Where do you draw the line between baby and toddler, and between toddler and preschooler? Just wondering!
Of course they are all still my babies! I think a baby is up to 1. A toddler is one and two year olds (basically when they are learning/have just learned to walk and get around) and preschool is 3-4. At least that's my interpretation.
I think a baby is until they are 1.5 (or walking "toddling around"), toddler is say 18 months-23 months and preschoooler is 3 & 4.
Personally, I think toddler is when they start to walk, and preschooler starts at age 3. But my girls are 2.5, and I'm finding that the definitions of things that "preschoolers" do are applying to them a lot more than they did even a few months ago, so the border is fuzzy.