DD's surgery is tomorrow

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AlphaBeta, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    It was supposed to be Monday, adenoidectomy, ear tubes and laryngoscopy (look at her larnyx) but the surgical center called us at 6 AM to say they had no power, and all proceedures were cancelled. Imagine my frustration, I was livid - not at anyone - just that we were all ready to go and get her on the path to healing, and now we couldn't get it started. So she saw her ENT that afternoon in the office instead, and he took one look at her tonsils and said, oh, those have to come out too. After he's been saying for the last 3 visits "Oh, they're big, but not the biggest I've ever seen." Not sure what changed, but glad he finally listened to what I've been saying - they are huge, almost meet in the middle, she has breathing problems at night, and they aren't getting smaller at all.

    So she's rescheduled for tomorrow, Friday. To get her tonsils and adenoids out, ear tubes in (2nd set, first set fell out less than 2 mos after they were set), scoping her larnyx, and blood drawn for an allergy test (finally! I've been asking for an allergy test for a year now!). The procedure will take about an hour, and then 2 hrs in recovery if all goes well.

    We have to be at the center at 6 AM, and it's an hour away. DH is going to stay home to get DS into school, then come meet us, but he probably won't get there until DD is already in recovery. I'm so nervous about doing this myself. My mom is offering to drive in tonight just to take DS to school tomorrow so DH can go with me, but she has a bad back, and 8 hrs in the car over a 12 hr period just to get DS to school seems illogical. The only other person that could take DS is not the most reliable of morning people and DH and I are a little worried that DS will not take the change well.

    So, keep DD in your thoughts that all goes well, and keep me in your thoughts that I can keep my sanity dealing with all this by myself at the hospital.
  2. Tripsmommy

    Tripsmommy Well-Known Member

    lots of hugs and prayers. just breathe mommy... they'll take good care of your baby
  3. Alli Baby

    Alli Baby Well-Known Member

    The anticipation is the worst part of this kind of stuff. I'm sure things will go well. I'll certainly say prayers for your baby!!
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug99: GL tomorrow!
  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I will be thinking of all of you tomorrow and wishing for a speedy recovery! Please keep up posted! :hug99:
  6. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I'll be thinking of you and hoping for DD's fast recovery!

    Hang in there, you'll do fine!
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Good luck tomorrow. :hug99:
  8. devmac2003

    devmac2003 Well-Known Member

    Good luck, my little one had ear tubes too. Just a suggestion-but just for this one day-maybe you could bring ds along and bring some coloring books and things to keep him occupied. I always find that having the family together helps. Good thoughts and prayers your way!
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