Day of PT-Going well I think?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marijanad, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Hi there, I started the 3 day PT program (Thanks to itsnancycozzi for posting the link for me!) with one of my twin daughters, she'd been happily sitting on it for a while, not wanting diapers, wanting underwear, and telling me everytime she pooped, I think that meets the criteria! Anyway, they are 25 months corrected but actually nearly 28 months.

    So, Day 1-several accidents, maybe 8 or so, but about 6 paired with actual hits on the potty, and the last one of the day no accident at all.
    Today, Day 2-the went on the potty 5 times, out of those 5, 2 were with no little accident at all. She did have a big pee at dinner and didn't tell me,
    I think she didn't realize that it was okay to go to the potty during dinner even though I asked her to tell me.

    I am holding back on the night training, though, because I'm pregnant and need my rest in the evening and I just don't want to be waking her up to pee or sleeping with her
    like the program suggests.

    So my questions are:
    I think she's doing great, does this sound like normal progress?
    Do I expect her to start realizing she needs to go before she actually has a little accident? Her underwear is usually a touch wet, and then I guess she gets it so she
    yells 'let's go, hurry!' (it's so cute).
    Today she used the potty about four times before lunch/nap-do I expect that to spread out? When do I try to take her out a bit in between?
    We are using a Baby Bjorn potty-should I have started with the regular toilet and a seat? I just feel like it's so huge for her little bum
    and she can't get off and on herself at all. Will she be scared of a public bathroom then?
    Should I wait until she is more established before I try her sister, who is semi-interested but not really?

    Sheesh, this PT business has opened up a whole new can of worms!!!
    Thanks everyone :)
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm glad the link helped.
    It sounds like she is off to great start! With my DS he had a lot of accidents the first day along with several successes, each day his accidents went down a little more. I would say by day 4, he was day trained except for when he was sleeping (nap and night time)
    She will start to recognize when she is ready to go..when DS started to do that, he would say, "Mama, I got to go!!!"
    She will also to start spread out when she goes...I think we left the house with DS around day 6 or 7 and I always brought a change of clothes with me.
    I did not start with the regular toilet and my DS does not like our "big" potty...he is still not comfortable with it and is not a fan of the public restroom...I still bring the potty with me if we are going to be out for while but DS (and DD) are very good about staying dry while we are out. DD is just getting comfortable with the big potty and she's been day trained since the summer and night trained since August. I don't necessary think your DD will be afraid of the public bathroom but if she is, that is normal.
    That's up to you when you want to start her sister...I wound up have to PT my two at different times because DD was ready before DS was.

    Keep up the good work Momma!
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    sounds like great progress to me! congrats!!!

    I think the underwear being damp but not wet is great.. from the book it sounds like she's realizing it and then going to the potty... so she's definitely getting it. And if you are letting her lead when she goes then yes, I think she'll start to get it. I think the idea is that if you just take them to the potty at incremental times they won't understand the sensation of needing to go as much as if you with for the accident and then show them the potty...

    we did the small potties. I also had a ring for the toilet which my dd sort of liked. then she just realized she could climb up herself and hold on tight and go without the ring at all... whatever they prefer as long as they are going.

    for out and about I love the potette plus potty (spelling)? it can be used on top of a toilet and the the legs can fold under to be a free standing one. you can use their disposable bags and liners, or just use (hole free) grocery bags and thick (sanitary) pads. I still use this occasionally.

    you might want to start her sister off now if you want to get done with the 'icky' part sooner... but double the trouble is double the yucky sometimes too... we did both at once and it wasn't too bad.
  4. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Thanks to you both for is day 4 and she's done great all morning, no accidents and four successful pottys. We have yet to have a poop in the potty though, so I
    think she needs a few more days to really get it.
    We have a gymnastics class on Wednesday morning---not sure what to do---she's very independent and absolutely refuses to go to the potty if I ask her to go, she wants to TELL me.
    Sheesh! So I wonder, how do I set it up for Wednesday so she doesn't have an accident there? Maybe no fluids too soon before? Try to get her to go and make going to the class the reward?
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You could certainly make the class the reward if you want. I don't know how she will feel about public restrooms but maybe you could bring her little potty with you so if she has to go, it's on hand. Good luck!
  6. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    I'll try that- do you just keep the potty in your vehicle? We have a minivan, do you keep it up front with them? Never experienced this before!
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have a minivan too and what I did was take the potty with me and placed it in the back, or where ever you have space and room for them to sit.

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