Dd battling sudden fever

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by deniseandtwins, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    Last night around 10pm dd came down with a sudden fever of 101.7F. We gave her Tylenol and wiped her down with a cool cloth. It seemed to calm her down a little. She fell asleep around 12pm..but woke up around 2:30am with a temp of 102.6F! She wasnt crying or fussing, just very drowsy and breathing very fast. I called the doctor's office this morning but the nurse couldnt get me an appointment for today. Although made an appointment for tomorrow morning. An hour ago her temp was back up to 102F and now it's down 99.6F? I once again gave her Tylenol and a lukewarm bath..

    I just hope and pray this fever goes all the way down! She hasnt had a wet diaper since 6am even though she is drinking watered down juice and just had some milk. Should I worry and call the doctor's office again?
  2. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I've heard a dose of Ibuprofen inbetween the tylenol doses can help. Just make sure you give some food with it first.
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Alternating tylenol and ibuprofen is a good way to keep the fever down. The medicine doesn't need to take it away, just lower it and it's working. As long as you keep her drinking...definitely push the fluids, she should be fine until tomorrow. However, if she becomes completely lethargic or you just "know" something isn't right, take her in.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Also, popsicles are good for bringing fever down and slowly getting liquids in!!
  5. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Poor thing. I hope her fever stays down. I agree with pp if she is really lethargic and you know it isn't right just go to your pedi office and demand to be seen. I did that with DD when she was an itty bitty and turns out she had a UTI. Keep us posted
  6. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for your help. I've been trying to get her to drink fluids the whole day, she has taken in just over a cup amount today. (Don't know if this makes any sense, my brain is a total mush from not sleeping).

    Her temp was up to 102F again, we sponged her down, given her a bath and fed her spoonfuls of cool water. (only way she'll take some liquid) I'm wondering if it's not strep throat..can anyone tell my the symptoms for strep?

  7. KellyJ

    KellyJ Well-Known Member

    Poor thing! You do need to force fluids as best you can. The popsicle idea is a very good one. You are doing the right thing by spooning water into her, it just needs to be very frequent to increase the volume. As for the Doctor, it's too late now unless she needs to go to the ER. However, if you get the same run around you did today tomorrow, keep calling to see if anyone has cancelled. One of my boys spiked a fever of 103 this morning and they had no appointments today so I made one for tomorrow morning. However, as the say went on I called twice to see if anyone had cancelled thier appointment and sure enough, they ahd and we got in. Good thing too, he tested positive for the flu!!! We were able to get Tamiflu for all of us. We all received the flu shot about 3 weeks ago. It obviously doesn't cover the strain of flu circulating around here. Oh well.

    Make the nurses understand how dehydrated she could be getting and how terrible she feels. If they still won't get you in, go to an urgent care. I hope she feels better tomorrow! Get some rest if you can.

  8. Invetro Mommy

    Invetro Mommy Well-Known Member

    A fever in my house always means ear or throat infection. The sooner you take them in the sooner they will get whaever antibiotics or treatment they may need. In our case any way! By the time ours gets the fever their infection is always severe.
  9. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    I will be taking her to see the doctor in another 2hrs. She still has a fever of 101F but it's the kind of fever that drops a few points and then spikes again. Thankfully this morning she downed a whole sippy cup of water with a splash of apple juice. Refused any solids but had some yoghurt with a little drop of honey (for energy). I too have been thinking it may be flu. She has a stuffy nose and yesterday I noticed a few coughs but nothing more. Poor thing looks totally washed out! She did sleep through the night though so that's good..although my son was waking up. I did notice last night that his cheeks were red..today he seems fine..hope he hasnt caught was dd has...Lord help!
  10. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    102 is not a very high fever so I wouldn't worry. I ususally alternate Tylenol and motrin. I don't find tylenol nearly effective as Motrin. Probably the start of an ear infection or just a cold.

    I hope she is feeling better soon. :hug: poor baby.
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