Development Assestment Results

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JoellePotter, May 12, 2011.

  1. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    If anyone remembers just a few weeks ago I posted about a concern I had for my boys' speech. I ended up contacting the state to get them evaluated. They evaluated them on everything about 2-3 weeks ago. We got their results in the mail yesterday, so now I'm just waiting on their call.

    To qualify for therapy they needed to be at least 33% delayed in one area based on their adjusted age. They were 29 weekers. For speech they are 34% delayed (42% for their actual age). They were delayed in most other areas too between 23-28% (adjusted age) So it looks like we'll be starting a variety of therapies here soon, with a big emphasis on speech.

    I was pretty dang sure I knew what they results for their speech would come back as, but for some reason this is still really upsetting me. I'm just hoping it's really all just related to being preemies and that they will in fact out grow it all. I kind of feel like some of the other areas that they say they lacked in were just due to being overwhelmed with 2 new people in our house that day.
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I bet this is upsetting. I get it- I had mine tested at 9 months and leading up to the evaluation I was really scared. That being said, I have personally seen the difference EI can make and happy that your boys are going to get services. It's super sad to me to see a delay but not 'enough' of a delay to qualify as the services can really catch kids up.
  3. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    It is overwhelming to hear something like that. I am sorry you are going through that and hope you can find some peace. You are doing the best thing you can do for them. You are getting them the help they need. So, while it stinks they are delayed, you are rocking this because you are doing what needs to get done. EI works wonders with a lot of kids and I think you are going to see differences soon.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: I know all of this is hard to hear but you are doing the right thing for your boys. EI will be a huge help to them.
  5. marikaclare

    marikaclare Well-Known Member

    We went through the same thing and I felt the same way. The speech therapist said to me they have three strikes against them - preemies, twins, and boys. I feel like the hardest part is hearing that there is a delay, but once they start the therapy I felt so much better as you get tons of great ideas. Our boys were in EI since coming home from the NICU because of birth weight and they had PT and OT for the past year but have now caught up in both those areas. Good luck and good job for getting them a little extra help!
  6. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    I know it's hard not to worry, but you would be so surprised to see how far many little ones come with some early intervention. Most of the therapy done will be things that you can carryover throughout your day at home. It will also be good for you to have some extra support from therapists who can be a nice source of encouragement and an excellent resource for all of your questions. Great big pat on the back to you for seeking out an evaluation in the first place- many parents let things stew until their child/children are 5 years or older and then they have missed that magic window of early intervention time. They are lucky to have a mommy who advocates for their needs like you are! Keep us updated on how they are doing!
  7. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    Yes..we all feel that way..we want the services but are disappointed when they qualify. It's an ongoing thing for me to try and put things in perspective..but it is hard to have children with delays when u hear and see other children making leap and bounds while my kids are tip toeing along.
  8. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad your boys qualified for services. It is more frustrating when you feel they need help and can't get it. I'm actually surprised you had to go get it on your own. The NICU I used to work in signed all preemies below a certain gestational age up for EI from the moment they were discharged.

    I bet once the therapists get working with your boys they will realize what areas were just due to shyness/change of routine and which are actual delays. Starting young with the speech therapy will make so much difference in the way they can communicate, their frustration levels, and their readiness for school in a few years!
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