Deciding who's who while they're still baking?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by EMc2, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    I asked in another post and it got me thinking. Did you know for sure who was who before they were born? "A" was always Syani, and "B" had always been Eve. For some reason, I equated Eve's name with being the smaller of the two and she was fiesty so hence she was named. Syani's name was the first name we were concrete/decided on, so it only fit she should be "A".
    Do you have a crazy formula or rationalization for these conclusions?
  2. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    Yes, but mine are b/g, so thats kinda cheating! :D
  3. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    We did decide on who was who before they were born but then we saw them and ended up switching them.
  4. Jocasta

    Jocasta Well-Known Member

    For us we were going to name the first one out Madeleine and the second Juliette - just because we always referred to them as Madeleine and Juliette. Then we decided to name baby A Juliette and Baby B Madeleine. Anyway Baby B was first out so was always going to be Madeleine and Baby B was obviously second so was always going to be Juliette!
  5. TwinMama6

    TwinMama6 Well-Known Member

    Yeah,same here with b/g!LOL!

    I probably would've given each their name before they were born though if g/g or b/b!!!
  6. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    We sort of had to put a name to each because Jayden (baby B) had a heart defect that we were keeping a very close eye on while he was in utero. So right away we decided who was who .. Jesse (A)dam and Jayden (B)radley. :D
  7. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We had decided on a boys name before our u/s and when we found out it was twins, we named baby A Jake and then started the process for naming baby b. He had IUGR and things didn't look good so I wanted to get him a name ASAP. He was always a little smaller than Jake so we could tell them apart. It was very confusing b/c our first few u/s were at the hospital and then when we went to our u/s place at the doctor they called baby b baby a and vice versa. Ryan never moved from his spot so I knew who was who. When they were born, Ryan was supposed to be the first one out, but I guess they grabbed Jakes legs first. So Jake really was baby a and Ryan was baby b. SO CONFUSING!
  8. Babygus0

    Babygus0 Well-Known Member

    I had all the names picked out before we knew the sexes. I had b/g, g/g, and b/b names picked including middle names. Since Katie was our girl name we named baby a katie and baby b was Carli. I made sure to tell the Dr. that he needed to take them out in order since Katie was on my cervix and Carli was in my rib cage. Their names fit them to a "t"

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    We waited to see our girls before deciding on their names. We just called them A and B for the first few hours! (We did have 2 names picked out, just weren't sure which would get what name.)
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    We only had 1 name picked out before they were born - Addison Emily. we just new that was baby A's name from the minute we picked it. For baby B we picked her name out at the hospital. Her name Ava means delicate little bird and that is just what she was!! (now she is like a tiger!!) there names fit them - Addison is a better Addison and Ava a better Ava!!!!
  11. nepolm

    nepolm Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(EMc2 @ Apr 19 2008, 11:46 PM) [snapback]729876[/snapback]
    I asked in another post and it got me thinking. Did you know for sure who was who before they were born? "A" was always Syani, and "B" had always been Eve. For some reason, I equated Eve's name with being the smaller of the two and she was fiesty so hence she was named. Syani's name was the first name we were concrete/decided on, so it only fit she should be "A".
    Do you have a crazy formula or rationalization for these conclusions?

    We had very similar "reasoning" for assigning our girls their names in utero! Candace just always seemed to be the name of the larger, "older" twin AND was also the first name we picked, thus Baby A was Candace. Cassidy seemed to fit the "younger", smaller, fiestier twin, thus Baby B became Cassidy. May not make rational sense to anyone else, but DH and I both agreed and felt very strongly about it AND their names fit them perfectly :D . I can't see Candace as a Cassidy and vice versa...
  12. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Our name choices were also based on in-womb personality and size. The girls had TTTS and Baby B was always much smaller than Baby A. She was also really, really active. Once we decided on our two names we gave the "stronger" one to little Baby B, Sierra. It just happened that our first choice name, Ainsley, went to Baby A and that it started with an "A" as well.
  13. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    Before we knew it was twins, we had a list of names we liked like this

    1. Caleb
    2. Connor
    3 ...

    So baby A became Caleb and B Connor. :D
  14. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    We had only decided on one name before the birth.
    They were born the morning of my SIL's wedding--so I spent all day alone with them in the clinic. When DH got there after the wedding that night, I told him--I think this one is Gabriela. Then we worked out Bianca's name and the middle names.
  15. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We agreed on the name Sarah first, so decided Baby A was Sarah. It was pretty arbitrary. :D
  16. Amy R.

    Amy R. Well-Known Member

    Well, I too have b/g, but Austin (Baby A in utero but baby B at birth) showed off his parts before his stubborn sister could, so even if Sarah was a boy Austin would always be Austin. And Austin was our first choice for a boy (Logan, was our second, so if Sarah was a boy then she'd be Logan). And Sarah was our first for a girl.
  17. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Baby A got the name with the first letter FIRST in the alphabet. So A got Gabe since "G" comes before "N" for Nicolas for Baby B. It seemed like an unbiased way to name them.. Use the alphabet! Worked like a CHARM too... that is TOTALLY who they are!!!
  18. leticiasnow

    leticiasnow Well-Known Member

    Yes! I could totally tell their personalities in the womb. Baby A (Now Serene-- twins are now two btw) was always a little bigger and she wasn't as active. In fact, for the last few months she stayed in the same spot waiting to come out. Baby B (Liana) was always spunky and doing flips even down to the last several hours before delivery. We didn't know if she would be breech or not.

    DH decided that Serene would be the less spunky one and Liana would be the flippy baby. lol.
  19. twinmommy112

    twinmommy112 Member

    We decided on names before they were born, then chose who looked most like a Lily and who looked most like an Ava. Their names fit them perfectly!
  20. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    When we decided on the names Arthur John and Benjamin Thomas, we sort of felt that Arthur HAD to be baby A, and Benny HAD to be baby B!
  21. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    We tried that after we picked out possible names, but then they kept switching around and we think we lost track of who we thought was who. I think we are going to wait until we see what they look like (even though they are identical and will most likely look the same) before we name them. Maybe it will come down to size or birth order. Only time will tell.
  22. 2betterthan1

    2betterthan1 Well-Known Member

    Austin was my pick for a name and since it starts with an A, he had to be baby A. Jay couldn't come up with anything that started with a B so P was the and we always like the name Peyton! They were gonna be Alyssa Marie and Bianca Lily though if they were girls.... the A and B

  23. missymack2003

    missymack2003 Well-Known Member

    Going into our first u/s at 19wks we were going to name it Brenna if it was a girl or Adam if it was a boy and we had Brooke and Gavin as other names that we really liked just in case. Turned out it was twin girls so we named Baby "A" Brenna and baby "B" Brooke and that stayed the same throughout my pregnancy and when they were born.
  24. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Mine were easy to keep track of, they didn't switch places or anything. Once we knew they were both girls, we then worked on names. We coincidentally had decided to give Baby A the "A" name, and Baby B the "B" name. We made sure they kept track at delivery too, because they told us that if Baby B was delivered first, she would then become Baby A.
  25. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    We always talked about "Will and John," and not "John and Will." So, we decided that Baby A would be Will and Baby B would be John.
  26. happybearsfan

    happybearsfan Well-Known Member

    We didn't find out what we were having. So whoever came out first was going to get the first-choice name, boy or girl, and same with Baby B! lol
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