
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debbie_long83, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Ok, just a little background for those who do not know... Hannah has mild CP and has been progressing very well. At 21 months she is still not walking but is crawling, pulling up, and cruising. She can also walk behind something she is pushing (sometimes). So far, we have had a wonderful experience with our daycare encouraging her and helping her when she needs it. The teachers have all been so positive and understanding. She has always been in the same room with her sister and other children who can walk, run, and climb better than she can. She does get a bit frustrated sometimes when she can't really do something other kids are doing but she is a pretty good tempered girl (Hailey has the attitude, lol).
    Well, today the director of the daycare approached me about moving up just Hailey to the next room. I do NOT want to do this and told her that DH and I really would like to keep them together. I didn't have time to talk to her long because I had to get to work, but from what I understood, it's possible to move them up at the same time and is ultimately up to me. Apparently the next teacher up is concerned that Hannah might get hurt easily in the new room. The chairs there are a little taller (not a problem for Hannah, she gets in chairs the same size at home/church all the time), and the have a climbing cube which is surrounded by padding. In her current room the chairs are very low to the ground and there isn't really anything to climb on. I understand their concerns but I do not want them split up right now. I think they do very well together. I also don't think it would fair to Hannah. For instance, the new class goes to music once a week. Hannah wouldn't get to go if she didn't move up too. I'm also concerned that the teacher may just not be ready to "deal" with it. She would have to carry Hannah to music while the other kids walked. Hannah has to be carried anywhere that it wouldn't be ideal to crawl to. I know that it would be a small inconvenience to them but they have floaters who help with stuff like that. DH was quick to point out that Hannah does have a disability and they have to accommodate that. I really do like our daycare and I don't want to cause a huge fuss over this and I may just be feeling a bit defensive right now but am I totally wrong to expect them to move the girls up together? I'm not a very confrontational person but I'm willing to stand up and say what I think is best for her. BTW: Besides walking, Hannah can do everything that Hailey does and even has a few more words than Hailey, cognitively she is fine, the CP only effects her gross motor skills.

    Sorry this is so long, just needed to vent.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: I am sorry this is happening. I don't think there is anything wrong with sharing with the daycare what you think is best for both of your girls. Good luck and I hope they take your thoughts into consideration and keep the girls together.
  3. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I don't think you are wrong at all. I'd want them to move up together. FWIW, I think mine benefit from being around the older kids on occasion. Hope it works out the way you want!
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I just want to point out that your DH is wrong on this point. Daycare is considered a "private" school, and therefore does not have to accommodate her disability. And if you push that line of thinking, they may very well say goodbye.

    As for what to do, that is hard. I see both ends of it--I was a teacher for orthopedically impaired kids the first year that I taught. If she is already showing some frustration at not being able to keep it, it really will be worse for her in the older class. Can they do a hybrid for her where she stays in the younger class, but gets to go to the specials like music? At this age so much is physical, and since she can't keep up, it will be even harder for her.
  5. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    I was looking at the ADA website and unless I read it wrong, private daycares do have to follow Title III. Haven't made it to the part yet that explains title III. It depends on whether or not it is run by a religious organization as to whether or not they have to follow it. LINK

    As for keeping up, I really think that keeping her with kids her age has done her some good. She has progressed a lot in the past few months. Her therapist has told us to encourage her to pull up and cruise and try to climb. The new room has more things that would allow her to do just this.
    I don't know, it's a lot to think about.
  6. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    I completely see where your coming from and I think I would also want them to move both of them up together. It sounds like a hard decision, I hope you find some clarity.
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