
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by w101ttd, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Hello ladies, hope you all had a wonderfull weekend :). I came back for some advices. My twins are 27 months. They started daycare in Jan. They go to daycare 2 days and stay home with baby siter 3 days/week. Since they started daycare, they got sick alot. In March, they got RSV and were hospitalized for a week. Then I let them stay home for 1 month before they went back to daycare. They still get sick now, but not that serious: runny noses here and there, sometime fever and puking,... My husband doesnt like them to go to daycare anymore. He told me let them stay home with baby sitter. I am kindda 50/50. They have learned so much at daycare. They talk alot. I cant even count their words. They learned how to do alot of things. My son used to be very shy. But now, he is not and happy o play with others. I love them to go to daycare. But one thing bothers me. They used to have a very nice teacher. She was very good with kids. But this summer, we dont see her there anymore. They have new teacher. And I dont think she is that good with kids. And my kids dont seem like her at all. Plus, my kids used to love going to school. But now, my son hates school. And I dont know what is going on there. They will start preschool end of this year or next Jan... What do you think? Would you take them out of daycare and wait until next Jan for preschool? TIA TIA!!!
  2. Mom2VLS

    Mom2VLS Well-Known Member

    I don't know that there is one right answer here. In my case, I would probably take them out of the daycare and keep them with the sitter until preschool starts. That may be colored by the fact that my daughters' sitter is very good at teaching as well and has given my oldest many opportunities to interact with other kids at the playground or in other settings. And if preschool is only 6 months away, there's plenty of time for the social interactions then as well. However, I can also see the argument that it's good to keep them in a group environment, particularly if there aren't a lot of times that they interact with other kids. Honestly, it probably comes down to going with what your gut says is right. Best of luck! :)
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'd talk to the daycare to see what's up with that teacher. And yes I'd probably pull them out if they hate it. If they loved it I'd definitely let them stay though, sickness or not.
  4. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    They are either going to build up their immune system now or later. My boys started a Kids Day Out program just before they turned 2. They were sick A LOT including croup. They started preschool on their 3rd birthday and by April of that year they both got strep which required one to go to the ER.

    Now at 4 1/2 they have not been sick once this year except for colds and a very short lived stomach bug :woohoo: Their birthday is in January and they had their 4 year well visit and they have not been to the Dr. since.

    Another thing which I feel helped them out was taking a probiotic every day. I started those right after the strep throat.

    These are what they take.
  5. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    The first two winters that they are in daycare/school are going to be full of constant sicknesses. This will happen whether you start at 12 weeks or 5 years. But once you get past the first two winters, it really does get MUCH, MUCH better.
  6. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much ladies. The relationship between the twins and the teacher got better. I guess they didn't like the teacher at first and didnt talk to her. But now they started coming and talking to her. She was so excited to tell me that every time I picked them up for 2 weeks!!! Well, I realized that they have learned so much at school (how to do things, vocabularies, sentences,..) I decided to keep sending them to school for now. They will start preschool in Jan. thank you so much ladies!
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