Diaper Bags--Are Stroller Straps a Necessity?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cat mommy, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    No, I don't have a diaper bag yet. :FIFblush: But we've been on winter RSV quarantine, so we haven't really needed one! But soon, we're going to be heading out, so now I am conducting the search for the perfect diaper bag.
  2. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    Perhaps they are not a necessity but it's definitely a feature that I appreciate in my diaper bag (I have this one). I like that I can just sling it over the stroller and have it out of the way yet still handy when I need to grab something. It's also nice that it doesn't take up valuable space in the storage hamper. I also like that this diaper bag can be converted to a backpack (although I have yet to do that it's nice to know I CAN do that).
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No, I would say that the straps to attach it to the stroller are definitely not a necessity. I had one with the stroller straps and a few without and I have to say that I probably only used the stroller straps a few times. It's just as convenient to put the bag in the basket under the stroller IMO.
  4. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    I use a regular old backpack and LOVE it. I wouldn't even think of owning a regular diaper bag again (I used one w/ my firstborn). The backpack has plenty of compartments, allows both hands to be free all the time (without hogging precious storage basket space) and doesn't slip off your shoulder, PLUS it easily hooks onto a stroller (use one of the Mommy Hooks if your stroller doesn't have the open-handle configuration). Plus, it's gender-neutral enough that DH doesn't mind doing all of the carrying. :good: Got it at TJMaxx for about $25.00.

    I just thought I'd throw that option out there since a lot of mommas think it must be an official "diaper" bag to work well.
  5. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Newpair...DH has a lovely Walmart backpack as a diaper bag :) I ALWAYS thought I would just use a backpack, but, now I can't carry anything on my back for medical reasons :(. So I must hunt for another bag for me.
  6. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    not sure what the 'stroller straps' are. Mine has a big shoulder strap and I just use that to hang over the handle of the stroller so that the bag is hanging.
  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I bought a messenger book bag from walmart and hung the shoulder strap over the handle of the stroller. I like that I can do that, hang in on my shoulder, or it's long enough to go crossways across my body (around my neck) for if I need both hands.

    Now I'm back to using a backpack, and I have 2 mommy hooks (go to lowe's and buy the regular big U hooks, they are a quarter of the price of the mommy hooks!!), and I hang my backpack on the hooks on the handle of my stroller.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I use a regular backpack as well. We had a big diaper bag and almost never used it. We also had two small insulated ones that the hospital gave us for free, and we only used those occasionally when we had to take bottles someplace. I would much rather have something I can carry on my back instead of a big bag banging against my hip. For long-distance strollering, we just put it in the basket of the stroller.

    However, it is nice to have a small bag (like a small purse) with a really long strap that you can hang over the stroller handles. That way, you can access money/sunglasses/whatever without having to dig around in the basket.
  9. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I like my stroller straps and use them all the time but I also have hooks and they work well too as long as you don't overload the stroller either way or it will tip!
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