However, breastfed baby poop doesn't smell as much as formula poop, so that might be a factor you want to consider. We always just put the downstairs poopy diapers in a grocery bag or ziploc and threw it in the regular trash.
  8. hansenarmywife

    hansenarmywife Active Member

    I have 2 of the diaper Genie II. They work great..They really keep the odor locked up in there! I would def. recommend it!!
  9. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    We didn't use either of them. Upstairs in their bathroom, we just bought a small trash can with a lid. We would change the bags every couple of days and never had issues with the smell. Downstairs, we just used our regular trash can and we empty it every day so again, no issues with the smell. It was a very inexpensive alternative and worked great for us.
  10. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    we had two and never used them
    we just threw them in the regular garbage.
    we changed so many diapers that we had to empty the
    garbage once a day anyway so it was just as easy for us.
  11. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member


    We went through so many diapers at first and those were way too small!

    I just have a regular garbage can with scented bags and an air freshener!
  12. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    We had the Diaper Genie and it was actually in the living room the entire first year. It didn't stink at all. I usually emptied it every day because two sets of diapers tended to fill it up pretty quickly.
  13. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    I like our Diaper Champ. It only gets stinky if you leave it for more than a couple of days. It occasionally happens now that they are at daycare and not going as much :blush:
  14. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    We loved our Champ! Couldn't stand the Genie. We just stick one of those odor eliminator disks in there and call it good.
  15. MyCrazyLife

    MyCrazyLife Active Member

    The diaper genie is great until your kids starting pooping the "real poop." Then, I recommend using it just for the wet nappies and putting the stinkers in plastic and taking `em straight to your outside garbage pail.

    Otherwise, I was finding the bedroom would stink or the kitchen garbage would stink by end of day. Especially if the weather is at all warm.

    I just bought my second diaper genie for my twin girls. (I found that after 18 mos. the seal starts to go on the Diaper Genie, so the smell started to "leak" into the room. And this was after multiple bleachings, etc. But when you consider how many times of day you'll use it, it's a pretty good life.)
  16. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I hated them. I ended up using a regular bathroom garbage pail with bags. I found the refills are a waste of money. I think with one kid you don't need to change it as often, but with twins you empty that thing out so often. Plus most helpers couldn't figure the thing out. It starts to stink after awhile. Plus like a pp said once they start to really poop with solids it just reeks. I just empty out out garbage every night .

    such a waste of money. it really is one of the only things I wish I hadn't spent the money on.
  17. boingerhead

    boingerhead Active Member

    We're using cloth diapers, but either way, I would recommend one of those heavy-duty white plastic buckets reclaimed from mixing mortar. It forces you to empty it more often which will help cut down on stink, and you probably already have a few in the basement or garage.
  18. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We have the champ and really like it because you can use big kitchen garbage bags and only need to take it out every few days. I put a deoderant stick-up in there and spray with lysol each time we empty it. I also take it outside to hose it down and air it out every once in awhile.
  19. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    I had the genie and switched to the champ because the genie stunk SO MUCH. I actually threw it out because I woudln't wish that stink on anyone. That's with regular tossing of the diapers and Lysoling it too. Now I have a Champ and use scented bags for the liner, and as long as it's emptied daily or every other day, we haven't had a problem.
  20. Brown Eyed Gurl

    Brown Eyed Gurl Well-Known Member

    I love my diaper geni's II I have 2 of them cause with twins they fill up quick
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