DD suddenly hates the tubby

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hot2trottt4u, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    ok twinkies are 20 months old and have always loved there tubby,
    they have always used the safty first bath seats till just about 2 weeks ago.
    one night DS did not want to get in his seat so we took it out and let him in the tubby with out and DD wanted out of her seat also
    so we took out both bath seats and they did great in the tubby without and had a lot of fun playing.
    next night she freeks out and wants to get out as soon as he touches the water :huh:
    so we figure it must be the change and bring back her seat, nope she starts screeming and crying :(
    so for the last few days we have to make her get in the tub for a SUper fast wash and than she wants out.
    My poor litttle girl she looks like she is so scared.
    what should i do....
    she needs to bathe. i even tried her in the kitchen sink tonight and same thing happened.
    Please Help
    by the way as soon as you take her out of the tubby she is right back to being her happy self.
  2. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    One of mine went throught this at 17 months - it was the weirdest thing ever!
    We let her watch her sister have really fun baths for a few days till she looked like she wanted to get in and then took her out as soon as she wanted out. (yes, she was stinky for a few days). It worked, and she loves it as usual now!

    Being summer I would sneak some soap into the kiddy pool and hose her down. Better than nothing!
  3. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    thank you so much for responding, we will try that for sure!!
  4. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    we've gone through screaming bath phases several times. Sometimes they last up to 2 wks. we've tried everything. new toys, getting in w/ them, baths w/o the other twin, showers, etc, etc. sometimes, its just a phase and no matter what i do it doesn't help. we still bathe them even w/ the screams. one time it took Syd 2 wks to stop and then suddenly all was fine again w/ the bath.
  5. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Safari @ Jul 1 2008, 03:12 AM) [snapback]854148[/snapback]
    we've gone through screaming bath phases several times. Sometimes they last up to 2 wks. we've tried everything. new toys, getting in w/ them, baths w/o the other twin, showers, etc, etc. sometimes, its just a phase and no matter what i do it doesn't help. we still bathe them even w/ the screams. one time it took Syd 2 wks to stop and then suddenly all was fine again w/ the bath.

    We did the same thing and just dealt with the screams when nothing else worked. My son is now starting this phase and for the past two baths he has wanted out quickly. So we just wash quickly and take him out. Sometimes we also washed the body one day and did the next bath time and just rinsed the girls bodies off so they wouldn't have to be in the tub as long.
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My girls went thru this around 12 months and it was just the weirdest thing. Yesterday you love the tub and today its the most horrible thing to ever happen in your short life!

    For 2 weeks it went on and I bathed them really quickly. Then I got them some new baths toys and made a BIG production of how fun the bath is (splashing and clapping and singing). Now they love baths again.
  7. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    One of mine went through this about a month or so ago. She suddenly hated the tub that we had been bathing her in since she was an infant. (It had the seat for toddlers at the one end, the ramp on the other for infants). She would scream and twist herself so much that I had trouble hanging onto her. With no padding anywhere I was scared she was going to get hurt.

    I bought an inflatable tub at Toys R Us, put some toys in there and now she loves the bath again. I use it inside of the regular bathtub. Both girls can fit in it at the same time, for now at least, or I bathe them separately at times.
  8. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    We've been dealing with this off and on for a month, maybe. I hate insisting on baths right before bed when they are so upsetting, but I guess they're an important part of the routine..to me! Anyway, I got in with them last night and they loved it. The shower is always new and interesting enough to keep them entertained, too. And when we don't have time for either of the above, a quick pat with a warm wet washcloth is enough to satisfy my need to get them clean before they touch their sheets...
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Check her (you would obviously see it) for diaper rash, little yeast infection. When mine have skinned knees or little cuts they do NOT want to get in the tub...

    I hope you figure it out!! Maybe try the colored water tabs. Or a new bath toy? :hug99: Hope this passes quickly!
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