Developmental Issues

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by eviedc, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. eviedc

    eviedc Well-Known Member

    My boys are 16 months. They were born eight weeks early so really only 14 months. Developmentally I feel like they are really far behind. They don't really talk yet or use utensils. They don't color and can't stack blocks. They do like to knock down the block tower but mommy has to stack it up. They think crayons are a healthy snack. LOL! I give them spoons/forks but they used for banging not eating. Words consists of, "Mama (Mama), mmmm (snack, food, or milk), ahhhhahhhahhahah (I want that whatever I pointing too), Dada (Dada is only said by Rory and only occasionally).

    I just remember my girls doing all this very early. My girls were talking in full sentences by this age. Maybe it's because I spend to much time on BBC. They have their check ups next week and I'll talk the pediatrician but I can't help but think about it.

    I just need someone confirming that this is within the range of normal or hearing mommies whose twins were the same way.

    Oh and "twinspeak" doesn't really happen in this house. I don't know why but my twins don't really interact with each other even at this age. They like to be near each other and will follow each other from room to room but they don't "talk" to each other. A handful of times they have chased each other around the house. Maybe just being in each other presence is interaction enough for them.

  2. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Evie, It sounds normal to me. Mine are 13 months, and they don't talk in sentences or stack things. I suppose you can ask your pedi, but I think they are in the range of normal based on what you said in your post. :hug:
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I was just talking with my DH about developmental milestones when I found an poster that was given to me.
    They have guidelines for a 12 month old and then 18 since thats when regular pedi visits are. Given they are 16 months but 14 adjusted, how are they with these as guidelines?

    For a 12 month old- does your child...- wave "hi" or "bye-bye"
    - understand simple directions
    - use 4-5 words
    - tighten grasp when object is pulled
    - puck up small things with thumb and one finger
    - look for hidden objects
    - walk holding onto furniture or with hand held

    For a 18 month old- does your child...
    -follow simple directions like "bring the ball"
    -use 20-30 words
    - insist on doing things by self
    - point and name a few pictures in books
    - hold and drink from a cup
    - stack 4 blocks or objects
    - walk well alone pulling/carrying toys

    Also, my kids are 16 months and dont use their utensils properly often they are drumsticks,swords and whatever else LOL they still try to eat the crayons and most children arent expected to put 2 words together until 24 months of age. Your kids sound PERFECTly normal to me :)
  4. eviedc

    eviedc Well-Known Member

    My post was so all over the place last night. I definitely shouldn't post when I am tired. :)
    This is where my guys stand according to the chart.

    For a 12 month old- does your child...
    NO - wave "hi" or "bye-bye"
    NO - understand simple directions
    NO - use 4-5 words
    YES - tighten grasp when object is pulled
    YES - puck up small things with thumb and one finger
    YES - look for hidden objects
    YES - walk holding onto furniture or with hand held

    For a 18 month old- does your child...
    NO - follow simple directions like "bring the ball"
    NO - use 20-30 words
    NO - insist on doing things by self
    NO - point and name a few pictures in books
    YES - hold and drink from a cup
    NO - stack 4 blocks or objects
    YES - walk well alone pulling/carrying toys
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    At 16 months one of mine had a couple of words, but a word is anything they use consistently for something (Uh oh was one of her fav 'words'). They didn't stack and certainly didn't speak in sentences. Language really exploded for us around 18 months and by 2 they were speaking in sentences (and our pedi said that was advanced).

    It sounds like your older ones were very advanced and your twinks are right on target. However if you do have any concerns, you can always call your pedi for an evaluation. :hug:
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Leighann, it does sound like your little ones are doing pretty good but if you are still concerned definitely check in with your pediatrician. :hug:
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Mine are 16 months and are at the same place, without any word...
  8. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    Your kids sound right on target to me but if it will make you feel better then I would talk to the pedi at their checkup. My girls are 19 months and surely do not use 20-30 words but I'm not too worried at this point.
  9. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Mine are 18 months (16 adjusted). They have no words. They don't color. They don't use utensils. They only thing they do that you listed is stack blocks. I am having my kids evaluated for speech, but I've been told they probably won't qualify. So, it sounds to me like your kids are really doing o.k. I wouldn't be concerned yet.
  10. eviedc

    eviedc Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. Like I said I spent when to much time on BBC's March and May 2008 birth boards. It can get pretty depressing after reading several posts about what everyone elses kiddos are doing and yours aren't. They have appts coming up next month. I'll definitely see if they qualify for EI. If not I'll try not to think about it.
  11. mytwins2

    mytwins2 Well-Known Member

    It's next to impossible not to compare our kids to other kids especially around reaching milestones and developmental issues, but try not to worry too much about it until you see your pedi. In the meantime, keep doing what you are doing....Mine are 13 months and they don't have any words yet. Morgan points and grunts or growls to say "I want that" "I like that" "what is that?" Hunter says dada and mimics the words we say but he doesn't have any understanding of what they mean. So we keep talking to them and they respond and follow directions very well.

    I just want them to eat!!! They went from eating everything in sight to shaking their heads at everything i make for them!!!
  12. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I agree with this, and so many of the other pp's! However, it never hurts to get an eval if you are concerned. Please keep us posted! :)
  13. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    My two are 20 months now (which I often tell people 18 months-- which someone caught onto today...) I have one who can colour and will bring me something. I'm trying to not get concerned about it, but it is really hard not to. I meet kids who are talking and potty trained at this age. There is NO WAY I would attempt potty training with my two. My one twin devoured the crayons today at playgroup today. Sorry can't give you any advice just support.

  14. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    My two are 20 months now (which I often tell people 18 months-- which someone caught onto today...) I have one who can colour and will bring me something. I'm trying to not get concerned about it, but it is really hard not to. I meet kids who are talking and potty trained at this age. There is NO WAY I would attempt potty training with my two. My one twin devoured the crayons today at playgroup today. Sorry can't give you any advice just support.

  15. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I feel the same way as you. My dd was talking and doing everything so early. My boys aren't very interested in talking so I started teaching them sign language one month ago and they have already picked up around 10 signs. I do know they will talk eventually but it is hard not to compare with other kids.
  16. larastevens

    larastevens Well-Known Member

    just to reassure you that they sound at the same level as mine (14 months) oran is beginning to hold a spoon, but brook not, we dont have nay real words here yet. knocking down bricks is so much more fun!!! my ds1 did that for years. brook is just taking his first steps and oran is just learning to stand. mine dont interact too much either, like you say, they play side by side, or oran will snatch toys off brook, the occasional play together in the washing basket.
    my eldest son was much earlier, maybe it is a twin thing (mine werent early) but im not worried and dont think you should worry. there is such a difference in developmental age range at this stage, and girls generally are quicker. they all catch up in the end. x hth
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