
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LB, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    I asked my dental hygenist and she said they don't take babies/children in until they are about 4years old! I have read things saying 1 year-2 years...When did you take yours for the first time?
  2. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    My dentist (and pedi) said to start at 3. I had asked because all the parenting magazines say that they should be seen by age 1. Pedi said that only kids who are at risk (poor nutrition, poor hygiene) etc. need to be seen earlier than three, but of course those are the kids who are least likely to go.

    Mine aren't 3 yet, so we haven't been yet.

  3. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Mine went at 10months, 16 months and I just got a notice this past week to make their next appt. Call a another Pediatric dentist in your area some say 18m, 3yrs etc. I take the boys to a different dentist then my SD because they did not take babies. If not ask you Pedi he will refer you to one.

    My SD's mom never took her to the dentist, she did not have poor nutrition or anything like that either. When DH and I took her when she was about 3.5 she had 6 cavities and we were still helping her brush her teeth at that age. She has 5 more baby teeth to loose and at her checkup last week they had to pull a baby tooth so I think it is really important to get them them early just from our experience. Acutally the boys Pedi suggested it to me at their well baby last year.
  4. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    We went at age 1. My stepmother is a pediatric dental hygenist and they recommend coming in around age 1, when the baby has several teeth and is chewing solids. Baby teeth are just like our teeth - can get cavities or get chipped/cracked, etc., so they should be checked out periodically. Also, there is a bacteria in our mouths that is the main cause of cavities. Some kids have high numbers of this bacteria. The hygenist will swab the baby's mouth and send it out for testing. If your kids have the bacteria, you should know about it early to take steps to prevent cavities.

    Look for a pediatric dentist in your area. They will be more knowldegable on how to handle kids.

  5. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    It woz recomended that we start at one, ours were probably closer to 2, but we go every six months and they get cleaning and check up, I wanted it to be a part of the routine, so we never had the fears I had as a child. early on they just checked which teeth were in and counted etc..
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(RachelJoy @ Oct 1 2007, 01:11 PM) [snapback]430537[/snapback]
    My dentist (and pedi) said to start at 3. I had asked because all the parenting magazines say that they should be seen by age 1. Pedi said that only kids who are at risk (poor nutrition, poor hygiene) etc. need to be seen earlier than three, but of course those are the kids who are least likely to go.

    Mine aren't 3 yet, so we haven't been yet.


    Ditto, this is what our pedi and dentist told us. Children that seem to be at risk should be seen earlier, but if we are doing all the right things my dentist suggested starting to bring them with us for our cleanings at 2, then he'd slowly get them warmed up, let them sit in the chair while he moves it around, etc. and around 3-3.5 they could have their first look in their mouths.
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I've also read (in parenting magazines or whatever) that the first dentist visit should be around 1-2 years old, but our dentist (who is a family dentist) doesn't suggest starting till age 3. She says they just can't really sit still before that (which I can certainly believe).

    Our ped also said it wasn't important to take them yet. Then again, he also didn't seem to think brushing was all that important -- he said "just give them a toothbrush and let them chew on it" -- which contradicts everything I've ever read.... So maybe I don't really trust him on the tooth issue.
  8. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    If you go to a Pediatric Dentist who is used to dealing with very young children it is not a problem to look into their mouths. The whole process is about two minutes if that. You sit on a chair facing the dentist with the baby facing you, you lean the baby back and the dentist quickly counts their teeth and makes sure there are no cavaties. Mine even had their teeth swabbed with protectant (forget what it is called). Don't be discouraged if you truly want them to start going to the dentist at an early age you just have to find a dentist. I always bring DH or someone with me so when one is done he can take the other in right after.
  9. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    We took both girls to a pediatric dentist when they were about 1.5 years old. They did pretty good. The dentist looked at their tooth and they brushed their teeth really well. We were concerned because Regan has never gotten her right upper bicuspid. She has all of her other expected teeth for her age. She had fallen into a window sill and we were worried she had damaged that area. The dentist wasn't concerned. He said he has seen some not come in until they are three or older. He said that everything looked good and that they both had the teeth they should. They are going back in 6 months for another routine checkup.
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