Daycare blues...I can't take it anymore

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cduray, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. cduray

    cduray Active Member

    I am really stressed out ladies and need some support... my 18 month olds are in a daycare center that for the most part I'm happy with but their sick policy is super strict and it's making me crazy....I'm about to throw in the towel and look for a nanny.

    I am at the doctor's office probably every two weeks at least, last week it was 3 times! Someone is ALWAYS sick or running a fever. I think the director of this center is looking for fevers as a way to reduce her count to send staff home early. I got a call last week at 4:45 pm saying one had a fever and that meant no daycare the next day. He didn't have a fever when I picked him up but it didn't matter...still had to keep him home.

    I like the socialization aspect at a daycare center and they really like it too but this is getting ridiculous. I'm at home with a sick one more than I'm at work. I hate being this undependable. I've always been the one to count on...

    I know this message has been nothing but complaining but I don't know what to do...

    1) Wait it out for another 6 months until they are 2 and hopefully the sickness will improve?
    2) Find a nanny now and be even poorer?
    3) Find another center that may not be as neurotic?
    4) Find an inhome daycare
    5) Run away to Mexico?

    Anyone have any ideas?
  2. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    well I vote for running away to Mexico....
    my second choice is to hire a nanny. I spend less on my nanny than any daycare was going to charge me!
    It took me a month of interviews & searching, but once I found *the one* I couldn't be happier.
    She only watches my girls 2x a week because I am home the other days.
    She is only 19, but I interviewed nannies from 18 - 30'something & she was the one that my girls responded to the best. She may have not had the most experience, but I went with my gut feeling & am so happy I did. She has worked for us for 7 months & it is going GREAT :good:
    I say look into it!

    I realized that my girls should probably get 'socialized' more, but they are happy, I am happy - so be it! I figure that they have the rest of their lives to be around a ton of other kids :)

    Good luck :hug:
  3. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    I also vote for running away to Mexico.

    But in all reality, I would look into a home day care. They are more affordable than nannies, and most of them are much more flexible with their sick policy. The only challenge is finding one you can trust, but in all honesty, I don't think it would be any more difficult than finding a nanny you trust. Your kids also still receive socialization at the in home day care.

    That's what we use, can you tell? I love our inhome day care provider. She was the same one I used for my son. All the kids call her Grandma, and they all love it there. She is super flexible and works with us on anything we want. Once my son was 4 I did think he needed more of a preschool environment, but we even worked that out so that he did preschool twice a week, and went to her place 3 times per week. I would guess that my lady is an exception, but she doesn't charge you if you are late, we can drop off the kids any time, I just have to let her know if it will be before 6:30 am. She provides all the food, and my girls absolutely adore her.
  4. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Depending on how many hours you need, a nanny may be cheaper and it's heavenly in terms of less prep work.

    We just lost our nanny, so we put the kids back in home daycare and it's working out great - but they are only there in the mornings.

    Like pp said they are more flexible with their "sick days" so that helps, but there can be downsides (less reports, less structure, etc).

  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I took my girls out of daycare after 2 months (they went from 4-6 months old) because of the very issues you are raising- oh and it was super expensive and when I calculated how much we were paying per hour (given all the time they couldn't be there because of illness) it was crazy. We found a wonderful sitter who just happens to be our next door neighbor and a mom of 4 girls.

    So all that said, I'm probably not the best person to give advice, but I totally feel your pain. After yet another trip to the pedi in one week I was nearly in tears and asking my pedi if she knew anyone who wanted to be a nanny! She laughed and said she stuck it out with daycare and her kids never get sick in elementary school now. So I guess there is a trade off and eventually your kids will have an amazing immune system and get those "perfect attendance" awards in Kindergarten.

    GL with your decision.
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Let's all run away to Mexico!! :p

    My heart goes out to you - what a tough situation you are in. I know I have lost much sleep agonizing about my sons' childcare needs, and I can only imagine having to depend on childcare in order to work. I just go to school, so if I miss information, I can put in some extra effort make it up to some extent. Not so with work.

    I think if I were you I might at least shop around to other daycares and see what options are out there. This place sounds like they are definitely neurotic, and that's not something you need as a full-time twin mom and full-time employee! If you don't find anything else better, you can always stay where you are... but you never know until you try. Good luck - whatever you decide! Please keep us posted on how it all works out. :)
  7. cacorsi

    cacorsi Active Member

    I have had my kids in day care since the end of August (I am a teacher). At first, they were constantly sick. They had to get tubes in their ears. Things have gotten better. I am sure you have heard about "building up their imunity." When people told me that I wanted to kill them! I wanted an immediate fixer! I felt the same way about not being reliable at work.

    I guess my advice is to stick it out. It does get better. It has drastically improved on my end and my twins are 16 months now.

    If you don't like the present day care, look for another! There is NO reason they are sending home your kids if they don't really have a fever.

    Hang in there! I TOTALLY feel your frustration!
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    My girls were born at 31 weeks. I did hire a nanny because (1) they were so early and at risk for RSV, and (2) I worked from home and a nanny just seemed the way to go. Plus it didn't cost us anymore than daycare, actually I think it was somewhat cheaper. But a nanny has their own sick day issues. My first nanny took a lot of unplanned, unpaid sick time off. Now since I work from home I could manage that, but now that I no longer work from home that would have never worked out. So I hired a relative and didn't have the sick time issues anymore, but she also wasn't an ideal choice.

    At 22 months I put them in daycare 3 days/week and a nanny 2 days/week. And earlier this year when I started working in an office again, I went to 2 days/week daycare and 3 days/week nanny/grandma. I am about to go back to 3 daycare days/week because I'm transitioning back to working from home part of the week.

    Anyways, I like the structure and socialization they get from daycare/preschool. Our nanny did not provide that. Yes, they get sick a lot more often at daycare, but my daycare doesn't seem as strict about illness as yours. They have only ever called me about one of my DD's being sick once. I've made the sick day call myself every other time. And now that they are 3 they are not sick as often as when they first started daycare.

    I think if I were you I'd look into other daycares.
  9. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    The day care center that my kids were in from 4-12 months did the same thing with fevers. The teachers in their infant room would take their temps all the freaking time. We were picking them up and staying home with them a lot because of random fevers. And most of the time the "fever" would be gone by the time we picked them up. I ended up quitting my job, which is not something that it sounds like you're considering.

    I'd look at both a nanny and an in-home day care. With your kids getting older, a think a home day care would be nice for socialization. But a nanny would be super convenient and might do some light housework while the kids are napping, too. Good luck with your search.
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