Destructor Mode

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kmbsonrisa, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. kmbsonrisa

    kmbsonrisa Well-Known Member

    OK, so this doesnt happen every day but when it happens HOLY DESTRUCTOR MODE! I am a teacher so schedules are a little different now that summer has started but I can not blame the destructiveness on different schedules because during the school year on weekends destructor mode sets in. There are so many times this happens when I am by myself and I have a difficult time discipling them both at the same time. I know why destructor mode happens... it usually happens because they have been contained/ inside too long but today we had been playing outside and came back in for a snack and they started throwing things, peeing on the floor, etc. I guess my question is does anyone else have to undergo destructor mode and what do you do when it happens.
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How old are they?

    On weekends, we're a little more lax with their schedule than the preschool is, but we don't have to deal with peeing on the floor.

    Can you make a schedule during the summer? Like get a little timer clock? Put up a piece of posterboard with pictures of what you're going to do in the day, in the order it's going to happen? It sounds like they just need that sort of structure.


    Outside Play
    Quiet time/nap
    Individual play
    Wind down

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