December delivery

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mommyofmany, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. mommyofmany

    mommyofmany Well-Known Member

    I was due November 27th and was adamently against inducing, yet after 2 false labors and then inabity to find movement at 41 weeks [she finally moved for the ultrasound tech, but it was a scary afternoon], we went in to have my water broken 10 days over, Dec. 7th. Turned out my strep B [negative] had expired according to the CDC [I'd had it taken 5 weeks before, I belieive it was, which was the cutoff], so I had to take the antibiotic drip before they could break my water, which finally happened about 11:30am and I was at a 4, 90% effaced. Contractions regulated and I got up off the bed to walk, which quickly turned to sitting on the birthing peanut instead. My husband sat in front of me, my aunt behind me, and the RN beside me, all providing support, cool washcloths, and backrubs. I was seriously reconsidering the 'no drugs' and yelling about it being about stinkin time for transition and pushing because I couldn't take any more of the seriously intense contractions. As they helped me into the bed, the nurse checked me and I was complete--about 1:15. As she was calling the Dr., I had the intense need to push. The Dr. on the floor came in and the rest was a bit surreal, as many of you that have had all natural births know, the pain masking most of the details. My OB made it in time to see our sweet girl being delivered, so she just stood by and was another support person for me. After delivering her head, I knew I would need to push hard again to get the shoulders out--that was harder than I thought it would be and i felt myself tear, which they confirmed afterwards--just 2 stitches. Julia Janette arrived at 1:30 and was 23.5 inches long and weighed 10lbs 6oz., the biggest baby born vaginally in our relatively new birthing center. She is covered in black hair [even fuzzy on her back, shoulders, and forehead--LOL!]. Although my husband and I are both caucasian, she really looks tribal with darker skin and the black hair.
    After delivering the placenta, the dr. inserted cytotech--a suppository to prevent hemorrhaging like I had after the twins. He also had to numb and stitch up, which was definitely unpleasant.

    The adjustment has taken quite the toll on our 2yo twin girls. I think being without mom for 2 days really threw them off. They came to visit in the hospital, but even after I came home, they wanted me to hold them and rock them to sleep instead of going to bed on their own. BUT, they are slowly adjusting, as is everyone else.
    I am having blood pressure issues now, though, and have been on bedrest, then light duty since coming home. Medication is helping.
    Julia is doing great--she had low blood sugar when born, but nursed well and recovered from that quickly.

    I pray you all have safe deliveries and your twin helpers will adjust well, as well as the rest of the family!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations! :yahoo:
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    congrats! thanks for the birth story! Hope your twins are doing better adjusting to mommy back home and a new baby!

    do... did you basically deliver her? (you said your dr stood by as a support person)

    funny about her hair ... I've heard that before and then it all turned blonde or something with other babies.

    congrats again!!
  5. mommyofmany

    mommyofmany Well-Known Member

    Thank you all! The dr. that oversees the birthing center actually delivered her--he is there as a just in case dr. and it was a good thing! I'm glad they didn't tell me to wait--they made sure to tell me we didn't have to wait on my dr. to get there---BUT, this was the most control I have had over a delivery--and I was actually unsure of myself--the nurse asked if i was ready to push--before, i relied on being told, OK, it's time =)
  6. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Love your birth story! Thanks for sharing. Congrats on your little girl!!!
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