Demanding twin and Patient twin

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Britten, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    Our fraternal girls are 3 1/2 weeks and have such very different personalities - which was evident even when they were still in the womb.

    The smaller one is the demanding one. When she's hungry or has a dirty diaper or doesn't want to be in her car seat, etc, etc, she screams so loud you can't be heard over her. It's actually kind of frightening. I worry about future outings with her because she's like a ticking time bomb - you don't know when she's going to suddenly go off.

    Is this just a phase, or do I have some scary years ahead of me? Will she outgrow this temper?
  2. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    My boy is very impatient, always wants to eat as soon as he knows it's time, likes to be held more, has more trouble entertaining himself, although he's still not a high maintenance child, just higher maintenance than his sister. But she's extremely mellow, will just lay somewhere look around, entertain herself, wait ... she's just like my older one. My boy also has reflux so that hasn't helped either. Overall, I think it did get better over the last months, I guess he learned to wait sometimes too ... with 2 sisters in the house!
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Addison is very patient - AVA GRACE WAITS FOR NOTHING!!!!!! this is the way they were even in the womb! they used to have to use the buzzer to wake Addison up and Miss Ava was never asleep! now Addison is content with sucking on her toes and Ava needs to be up and able to see everything and the minute she tee tees or poops- we know it!
    the only problem I am having with both of my girls right now is that they both are happier if I am holding them - they love dh but mostly from a distance and if they don't know you both will scream right away unless you have on a big shiney necklace - then you can hold them for a minute!!
  4. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Mine were the same way and I hate to break to ya, but they still are to an extent. The funny thing is, they kept switching on me. Arwen was very demanding for the first few months as she had acid reflux and was in a lot of discomfort and so I found myself catering to her way more while her poor sister just lay there so pateintly. It's as if she knew that her sister needed me more than her. Arwen's reflux was clearing up and going away, BAM!!! Lorien gets reflux and it was 20 thousand times worse than Arwen ever had it. She would scream and cry in obvious discomfort and was literally spitting up about 10-12 times per day. So, needless to say, I had to tend to her a lot to both comfort her and change her bib and clothes a good 10 times a day. It was very frustrating but again, it was if Arwen knew that her sister needed me and she was sooooooooo good and patient. Then Lorien's reflux finally got under control but she continued to be a very very needy baby for many many months. Just within the past few months, they kinda switched on me again. Arwen, who has been known as my laid back girl for so long, suddenly demands much of my attention. Lorien has actually become my easy going baby now although, she is still a bit needy and needs and gives a LOT of affection. When they were just around your babies age, I remember saying oh she's going to be the one out digging up worms in the back yard and running around like a maniac and Lorien was going to be a little girly girly princess who thinks getting dirty is yucky. But when they started crawling, I took them outside in our backyard and it was LORIEN who was crawling everywhere and finding leaves and grass and tearing it up into pieces and Arwen HATED being in the grass. The crazy thing now is, all of a sudden, Arwen is the one walking all over the place and Lorien will just sit on the blanket and pull at the grass but doesn't like the feeling of it on her legs. So weird they are!! :rolleyes: I think I need to just give up on thinking I've got them figured out cause they never cease to amaze me and keep changing right before my eyes. But it's fun guessing anyway ;)
  5. EmmaKay

    EmmaKay Well-Known Member

    Yep, same here, except that they were the opposite in the womb--I expected when they were born that Ronan (who would kick constantly me and his brother) would be the demanding one, and Declan the calmer twin. Surprise--Declan is now much more demanding and a real people person--always wants to be held or make sure we're looking at him and paying attention. Ronan is quieter and much more independent--likes to do his own thing and is very adventurous. We're waiting to see if they reverse roles as they get older, or develop similar personalities, or what. Twins are so fascinating, right? ;)
  6. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    We have one impatient one but the girls can't seem to decide which one it is! We joke that they think they are identical and can switch places and we won't know (they look COMPLETELY different).
  7. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    Yep DS was born first and is the needy one, while DS is a practically perfect little angel.
  8. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Yep - us too! Their nicknames: laid back Lauren and Missy Meltdown (Emma). Emma gets picked up first, Emma gets put in the high chair first, Emma gets the first bite - OR ELSE!! Thank goodness Lauren just sits around and waits for us to get to her. It's still bad, but on a whole different level than newborn. They are at the stage where I can look her in the eye and it's almost like she understands I'm coming for her or whatever. I have heard from a lot of people that their personalities will flip flop but theirs haven't yet!
  9. Irish38

    Irish38 Well-Known Member

    Mine are just like yours. From day one they were like that. They are also opposite in every way. Pretty entertaining though!
  10. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    My "demanding" newborn is my calmer, more patient four-month old now. My "relaxed, patient" baby is now a little more demanding (and hyper at times!). I think they change all the time, just to keep you on your toes!
  11. first_time_mommy_2_be_twins

    first_time_mommy_2_be_twins Well-Known Member

    Mine are 7 months and Faith is still the very demanding one. Thomas will wine for a little bit to let us know he needs something and then if we still dont get it he will eventually cry. Faith on the other hand just lets out a huge scream when she wants something and doesn't stop until she gets what she wants / needs. I guess shes a typical woman she wants what she wants and wants it NOW. LOL.
  12. indy2all

    indy2all Well-Known Member

    My demanding twin and patient twin have flip flopped. For the first three months, Brendan was needy and always had to be held and Jillian was as laid back as they come. We nicknamed him "Mr. Fussy" and her "Jill the Chill". Now, "Jill the Chill" is "Jill the Pill". She is the one that needs constant attention and fusses until she gets it and Brendan is Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky. I imagine this isn't the last time that their demeanors are going to change.
  13. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Yes and more flip floppers here. I just am soo thankful that they have always traded off and I haven't had a phase with two grumpa's at the same time!
  14. Shannon123

    Shannon123 Well-Known Member

    In the beginning the demanding one was my DS who we had nicknamed PurplePain because he would scream and carry on and go purple when he cried and wanted/needed his bottle first. Now he is the calm content one and my DD has become the more demanding one. She requires the attention NOW while my DS will patiently wait.
  15. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    Mine are like that and at 11 months, they are still like that. I can only wait and see what happens later...
  16. k_walters

    k_walters Active Member

    Jacob is definitely more demanding than Cole. He does have a worse case of reflux than Cole so I think that contributes to it some. All in all they are both pretty easygoing, though. :)
  17. HeidiO68

    HeidiO68 Well-Known Member

    They both have always been quite demanding. McKenna was a little more patient in the beginning, but I think she is more demanding than Macy now.

    what they have really flip flopped on is Macy was a total momma's girl in the beginning and McKenna would go to either almost equally. Now Macy is a total Daddy's girl and McKenna is a total momma's girl. They have become very demanding where this is concerned. Makes me laugh. :lol:
  18. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    Oh god, yes.

    William came out crying. He was still halfway inside me and was screaming bloody murder.

    David didn't start crying until he heard William cry.

    My DH went to the nursery with them after their birth. When he came back he said, "...William's the cryer!" and he was sooooo right. All the photos of them getting weighed, measured, etc. after birth, William is screaming bloody murder and David is placidly laying there.

    William's cry is like nails on the chalkboard...angry, urgent, wailing. He is not very patient.

    David's cry (when he does) is a soft whimper...

    It will be interesting to see if these "temperaments" stay true...
  19. kayleesmama

    kayleesmama Well-Known Member

    Oh yes! Maggie (baby A) is our tempermental one. She has my family's temper, unfortunately. LOL! She has absolutely no patience. She wants it NOW! Maggie does have a great smile when she's happy though:) Now Sophie, (Baby B) is the most patient, sweet little thing. My mom says "Poor Sophie is going to be steamrolled by Maggie."
  20. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    To begin with my ds(baby a) was so impatient and my dd(baby B) was so patient , then when they got to 6 months it was like they swapped personalities!! Now my dd is a little madam and my ds is so patient! x
  21. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    If it is for emotional attachment, Jacob is more demanding. If it is for feeding and trying to do things, Noah is more demanding. They flip flop on what the need is at that time.
  22. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    Yes, I think you will always have a demanding and patient twin. In the hospital with thought that DD was going to be demanding and DS more patient. However, they have been the total opposite. They each have their own needs and are demanding and less so at times. I think it's just the joy of having TWINS!
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