Day 6 of a fever

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by korie99, May 21, 2008.

  1. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    Sarah started with a fever last Friday and has had it on and off since then. Saturday she seemed a bit better and had no fever, not really herself though, but then Sunday it was back. That is also the day that Alex started with it. It always comes down with Motrin, sometimes it stays away for 12 hours or so and I think they're getting better, and then it comes back full force. They're also dealing with lots of congestion and horrible coughs. I have it too, which makes things even worse! We're not sleeping well and it's been a rough week.

    I took them to the pedi yesterday and the quickie office strep test was negative, though they are sending it off to the lab to make sure. Otherwise the doc just said it's most likely a virus that needs to run it's course. He said that if they are not looking better in a couple of days, especially Sarah since she's had it the longest, to bring them back. Once again she woke up with a fever this morning, 102.5. I just feel like none of us are getting better! I was really hoping for some antibiotics so we can kick this thing. Is this something that's going around right now? Anyone else have it? I feel like there's no end in sight right now. Ugh. <_<
  2. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug99: :hug99: It's awful being sick for so long. I hope it's over soon!
  3. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    We all had a virus a couple months ago. It came with a fever that lasted about 7 days. Our ped. said the same thing... it just has to run its course.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  4. Alli Baby

    Alli Baby Well-Known Member

    We had a virus that sounds just like what you're describing last month. It turned out to be roseola. So, after the fever that lasted 5-7 days, Ashlyn broke out with these horrible red spots all over her face, tummy, and back. Then it was gone in about 2 days and that was it. It will go away soon :)
  5. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine had it last week. The fever lasted 4-5 days for us and mostly occured at night. Elizabeth got it after them and the junk moved into her chest around day 5 and she ended up needing an antibiotic for that. Andrew ended up with an ear infection and was put on an antibiotic for that too. Mine were also tested for strep, etc. and we were told it was just a spring virus. I hope yours feel better soon!!!
  6. TwoBits

    TwoBits Member

    My one DD just started with it today. I hate fevers, they scare me something awful. Hers went up to 103 this evening. I hope we are not in the same boat as having a sickness that lasts as long as the other replies! Guess we all just keep on truckin'
  7. delby23

    delby23 Well-Known Member

    Our DDs had a high fever for that long when they had a flu virus. It took a good 6-7 days for the fever to completely break...seemed like forever. It came along with a lot of congestion and couging. One DD also had roseola, which caused a high fever for about 5 days and then she got a rash afterward, but there was no congestion with it.

    I feel for ya. Hang in there!
  8. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    My DD had a fever for about 6 days last month. She had a runny nose and was coughing a little, a couple times she would cough for a few minutes before stopping. I honestly thought she had a cold, but I took her into the ped. The ped tested her and turned out she had whooping cough! My other twin started coughing that night and I came down with it a few days later. For me it just felt like a bad cold. No one was coughing like I expected them to. Our whole family was put on antibiotics and put into quarantine. It never crossed my mind that they had it since they had already received 3 of the vaccines for it.
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