dd and her naps

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ~ilyse~, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    Ds goes to sleep right away. Dd can take over an hour to go down for an hour. I keep all going down for a nap routines the same and they have their teddies to know it is nap time, they have a sound machine and humidifier. As far as I am concerned we are doing everything we possibly can for her. I very rarely go into the room unless I suspect a poop or something. She is still up after being in her crib for over an hour. She has also been waking up earlier than usual for the past 4-5 days and will scream on the top of her lungs. The first day we did go in right away because we thought something was wrong and she was fine. After that we have tried to get her to stay in there until usual wake up time. I put them to bed a little earlier last night and while this morning was not great, it was better.

    Is it possible she only needs one nap? should I try one day to not give her a morning or afternoon nap? We have done that recently once or twice on the weekend when it just worked out that way and she was completely exhausted and very fussy until they went to bed (which was earlier on those days.) I am just worried that she is not getting enough sleep. And if she ever does get to bed now, I am sure she will wake up when ds does. I don't usually have this problem, but I try not to let one sleep more than 30 minutes later than the other otherwise going to bed next time is a problem. I really don't know what to do here.
  2. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    She might be ready for one nap. When we went to one nap the nap started pretty early (11am) and we slowly pushed it back to 12:00 noon. They can sometimes go later than that if we are out and about.

    Mine were both ready for one nap at the same time though, that will be rough on you if you only have one twin ready!
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    It sounds to me like she is ready for one nap. Arwen was showing the same exact signs as your dd just before her 1st birthday. Right around that time I eliminated her morning nap (around 10:30) and put her down at 12:30. Lorien however was just not ready to give up that first nap. It was hard for a while because I didn't really get a break since Arwen was going to bed around 12:30 and Lorien was waking up at 12 so I always had a baby that was awake. Fortunately it only lasted about 2.5 months when Lorien was starting to show signs that I could push her nap closer and closer to Arwen's. Once they were both on 1 nap a day, I was able to start taking naps again myself or getting more stuff done or just sit in silence and in my own thoughts.
  4. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    We just went to one nqp due to that very issue. They were both resisting taking a nap, taking up to two hours to try and get them down and now they are happier (and sleep better!) for it.
  5. twinmom11

    twinmom11 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't rush to switch her to one nap right away. Especially since her brother doesn't show any signs of readiness for that yet. You would never get a break!!! I found that whenever one of my two started having trouble falling asleep , it was time to increase the length of time between naps. Especially between the morning and afternoon naps. At that age mine woke at 6am, napped from 9-10:30 and 1:30-3. (Give or take a few minutes). Bedtime was at 7. A few months after that afternoon nap was pushed back to 2 and bedtime moved to 7:30. It wasn't until 18 months that we switched to 1 nap and went back to a 7 o'clock bedtime.
    Doesn't it suck that as soon as we get comfortable in a routine, they decide that its time for something different???
  6. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    Hmm yeah I was thinking of pushing back the afternoon nap if ds can handle it. I forgot to mention, she goes down much easier for the morning nap than for the afternoon nap. So yeah if I did only one nap for her it would be impossible since they have pt 2-3 mornings a week (planned around the old schedule) and there would be no overlap at all. And I am not ready for no break yet! LOL
  7. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    I think you are a bit early for one nap as well- I had the boys change to one nap at 17 months...OURA
    Before that, we had a few weird nap issues- but we pushed the 2nd nap later and put them to bed at night later.
    Ours were up at 630, down at 1030-1230 2nd nap at 330-5 and bed at 8
    Now they are up at 6 down at 10-1230 or 1 sometimes and bed at 7.
    It really worked well with our daylight savings time- that was right about when we transitioned...
    They both have always been easy to put to bed- and we do separate them for naps and have them together at bedtime. Then, they both can get however much of a nap they need that day.
    best wishes for whatever works for you guys!!!!
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