dd cutting her first tooth

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by debfitz, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    My dd has been refusing her bottles after just a few ounces for the past month. She has a history of reflux and we attributed it to her tummy. We even saw a GI doc b/c of her symptoms, mucousy poop, refusing bottles, inconsolable when layed down for a nap. I just noticed today that a tooth has started to cut through on the bottom!! Could this be why she was having those symptoms? The GI doc thinks she has a milk allergy and put her on a completely broken down formula...no difference yet after one week. Anyway, any advice on what to do to help with this teething process and pain control for her would be much appreciated.
  2. aandja79

    aandja79 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely! The mucousy poop could be due to the extra saliva they produce when they teethe. This can give them the runs. Refusing the bottle could be due to it hurting her gums.
    My daughter cut her first (and so far only) two teeth when she was around 6 months old, and refused to eat solids for a week. She had slightly runny poop, and would wake up a lot when we put her down for the night. Just generally cranky.
    Not a whole lot you can do for the pain. You could try infant tylenol or motrin, esp. if she has a slight fever or is particularly cranky. You can put her teething rings in the fridge so she has something cool to chew on. There are teething tablets and teething gels you can get. We were in New Zealand when she started to cut her teeth, so we got her this great teething gel called Bonjela, but I know there is a baby orajel that you can get at babies r us that probably does a similar thing.

    Congrats on the tooth :)
  3. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    I really hope we didn't put her on that formula for the wrong reasons! It's $$$. I called the GI doc office and left a message with the nurse. I didn't realize those were symptoms of teething. These are my first kiddos!! You would think that they would question that at the doc office! Sooo frustrated right now!!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It is frustrating, especially when you don't know if it is teething or someone else. Teething could definitely cause all of those symptoms. I would try Infants Tylenol or Motrin (as long as your little one is over 6 months), teething tablets also help, cold washcloths, teethers, and cold pacifiers. Good luck!
  5. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    That would be frustrating, but at least you know it's not her tummy now :hug:. I second the Motrin and teething tablets. I hope she feels better soon :hug:.
  6. MonicaBaker

    MonicaBaker Well-Known Member

    I think I may of replied to your post about these symptoms a few weeks back because my daughter was doing the same things and she also had a history of reflux. I knew it was either teething, reflux or her stomach... so we put her on "gentle" formula and switched her meds for reflux, we had a difference, but last week she got her first tooth in. I think it was a little bit of all three. However my sister was told by her Dr that when she had to switch her daughter to alimentum (sp?) it could take like 10-14 days to see a difference. I would just wait it out and see if you notice a difference in a couple days or if you notice a difference after her tooth pops! HTH!
  7. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    I called the GI doc and told them she had cut a tooth. They said they still suspect a milk allergy. Dd pooped in the dr. office and the GI specialist saw the mucous. She said that kind of poop is not a symptom of teething, nor is the refusing the bottles. I have been alternating tylenol and motrin, I gave her baby orajel before her bottle last night and she drank most of it! Yesterday, I just got those teething tablets, so I will try them today. I need to try the washclothe idea in the fridge too! Thanks for the advice ladies.
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