DD used the potty!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinnerbee, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    I have been terrified to even try potty training. I've had the potties out in the bathroom and I've let them see them and try sitting, but neither has been that interested so I didn't push, especially because it seems like so much more work taking diapers on and off so much as they start out. The past few weeks, DD has been telling me before she goes so I figured it was time, but I was still a chicken. Today, They were playing and I told them that I was going to go use the potty and that I'd be right back. DD got really excited and started pointing to her potty saying, "Potty, potty" over and over. So...I brought her into the bathroom with me and we both sat down, lol. When she got up, she had actually gone!!! I was in shock! She went again before bed so I guess it's time to figure out how to blend his into the already jam-packed routine!

    Any suggestions? How often did you put yours on the potty when they were first starting out? On demand or at a set time each day? My DS wanted to try after DD got so much praise (I was so excited!), but he gets scared once he sits down so I don't try to make him stay - I just clapped for him for giving it a try. I'll probably just let him watch for a while till he's comfortable.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :woo: for your DD! That's awesome! I started off with putting them on potty at set times during the day (after waking up in the AM, before & after nap, before bed)...my DD is doing very well with peeing in the potty, so I now I try to see if she has to go before lunch and after dinner too. DS is still hit or miss with the potty, so I praise him for trying because he is very good about sitting on it.
  3. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    Yay! That's great to hear :) I have no advice as I haven't started yet. We're kind of in the same place as you, just not quite sure about taking the plunge but DD is showing all the signs. DS has no interest yet though.
  4. horizon250

    horizon250 Well-Known Member

    We bought potties when the girls were 18 months old and had them sit on it after they woke up (1/2 hour later), before naps, before bed usually. We had them sit down and would read them books so they would sit there for 20 min. Usually nothing happened. We didn't push it and if they didn't want to sit we didn't make them. They do like the potty and sitting on it. They have also come to recognize when they pee or poop although that doesn't mean they want to do it on the potty. This past week one of my girls has peed several times in the potty. Slow but steady progress. :D
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