DD and walking...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by KKing, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    Im posting this ot see if anyone elses LO's have done this....LOL!

    My DS has been walking since 11mo. My DD on the otherhand still is not "walking". I say this lightly because she can walk she just won't. If she has a push toy, she will walk around and use it as her "walker" (like an old lady). We call it her old lady walker. She can stand by herself and she will take a few steps between things.

    Now she is walking on her knees???? Its like she just doesnt want to walk or she is scared to walk. She will just walk around on her knees, all over the house.

    Anyone else's Lo;s do this? Any ideas on encouraging her to walk?

    The other thing is she walks on her toes, I think its learning to walk flat footed.
  2. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Your DD sounds just like mine! My DD didnt walk until she was 2 days shy of being 17 months old. She would also push the babywalker around everywhere and wouldnt walk without holding onto someone´s hand. She walk short steps between things and that was it. She would have walked at 15 months had she not started nursery.

    My DS walked on his toes also but they say that´s a sign he wasnt ready to walk. It sounds as though your DD is still scared to take the plunge and feels safer on her knees. I advise not pushing her but just keep encouraging her (Im sure you´re doing this already), she will get there one day. The day I saw my DD walk I gave a huge sigh of relief as I was tired at not being able to do anything as she only wanted me to walk with her around the flat all day long!!!

    Ooh, one thing I used to do was crouch in front of her and open my arms and she´d come walking to me and we´d make a big fuss of her. I knew she was ready to walk when I saw her with her back to the sofa looking like she was ready to launch off it! Can you believe the cheeky thing walked properly at nursery so we all missed it! :rolleyes:

  3. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    we had the same here; one twin was walking at 12 months and the smaller twin wasnt wallking completely until 17 months-she just one day took off( had a nasty fall at 16 months) so was hesitate to try again for a long time-the funny thing is she NEVER crawled at all but now she crawls all the time :laughing: dont worry it will happen and usually when you lease except it:)
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD walked by 11 months and DS did not walk "full time" until 14 months. DH and I used to hold his hands and help him to walk and we also had him use a push toy to encourage walking.
  5. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    My one son started walking on his own around 11 months...although if he falls he can not get back up by himself, he will crawl to furniture or wall and help himself up...my 2nd son, he does the cruising the furniture but still refuses to walk by himself...the nurses are working with him, he does the tippy toe thing, he had no problem standing, i think it's the whole walking by himself thing that scares him, he love to crawl everywhere....just got to keep working with him, he will get there soon...he watches his brother when he walks, so figured he would be like "oh i want to do that, wait for me" attitude..Nope..LOL
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