Daytime wetness issues with my son....Question?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by two.heartbeats, May 27, 2012.

  1. two.heartbeats

    two.heartbeats Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if anyone can offer any insight to a toileting issue I've been having with my son, Evan. Evan just turned 5 last week. He is autistic, but mildly so. He finally started wearing underwear FT four weeks ago and has overall, done pretty great! He never has full-blown accidents (pee or poop) which is actually why I am here. What he is doing, on and off, is "leaking/dribbling" very small amounts of urine in his underwear. He will go through a period of time without doing it at all for a long time (one span was 2 weeks) and then have a few days of doing this leaking thing one or two times per day. It is not even enough to wet his pants...It is literally usually a few drops of urine to make a little "circle" where his penis is. It can happen one hour after using the toilet, or 20 minutes, etc. Doesn't really seem to matter. Also, he is typically dry all night too with none of this leaking business so it seems to be a conscious problem. (Well, I do wake him at midnight to go, but he is dry from bedtime (8pm-midnight) and then until midnight to 8am from that point.) He was checked for a UTI already twice and that was cleared. The pedi just thinks he is too busy playing to realize, OR since he's been in diapers for so long, he is already so used to just going whenever and that it'll take time for him to realize it. I always think he finally gets it, especially after that one 2 week span of staying perfectly dry, but then it returned again on Friday. It was only 1 small incident. Then, he did it again today twice while he was busy playing outside (this is where it happens most). My crazy theory for it happening again is maybe it is because he started wearing a bathing suit this weekend for some of the day and maybe he's been going a little in it and is getting used to going again when not on the toilet....I don't know...When I bring him to the toilet while wearing the bathing suit he goes A LOT so I don't think he is having full blown accidents in the bathing suit either. Who knows. Just trying to think of what the heck is triggering this again...? He also learned he can pee outside too because we went on a short hike on Friday and he had to do that....Coincidentally, when we got home he had one of these leaking episodes. That was the first episode after the two weeks of dryness...

    Oh yeah, and this is crazy question, but, since he learned to pee standing up (last weekend) he is obsessed with it and will want to pee allllll the time now - every chance he gets - can that contribute to this too? Like, maybe he is not getting used to holding it all in for a longer period of time and then leaking?

    Anyone else go through this? How did you stop it?

    Everyone thinks I am being too crazy over it as the amount of urine is literally just a few drops and to just leave it alone... :rolleyes:
  2. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    My suggestion would be to just leave it. My ds also gets a few small dribbles if he is to busy to go pee. But I think those few dribbles in their underwear remind them to go potty in the first place.
    Also maybe there is still a dribble of pee when he finishes peeing and that is what is causing the spot. Maybe u could have him wipe when he finishes peeing.
    Overall tho I would just leave it alone it may just sort itself out as he gets older. Btw I know adult males that have had this spot of urine as well!
    2 people like this.
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    For the longest time after Royce trained, he would have a dribble of pee in his underwear, just because he would be too busy to go pee and it would remind him to go. Maybe your son is dribbling because he needs to go pee, but isn't fully ready to go to the bathroom because he's busy, so he postpones it until the urge is crazy strong. That's what Royce was doing.

    I think he just needs practice holding it in.
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