Daylight Savings

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nurseandrea02, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Ok...daylight savings is coming up in the next few weeks....

    For all you who've dealt with it & toddlers, what do you recommend? Try to keep them up late? Stay on the same routine & hope they just fall into place? Start changing the schedule a few days in advance? What have you done that has worked?

    I just dread the thought of hearing them awake for the day at 4:30am instead of 5:30am :). I'd LOVE for them to sleep til 6am...oh wouldn't that be glory!
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls did fine the first two changes (maybe because they were too young?) but this last one sent in the spring us for a loop. :wacko: At first I thought they were going to get through it fine, and then they started waking up at night and real early in the morning, AND they were cranky!! I'm pushing their bedtime back in little increments now so when the time change hits I'll put them to bed at 6:30 by our clock and 7:30 by their internal clock. So essentially I'm starting to look at the clock as if it's changed to see if that helps. I'm hoping to eventually push it back to 7:00 again once they have adjusted.
  3. Michelle B

    Michelle B Well-Known Member

    My husband's in the Navy, so we are traveling home alot to visit family in a different time zone. What I have always done is split the difference. Because we are going to be falling back an hour, or gaining an hour, try putting them down 1/2 hour early. I don't usually work up to the change in schedule, I'll just implement the 1/2 hour earlier bedtime on the day that the time changes. After a few days, put them down 15 mins early, then a few days after that, normal bedtime. Kids are so resilient, they will usually adjust easily.
    Hope that helps!!!
  4. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    I have just stayed on the same routine and let them fall into place. It has gone smoothly for time changes in the past due to daylight savings and being in different time zones.
  5. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    It always makes me nervous. In the spring, it worked wonderfully. From the day of the time change until now they sleep (okay, Jack sleeps and Lily whines) until 7:30am. Prior to that time change they were waking at 6:30. I don't know what will happen this time but I am assuming they will wake an hour earlier than usually which I find horrifying.

    Also, I do not personally think, for us anyway, that bedtime has anything to do with wake time. I don't think altering their bedtime will help us sleep in until normal time after the time change. I imagine we will just sort of go with it and just jump with the clock when it jumps.
  6. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    I am in a similar hell with their bedtime being 6:30 and their wake time being between 5 and 6. I generally don't get them until 6 but I will if all hell is breaking loose. I absolutely don't want them going to bed at 5:30 (won't even see them before getting home from work :( ) and 4:00 just isn't doable (I won't get them but I can't sleep if they are awake - small house). I am currently pushing their bedtime later but it totally hasn't made a difference with their waking times. Who knows what it is going to look like in November.

    I'm scared.
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