DD operated on last night

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Cindy123, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    I had posted a question regarding spit up and when it could stop, well problem solved in the worst way. My DD was spitting up 4 of 5 feedings for the last week, doctor thought it was due to drainage from her nose, and ruled out Piloric Spinosis (sp?) because she wasn't spitting everything up. I discovered yesterday morning that she did not have a wet diaper, even after all night so we went to the ER. After several hours and an ultrasound she was diagnosed with Piloric Spinosis. They operated on her a few hours later and we are already back home. Needless to say I was scared out of my mind that my 10 week old baby was being operated on, but everything turned out okay. FYI for those not familiar with this--a baby will suddenly start spitting up A LOT more than usual, and it will get worse and worse until they spit up everything that goes in every single feed. I didn't notice any other symptoms, except that I knew something was wrong with her, she didn't act like her normal happy self, but I attributed it to all the spitting up or the congestion the doctor said she had.
    We are all home safe and sound, and I now for the first time I really feel like a mom!!!
  2. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    I had posted a question regarding spit up and when it could stop, well problem solved in the worst way. My DD was spitting up 4 of 5 feedings for the last week, doctor thought it was due to drainage from her nose, and ruled out Piloric Spinosis (sp?) because she wasn't spitting everything up. I discovered yesterday morning that she did not have a wet diaper, even after all night so we went to the ER. After several hours and an ultrasound she was diagnosed with Piloric Spinosis. They operated on her a few hours later and we are already back home. Needless to say I was scared out of my mind that my 10 week old baby was being operated on, but everything turned out okay. FYI for those not familiar with this--a baby will suddenly start spitting up A LOT more than usual, and it will get worse and worse until they spit up everything that goes in every single feed. I didn't notice any other symptoms, except that I knew something was wrong with her, she didn't act like her normal happy self, but I attributed it to all the spitting up or the congestion the doctor said she had.
    We are all home safe and sound, and I now for the first time I really feel like a mom!!!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    [​IMG] Cindy!!HOW SCARY!!! [​IMG] I hope she's doing well and feels SO MUCH better soon!!! Thanks for the update
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    What a scary time for you. I'm glad you figured out the problem and your little girl is home and doing better. [​IMG]
  5. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Oh goodness! I'm so glad you followed your instinct and got her in! I'm sorry she had to be operated on, but she will do a lot better now! [​IMG]
  6. Tracy O

    Tracy O Well-Known Member

    Glad that yu were on the ball and took her to the ER. How awful for your little one. Glad you are all safe at home. Hope she recovers quickly. [​IMG]
    1st time mom to Hannah and Jenna 5months old born 7-12-06
  7. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Oh Cindy, that must have been the biggest scare of your life!! I'm so sorry you all had to go through that, including your dd. Thankfully she won't remember any of it later. I hope she is feeling better. Keep us posted on how she is recovering.
  8. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    I am glad she is okay. How scary!
  9. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Oh goodness! I know how scary that is! My now 2 1/2 yr old had the same thing. He was slowly gaining weight and we thought he just had severe reflux. The morning of his 8 wk appt I woke up to him and the bassinet covered in blood. We ended up with an upper gi by 10am and at the hospital at noon. He had surgery at 6pm and we went home at noon the next day. From that day on he's been eating like a champ and is as healthy as can be. [​IMG] It's scary to hand a tiny baby over for surgery but I bet your dd is good as new now! Have a great holiday!
  10. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    That would have been really scary. Im glad she is ok x
  11. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member


    I would have been scared to death. I am paranoid anyway...
  12. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    Oh gosh I bet you were so worried! Pyloric Stenosis is not very common in girls & I think the diagnosis is missed easily. Every baby girl I'm familiar with who had PS (though I don't know many) have it "ruled out" before they are diagnosed. I always here about what a dramatic difference the surgery makes, so I hope her recovery is quick and easy and that feedings are easier for her now [​IMG]
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