Demonic overly emotional pregnant mom

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by JediMom, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. JediMom

    JediMom Well-Known Member

    Today I have just about had it with my son. I love that boy to death, by OMG! I went for a quick shopping trip and he was running up and down the aisles, carrying on like a fool and he KNOWS that is a HUGE NO-NO in my book. He normally straightens up with one warning - but not today! Then we come home and he spilled his milk on the coffee table - which I normally don't give two craps about, but he was acting like a fool (again) and that is why he spilled. Then he is standing there telling me I thinks he needs to get something to clean it up with. YA THINK!? It's all over our Wii Remotes/Controllers, my pregnancy books, etc. I WAS FUMING!!!!!!!! It's like I want to tell him - if you THINK you need it, don't tell me - get you butt up and do it!!!!!!!

    Then I tell myself he is four and regardless of how super intelligent I think he is - he is still only four. But I swear the demon mom voice came from deep within telling him he better go up to his room. I told him to CLEAN IT NOW and that was that. I later told him that he needed to act when he makes a mistake - act quickly to clean stuff up - and not just piddle around. But at least he got his room clean.

    I HATE getting all crazy emotional! I try so hard to keep my son from being affected by it.... but that poor kid. He probably thinks his mommy is a monster!
  2. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JediMom @ Apr 4 2008, 02:40 PM) [snapback]705440[/snapback]
    Today I have just about had it with my son. I love that boy to death, by OMG! I went for a quick shopping trip and he was running up and down the aisles, carrying on like a fool and he KNOWS that is a HUGE NO-NO in my book. He normally straightens up with one warning - but not today! Then we come home and he spilled his milk on the coffee table - which I normally don't give two craps about, but he was acting like a fool (again) and that is why he spilled. Then he is standing there telling me I thinks he needs to get something to clean it up with. YA THINK!? It's all over our Wii Remotes/Controllers, my pregnancy books, etc. I WAS FUMING!!!!!!!! It's like I want to tell him - if you THINK you need it, don't tell me - get you butt up and do it!!!!!!!

    Then I tell myself he is four and regardless of how super intelligent I think he is - he is still only four. But I swear the demon mom voice came from deep within telling him he better go up to his room. I told him to CLEAN IT NOW and that was that. I later told him that he needed to act when he makes a mistake - act quickly to clean stuff up - and not just piddle around. But at least he got his room clean.

    I HATE getting all crazy emotional! I try so hard to keep my son from being affected by it.... but that poor kid. He probably thinks his mommy is a monster!

    I know how you feel. I feel like monster mom most days lately. I hope they will forgive me when this is all over with. All we can do is our best. Hormones can be a terrible thing!!
  3. babydrivers

    babydrivers Well-Known Member

    You poor thing!!!!!!! The "demon mom voice" did make me laugh, though!! I know exactly how you feel. Darn hormones! :blink:

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I am sure he doesn't think you are a monster. We all have those days, and they are much harder when we are carrying twins!
  5. weekazarr

    weekazarr Well-Known Member

    i know exactly how you feel! hormones are horrid!

    then the guilt i feel afterwards makes me wanna cry for hours! so how must my poor kids feel !
  6. nickys88

    nickys88 Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for making me feel 'normal'.... I normally am so patient with my boys - taking my time to explain things and more than happy for them to go at their pace..... but my god..... this last week - my tolerance level and patience is NON existant - and I feel terrible that i always seem to be expecting so much more from them....

    It is very comforting to know that their are other 'demonic' mums out there in mummy land... :blush:
  7. mylife

    mylife Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm having the same feelings!!! The littlest thing will set me off...and my 4 year old will say to me "But momma, I'm just a kid." What the heck do you say to that???? :huh:
  8. stephie1996

    stephie1996 Well-Known Member

    I think we all have those days. Sometimes my DH and step-son will literally look in my room just to see the look on my face to decide if its a good day! There are days when they are scared to talk to me! It's terrible but in thier own way, they understand.. Hang in there :hug99:
  9. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: i don't have any other kids but when i was pregnant with my twins my hubby got a face full of milk a nice big glass too because he pissed me off by saying he didn't want to hear what i was saying and turned the t.v. up
  10. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    I think we've all had those days! I was just telling my sis how my 7 and 5 yo sonns were being so rambunctious one afternoon when I had bad morn sickness that I made them go sit in our garage for an hour!
  11. JediMom

    JediMom Well-Known Member

    Well after another day of crazy child - I think I figured out what is going on.

    We've moved his room into another room because his room as the bigger closet - and I think thinking that with two kids, we need the bigger closet in the twins' room. So we painted his room a color of his choice and started moving his stuff in there. He's been very schitzophrenic about it... one minute he loves it, the next minute he is upset and scared. Totally normal, but I think between that and knowing that is sisters will be making their big debut soon is just a lot for a 4.5 year old to handle.

    A part of me feels bad for him. He's been my little buddy for so long now. I think about him going off the kindergarten and leaving me here alone with the girls and it freaks me out. I will miss him so much! But also, I think about how things are going to change SO MUCH for him between now and the first of August when school starts... that's a LOT of change! Poor kid - he probably doesn't even know why he is acting out.

    He did tell me yesterday "mommy, what happened to your smile? Where did it go?" - part of me melted, the other half just sunk in sadness. But when I tell him I am sorry for being in a bad moood and that I will always love him, he says "That's okay mom! I still love you!"

    Ahhh, my little boy. I adore him!

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JediMom @ Apr 5 2008, 11:39 PM) [snapback]707185[/snapback]
    Well after another day of crazy child - I think I figured out what is going on.

    We've moved his room into another room because his room as the bigger closet - and I think thinking that with two kids, we need the bigger closet in the twins' room. So we painted his room a color of his choice and started moving his stuff in there. He's been very schitzophrenic about it... one minute he loves it, the next minute he is upset and scared. Totally normal, but I think between that and knowing that is sisters will be making their big debut soon is just a lot for a 4.5 year old to handle.

    A part of me feels bad for him. He's been my little buddy for so long now. I think about him going off the kindergarten and leaving me here alone with the girls and it freaks me out. I will miss him so much! But also, I think about how things are going to change SO MUCH for him between now and the first of August when school starts... that's a LOT of change! Poor kid - he probably doesn't even know why he is acting out.

    He did tell me yesterday "mommy, what happened to your smile? Where did it go?" - part of me melted, the other half just sunk in sadness. But when I tell him I am sorry for being in a bad moood and that I will always love him, he says "That's okay mom! I still love you!"

    Ahhh, my little boy. I adore him!

    Aww... he sounds so sweet!
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