Di-Mo twins 3 months along...support wanted!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by cassier17, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. cassier17

    cassier17 Well-Known Member

    Hi all,
    I was happily misdiagnosed mo-mo twins a few weeks ago. Thankfully! But the peri said we arent in the clear. There are complications with di-mo twins, but its obviously a much better prognosis! I have 1 child already, he is 2 now :)
    I am 3 months today. I had a US at 10 weeks at the peri, and they want me back at 18 weeks, and he said i should be monitored (US) every 3 weeks. So, why am I waiting til 18 weeks to go back?? Is this normal? Maybe he doesnt see a reason to see them again until 18 weeks. I should have asked, but I didnt think of it then.
    Great doctor...its a Yale Maternal specialty hospital/clinic, and they are just wonderful. So I know they are smart, and know what they are doing, but I still want an ultrasound sooner rather then later.
    Anyone else have any info for me?
    I have Indents who share a placenta, but have their own sac. They were the same size at 10 week appt, but I guess they would be right? The TTTS doesnt happen until later?
    I guess I should read more on it, but any advice would be greatly appreciated! Or anyone going through this, I would love to hear from you!
    Thank you, sarah
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It sounds like you are in good hands! S/he must be confident that everything is going smoothly for now. Try not to worry and to enjoy your pregnancy! I know that is easier said than done. :hug: I'm glad you had a good 3 month appointment!

    Oh and :welcome: to TS! :)
  3. cassier17

    cassier17 Well-Known Member

    I am actually enjoying the pregnancy. Not as much as I did with my first. I am hesitant to tell people that I am pregnant with twins!! I feel awful!? I have told close friends, and family...but not like many others, because I worry.
    Like I said, for the most part I am so happy, but I worry something could go wrong. Nothing I can do about it, but think positive...or is there something I can do?
    I heard that drinking protein shakes can help ward off TTTS. Does anyone know if its true? I am drinking one a day, since I am having a hard time eating any meats! Yuck. I havent gained a pound! But I have increased my eating, and added a protein shake a day. I just want to support them the best I can, to help them the best I can! :) :)
    I will search around this forum, and try to find some info.
    Thanks in advance girls! Sarah
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :welcome: to TS, and congratulations on your twins!
  5. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    Hi! Congratulations and welcome to twinstuff! I also had mono/di boys and starting at 18 weeks I saw the peri every 2 weeks to monitor for TTTS, which by the way is pretty rare- I think it only affects 10-15% of twin pregnancies, so you've definitely got the odds in your favor. It sounds like your doctors are being very proactive in your care, so try to relax. And don't go anywhere but here for your questions. Dr Google is a frightening beast and you'll only end up terrified! Post any and all question on this website!! There are a lot of wonderful women here who share in your experience and can offer up lots of advice and support. Good luck and congratulations again on your twins!! :)
  6. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I had a bunch of early ultrasounds because of complications, but at 18 weeks they started having me come in for cervical checks every three weeks and told me that I need to continue until I reach 32 weeks. If your cervix starts shortening too early it can be a sign of early labor so they watch it closely in multiple pregnancies.
  7. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Congrats and welcome to TS!!

    I also had mono-di boys, confirmed at 10w 6d. I did not have another u/s until I was 18 weeks (I was a nervous wreck) - and at that appt. I requested a transfer to a MFM. From that point until 28 weeks I was monitored by u/s every 10 days. From 28 weeks until delivery at 35w 1d I had u/s and NSTs 2xweek. I was really nervous about TTTS, too - but the odds are definitely in your favor.

    Another great website that has a lot of great info about TTTS and a lot of great women who have a lot of support and experiences to share is www.tttsfoundation.org.
  8. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!!!! Expecting mono-di twins is a pretty cool thing, IMO. ID twins are one of those great mysteries of science! Yes, we do have more risks because of the shared placenta, but please try not to make yourself crazy about that. Take care of yourself mentally and physically, listen to your docs, and use common sense...I think that's the best preventative medicine.

    I think having a good Dr. that you trust is the best first step and it sounds like you have that. Do you have an OB as well as a peri? Is he (the peri) instructing you to come in every 3 wks for the u/s? (Sorry, I wasn't sure if I was understanding that right or not.) For the record, I'm at 23+ weeks and I still only go in once/month for a checkup w/ my OB and and u/s. I've had a pretty smooth pregnancy w/ no complications so far, so they're not over-doctoring me. That's probably the case with you, too.

    And I agree that it will help to educate yourself but NOT to freak yourself out by the info out there (it's so easy to do!). Go to reputable medical sites for specific info and come here for opinions, personal experiences, and moral support. Know that every pregnancy is different. You will hear some scary stuff and some reassuring stuff. And all doctors have different opinions and methods, too. If you trust your doctor(s), stick with what they tell you...they are the only ones that know YOU and your history.

    Keep us posted with your progress...and happy wishes for a trouble-free pregnancy!!! :hug:

  9. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :welcome: to TS. Best wishes for a healthy rest of your pregnancy.
  10. cassier17

    cassier17 Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys! I am really trying to just enjoy this, but that 18 month ultra sound couldnt come fast enough!
    I have a gyno, who did my first ultra sound, and they sent me to the peri to see if it was one sac (mo-mo) or two. Thankfully they found a membrane at the peris US no problem!!! The Peri Dr said that I will continue with my gyno, as normal, but go back for an US with the peri at 18 weeks, and then go from there. If I am having issues, they said I would become thier patient.....but he said "We DONT want you to become our patient!!!" he was very nice, and gave me plenty of information.

    They said I had a very long cervix, which was good, but that one of the babies had a marginal connection to the placenta. She said one had a good solid connection in the meat, and the other was sort of on the side. Not a bad connection, but not the best, she said it was in the middle. BUT, as the placenta grows, that could improve. So that freaked me out of course!!

    This is very exciting...but I so want everything to go well. I am trying to eat plenty of protein, and just lots of food in general, but I am not gaining weight yet. I am trying though! Ihad NO problem gaining with my first baby <_<

    Thanks for the uplifting comments. I guess TTTS is rarer then I thought...I thought it was pretty common. I will continue to read peoples posts. Good luck to you all! Sarah
  11. idtwins

    idtwins Member

    QUOTE(cassier17 @ Feb 17 2009, 10:21 AM) [snapback]1193092[/snapback]
    I am trying to eat plenty of protein, and just lots of food in general, but I am not gaining weight yet. I am trying though! Ihad NO problem gaining with my first baby <_<

    Hi, Welcome to TS and Congratulations on your twin pregnancy.
    I am having mono-di twins as well and I would agree with all the PPs.
    As far as weight is concerned, I am almost 34 weeks and have gained only 22 lbs and let me mention I am 5 feet even. My doc is not concerned at all about the weight gain as the babies have been growing fine. They are towards a lower percentile though. So I would not worry about you not gaining weight at 3 month mark...you will surely sooner or later may be in third trimester. Hope this helps.
    GL ahead.
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