DD & DS are stripping all the time

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sbcowell, Feb 3, 2010.

  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I think I am having a rough couple of days with the kids (they both have Hand, Mouth and Foot disease right now, so they are extra whiny).
    So DD has known how to take her diaper off for awhile, but I have been fortunate in that she didn't really know how to get her pants off so we always had her in a diaper... well that has all changed. She now strips all of her clothes off including her diaper and runs around the house, as I try to chase her to put her diaper back on. Meanwhile DS sees this and thinks its funny so he does it (And I didn't even realize he could get his pants off - gosh, sometimes they learn so quickly!).

    So I am looking for suggestions on how to keep her diaper on - I have heard about taping her diaper on (and I would consider this unless anyone has any other ideas), but I was hoping maybe 123 magic or positive reinforcements might help...any suggestions, or should I just go out and buy 20 rolls of duct tape!!?
  2. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    Yours are a little older than mine, and most likely bigger since my two are shrimps but we still try to put them in onesies or footed pajamas for naptimes because that is when they really like to take their pants and diapers off and throw them in between the two cribs. We have tried duct tape, putting diapers on backward, and difficult pants with buttons, and snaps to mixed success. It is sooo frustrating, and annoying to have to redress them everytime they go to sleep but I haven't found a fool proof solution, especially since discipline of any kind is not working too well at our house yet. Good luck - I'm interested in the responses since I am a long way from trying to potty train!!!
  3. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Just go with the Duct tape! AND...putting them in things that are hard to get off (jumpers, overalls, onsies, etc...). People have had success with turning clothes around backwards so the zipper or buttons are in the back.
  4. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    mine wears a one-piece jumper on the days we'll be home for a long time--cuz that's when i know he'll get the urge to strip!
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    It's an age thing. I let the girls run around naked as long as they kept their diaper on and they eventually stopped doing it all together
  6. carthur613

    carthur613 Well-Known Member

    The same thing is happening to me, and I'm sooo frustrated with it! (mine are 26 months) NOTHING is working - clothes on backward, tape, onesies, even saftey pins - they manage to get them off. And it happens so fast. I can turn around and walk down the hall and I will hear hysterical laughter - and I know they have managed to strip in record time. No discipline is working. Positive or otherwise. Timeouts don't work, bribes don't work, taking things away doesn't work. I give them a little swat on the butt and they laugh and say "spanking!" The problem is, they take the diaper off too and they have peed and pooped on the playroom floor. It really is making me crazy. I know my reaction doesn't help because I get so mad (because I'm so sick of it). I read that you should just calmly re-dress them and tell them "we don't do that". Uh, yeah, I think I would need to be on a double prescription of valium in order to react that way! I specifically got on here today because of this subject - looking for advice (and support!) Thanks ladies!!
  7. ldsangel19

    ldsangel19 Well-Known Member

    The only thing that has worked for me so far is putting them in jeans with belts. And even then they can occasionally shimmy their little butts out. Ugh.
  8. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Last night Jake was up talking way past his bedtime of 7:30. I think he finally fell asleep around 9:00 (I won't go in their room when they're awake). So this morning I go in there and Jake is sleeping in just his diaper no pj's.

    I guess I'm going to have to go back to using the diaper pins. They wear footed pj's and before I would put the safety pins on the outside but from reading pp's I think I'll put them on the inside. They LOVE zippers and like to unzip everything, I put their coats on to go out and zip them up, they unzip them and take them off. :headbang: . I made the mistake of putting them in an outfit with a zipper jacket they kept taking them off. So I put the diaper pin on the inside of the jacket so they could not see it.

    When I put their pj's on at night I am successful with telling no when they begin to take them off. But once in their room all bets are off.
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