DD always wakes up before DS

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Pinnie4, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Pinnie4

    Pinnie4 New Member

    So my B/G twins are just about four months old, currenlty they get their last bottle at 10 pm and are down for the night. Our DD always wakes up first around 6-6:30am so i get the bottles ready feed her and DS still hasn't woken up so i then wake him up to be feed. What i'm wondering is if this is what other's do, wake up the other twin? I feel that DS would sleep longer, like closer to 10-12hrs but since DD wakes up early he gets woken up too (by me or DH). I'm just afraid that if i let him sleep it will get them to far off the same schedule. I've only tried a few times to get DD back to sleep hoping for a few more hours but that has been unsucessful. I'm just wondering if other's have had this experience and how you dealt with it??

  2. Elishasquire

    Elishasquire New Member

    Hello, I wake my sleeping baby too - I just find it easier to do everything together, Im afraid if i let him sleep, they will be too out of whack and I wont get that "me time" when they nap together etc etc. I think it all comes down to what YOU want to do. Good Luck with it.
  3. beanmachine

    beanmachine Active Member


    I'm going through almost the same thing with my ~3 month old twins (though they aren't sleeping as late as yours)! We give our girls their last bottle at 10pm, then one of them consistently wakes up around 3:15am because she is hungry. The other one sleeps right through the feeding and wakes up around 5:30am, which is when we do the "first" feeding of the day. The pediatrician recommended that we see what happens letting the one twin sleep, so that's what we've been doing and it's worked out fine since we get them on the same schedule with the feeding at 6am. I'm not sure if that helps. I'm curious to see what advice you get from others on this...

  4. Jess76

    Jess76 Member

    I always wake up the other baby. I keep them on the same schedule.
  5. Egray

    Egray New Member

    The rule in our house is "Never wake a sleeping baby"! Lol. Both of my girls are in bed between 7 and 7:30 and one of them gets up at around 6 and I feed her as soon as she gets up and then my other DD wakes up around 7-7:30 and she gets fed then as well. I enjoy the alone time with the girls though when they are being fed at different times and I dont want to deprive her of sleep she may need just to keep them on the same feeding schedule.
  6. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    When our boys were 3-4 months old I always woke the other for middle of the night feedings. But when they were around 4 months old I returned to work and DH and I took the divide and conquer approach at night where we each took a baby to bed with us in separate rooms (I just couldn't care for 2 babies through the night and then get up and work 8 hours). During this time Brandon started going longer stretches, and around 5 or 5.5 months he started STTN. Colin was still waking every 3 or 4 hours through the night to eat. So had we kept them together AND insisted on waking Brandon when Colin woke to feed, I imagine it would have taken longer to realize that Brandon could STTN. Once Brandon started STTN we put him in the nursery, and then a few weeks later Colin started STTN and joined his brother in the nursery.

    It's not uncommon now for one baby to wake super early and not go back to sleep, so I bring that baby to the bed to feed him his first bottleof the day. But at this point I pray that the sleeping brother sleeps for at least another 15 minutes so that I don't have to do a dual feed (our boys wake up hungry with NO patience). I always did dual night feedings when they were 2 to 4 months old (before we implemented "divide and conquer"), but its just so much easier now to feed one baby, then let his brother wake up in 10-30 minutes or so and feed him while the first baby just lays on the bed cooing and playing. Even when they wake up 30-60 minutes apart they often times go down for naps within 10 minutes of each other (though we don't enforce a strict napping schedule and let them sleep when they want to sleep, which can be hard on one person).
  7. Tracy5780

    Tracy5780 Well-Known Member

    We never usually wake them to feed during the night....If they woke up we fed them and put them back to sleep...In the am we usually feed around 7...If one DD is still sleeping we will not wake her while i feed my outher DD, HOWEVER if she stays sleeping and it is nearing 8 am, i will wake her because i dont want their nap schedules to get completely messed up
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