Delivery Dilema

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by *Mandy*, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. *Mandy*

    *Mandy* Member

    I had my appointment this week and everything was good.Since the beginning my doc and i have always talked about a c section.Well today i asked what he thought about a vaginal birth and he says,you know,you don't HAVE to have a c-section.I was kinda shocked by this.He said as long as both babies continue to do well and they are both head down he see's no reason why i can't have a vaginal delivery.He also said that he is a little uncomfortable cutting through my previous scar tissue because it is so bad and really does not want to unless he absolutely has to.I was cut vertical right above my pubic bone all the way to the top of my belly button.It id huge and wide and just awful looking!I've only had one c-section though(which was a very traumatic experience) and that was 19 years ago,so this kinda freaked me out when he said this.

    I just don't know what to do.I want to do what's best for the babies,but i'm not sure what that is now?There are three OBs in that practice.If i have a scheduled c-section i get the doctor that i want to deliver.But if my water breaks i get stuck with the one that's on call at that time.I'm also worried about delivering one vaginally and then having to have a c-section to deliver the other.I'd prefer one birthing method if at all possible.Another thing is the issue with there only being one placenta.I'm afraid that once baby A is out baby B will be deprived of oxygen because the placenta will start to separate?My mind has just been going a mile a minute since my appointment.I think a c section would be best,but now he has me worried about my previous scar and if that can cause any problems during or after the section.I'm scheduled to have my tubes tied so a c section just seems like the better way to go(never thought i'd be the one saying that LOL) I was dead set against c sections before and have had three successful VBACs.But now i just don't know what to do.

    I bombarded him with so many questions that i forgot to ask why he does not feel comfortable with cutting through my scar tissue but i certainly will at my next visit.I know most of the time most twin births are out of are control.But have any of you ladies had a c section with a previous scar?Have any of you had a vaginal delivery with Mono-Di twins without any complications?
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    my girls were mono-di and other than being a bit early (34w1d), i delivered them both vaginally without complication. they did use a small kiwi-extractor for Danika (my baby B), as her heart rate wasn't recovering as quickly as they wanted it to. they were born 8 minutes apart.

    it sounds like you have an awful lot of things to take into consideration! i don't envy you your decision. i think talking to your doc & getting as much info as you can is definitely a good idea - from there, i think you kind of need to just trust your instincts. :hug:
  3. damonsmummy

    damonsmummy Well-Known Member

    My doctor won't even consider a c-section. He said that the doesn't see why I can't deliver atleast one vaginally. Then if we have to have a c-section to take the second baby. We argue about this at every appointment. I honestly would rather have a c-section for both because I don't want to deliver one, one way and the second another way. I also want my tubes tied to though. Lol! He thinks that is my main reason for a c-section. I just don't want to have to take care of 2 different sets of stitches and/or staples. I would gather all information and then make a decision.
  4. Kayla_Pray22

    Kayla_Pray22 Well-Known Member

    My dr also wont even consider a c section. Unless there is something that comes up where i just can NOT deliver vaginal thats wut were doing and honestly as much as it scares me im so glad he isnt pushing a section!
  5. serialmommy

    serialmommy Well-Known Member

    it's really hard to figure out...i was told that i won't get a vaginal attempt unless i go in to labor on my own AND both babies are head down...if they aren't head down but i go in to labor on my own, it will be up to the doc on call, and odds are i'd have a section...inducing hasn't even been discussed because the feeling is that i'll be too big and there is a big risk of uterine rupture...also with my history with inductions (i've had 4) and the fact that it takes more each time to get my body in to labor, i asked to do the section...the doc was willing...i would ask about the hesitation about the scar tissue...i've heard that it may make your healing time longer because there is no guarentee that healing scar tissue will go back together well...

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