Delayed Shot Schedule

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Olivia602, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. Olivia602

    Olivia602 Active Member

    With all the talk going around about the adverse effects of immunizations, it has made me think a little more
    about all of these shots.

    Is anyone on a "delayed shot schedule"?
    If so, would you explain to me how that works (what ages, which shots, etc.)?

    Is this safe? Is it the same risk as just getting them on the regular schedule, that is, does the "delaying"
    really make a difference?

    My pediatrician scoffed a little at my questions regarding the shots. I wonder if this is even an available option for me.

    Thanks for ANY opinions/advice on this!
  2. shawna31

    shawna31 New Member

    We have decided to follow Dr. Sears recommended schedule. It is just slightly delayed with no more than 2 shots at a time. You can find more information in The Vaccine Book. I can't seem to find my copy right now, but if I find in in the next few hours I will post a more detailed schedule.
  3. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Generally pediatricians would prefer to stay on the schedule they are told to use, however, if you wish to do a "delayed" schedule, they shoudl not argue with you or pressure you. Ask for their vax schedule so you are aware of what vaccinations are in store for them. You should be able to sit down with your ped and figure out the best schedule that suits your needs.

    I have a delayed schedule where I come in every month for 2 vaccines at a time. I am also only doing the DTaP and MMR alone since those are three vaccines in one. I don't know if vaccines do cause autism, but all those theories have me worried too. So, why take the chance? Besides, I don't want their bodies getting overwhelmed with "stuff" and shots hurt! I don't want to see them getting 5 shots at once causing them more and more pain. Also, how am I to be sure which vaccine they react to if they do get a side effect unless I lower the amount of vaccines they get at once. For example, the hib vaccination can cause tenderness and a slight fever. If my boys were to get hib along with 4 other shots, how am I to be sure that they are only responding to the hib vaccination? What if they have a bad reaction? How would I know if they had the reaction to which vaccine. So, that's why I only allow two vaccinations at a time. There are a few the doctors like to give by 6 months so they work that in with others that may not have to be given specifically by 6 months but maybe by 9 months, and so on. I figure the doctors shouldn't complain about a delayed schedule because after all, the parent *IS* getting their child vaccinated, just not on the schedule they were told to use.

    It's for a peace of mind and it is perfectly safe to do as long as it's thought out carefully with your doctor. Don't let them bully you into their schedule if you are uncomfortable with it.
  4. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Olivia602 @ Jan 24 2009, 02:34 AM) [snapback]1159826[/snapback]
    My pediatrician scoffed a little at my questions regarding the shots. I wonder if this is even an available option for me.

    Of course this is an option for you, you can do anything you wish to do. And if your pedi isn't taking your concerns seriously, find another doctor. You pay the doctor to work for you, it is their job to answer your questions and concerns with respect. If they aren't doing this, find one that will.

    As far as delaying, many people are choosing this route. Basically you wait until the child is older and you do less shots at once but by the time the child is 5 years old, they are current on their vaxs. Like the pp mentioned, The Vaccine Book by Dr Sears is a good one if you are wanting to delay. We don't vax so I can't give you any info on a delay scheduled on a personal level.
  5. shawna31

    shawna31 New Member

    Here it is:

    2 months DTaP, Rotavirus
    3 months Pc, HIB
    4 months DTaP, Rotavirus
    5 months Pc, HIB
    6 months DTaP, Rotavirus
    7 months Pc, HIB
    9 months Polio, Flu
    12 months Mumps, Polio
    15 months Pc, HIB
    18 months DTaP, Chickenpox
    21 months Flu
    2 years Rubella, Polio
    2 years 6 months Hep A, Hep B
    3 years Hep B, Measles
    4 years DTaP, Polio, Flu
    5 years MMR, Flu
    6 years Chickenpox

    In the end, they end up with the same vaccinations, you just have to make extra trips to the doctor. Hope that helps!
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    my ped doesn't do rotavirus - I chose to vax on the regular schedule - they got several shots at a time at 2 mos, 3 mos, 6 mos, 12 mos and 18 mos and now they are done until they're 5 - and they're fine - and we DO have autism in our family so I didn't take it lightly - I simply figured less appointments and while they're cranky for a day or 2 at least they're not cranky monthly and they're done with their shots before they can remember them...

    not for everyone but it worked for us...
  7. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(angie7 @ Jan 23 2009, 09:49 PM) [snapback]1159848[/snapback]
    Of course this is an option for you, you can do anything you wish to do. And if your pedi isn't taking your concerns seriously, find another doctor. You pay the doctor to work for you, it is their job to answer your questions and concerns with respect. If they aren't doing this, find one that will.

    Exactly what I was thinking. I am using Dr. Sear's delayed schedule, and contemplating breaking up the MMR into separate vaccines. The pediatrician has me sign a waiver stating I am not giving specific vaccines on the visits where their schedule dictates I should. Other than that- there have been no issues. In fact, I am not exactly on the delayed schedule as my twins were sick when we should have gotten one vaccine and now I am about two months behind.
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