Dare I Ask?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by minivanmama, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. minivanmama

    minivanmama Well-Known Member

    I think I need to call a spade a spade and admit that we are dealing with identical twins with identical colic and not just a "fussy phase." So I ask you..

    When did it start and when did it end (weeks I mean)?

    Was it EVERY night or were there breaks?

    Did both twins have it?

    We are "managing" with dark rooms and white noise, but it ain't pretty. I think this is how drinking problems are born ;P
  2. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    We had it. Only one tho. It started the day he ccame home and "ended" or I mean.. eased up at 12 weeks adjusted or 17 actual. It was better at 4 months BUT.. he's two now and he's still a colicky 2 yr old.. IF you get what I'm saying :)

    Start drinking and smoking cigs and you'll do just fine.


    It STINKS! I'm here if you need to talk. It was HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot imagine if they both had it.
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't deal with colic but just wanted to send you a hug. :hug: I don't think it lasts for a very long time, but I'm sure when you're in the middle of it each night feels like an eternity. :hug:
  4. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Oh bless you BIG :hug: coming your way! Stay strong it will get so much better in time, you will ride it out and then you will appreciate your happy smiley babies even more!

    Ours started getting fussy as soon as we were out of NICU and they peaked at 5weeks - we all had the worst time! Nothing was as bad as week 5 for us then it gradually got better after that, i would say around 3months all colic related crying was over. The crying was every night between 6 and 10 without fail, on rare occasions it would end abit sooner than 10. Both my girls were fussy because of reflux but only 1 of them had colic everynight - there s a god!

    I found that swaddling and the swing would help a little. Good luck i hope it passes soon!
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :lol: :hug: Colic is hard! It was worst for us between 6 and 14 weeks, and was every night. :wacko: Hang in there.
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD had colic, it was rough. The hours of 7-11 at night here were extremely frustrating!
    She pretty much had it since she came home from the hospital and it started to ease up after 8 weeks. We put gas drops in every one of her bottles, switched the formula from Similac Advance to Similac Sensitive...but it was something she had to get out of. I felt bad for DS because during those early weeks, it seemed like she got all the attention but he was pretty relaxed about it. It's tough Momma, but they do get through it. Big :hug:
  7. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    Both of mine had it and did almost loose my mind. My boys were really cranky until about 5 months and then it started to get better. For us it was usually all the time. They would sleep for 20 minute intervals and then scream and scream and scream. Usually in the late afternoon they would sleep for close to an hour but that was it. I spent a lot of time outside sitting on my step smoking and crying(not the best I know) it was my only sanity break. I was lucky I had really good support from my family and after two weeks of no sleep and constant crying they all came and took turns. We had someone pretty much 24hours for almost 6 wks which was extreamly life saving for me. I would say if you have any family that could help take it. Best of luck
  8. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    It is so hard. I have fraternal twins and they both had it, started a few weeks after born I think around 4 and went for at least 10 weeks. We used to hold them, put them in swing, the main thing we did was bundle them up and go for long walks sometimes 9/10pm at night then we would keep them in their car seats until they woke. Hugs to you. Usually happened from 6-11pm not fun.
  9. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    For me it was both of them, although Luke was worse than Lila. It started every single night by around 5 and didn't end until 9 or 10. And it was the worst between about 4 and 12 weeks. Good news is that they do outgrow it! Hang in there! :hug:
  10. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    At least one of our twins was definitely colicky but there were definitely times when they were tag teaming us or both going at the same time for an extended period of time....and as you know, it AIN'T easy!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is that my babies are 8 months old now and it is definitely better and has been for a while now. I honestly cannot tell you when exactly things changed because it's all a blur. It's all such a blur! But that's good in a way because I can look back now at all the wonderful moments and laugh at (almost) or forget even, the crazier moments. And now when everything gets crazy and they are both crying and demanding at the same time, I know that it will get easier because I see how it already has (if that makes sense??) Hang in there....you are in the thick of it. I will get better. I'll be thinking of you.

  11. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    You ain't lying! I was such a good girl while pregnant and didn't drink at all. But now when the boys get going, mommy usually gets drinking, LOL. Today was a first for me, I used a cork screw to open a bottle of wine while holding a baby. I've done lots of things holding a baby before (going to the bathroom, eating dinner, putting more formula in a bottle, etc) but never uncorked a bottle of wine before. Somehow I don't think that is something I should put on my resume though ;)

    Our boys still get rather colicky at times, but it seems to be less frequent now and the crying jags don't last as long. There were so many times that my husband and I couldn't hear each other talk over both boys crying in stereo. But as I've said, I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I think. And you may have already seen my thread about my personal "cure" for colic, but if not it involves a dark bathroom, swaddling, and water running full blast in the tub. I also bring their little turtle in the bathroom that displays a constellation on the ceiling. And hey, if the loud running water echoing in the bathroom doesn't sooth them and keep them from crying, at least you won't be able to hear their crying as much, heh.
  12. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    We had ID twins with ID colic for at least 3 weeks. We DID drink. Granted, it was one beer a piece over the course of the night, but it somehow made me feel better. Here's the thing...there's nothing you can do. Check to make sure they're not hungry, wet, dirty or in pain and go take a shower, drink a glass of wine, listen to the iPod...whatever relaxes you. That advice is straight from the pedi. You have to take a break for your sanity and there's no switching off when there's two of them and two of you!
  13. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Yup, our DS had colic. We tried every trick, using new formula, trying reflux meds, etc. But he was just a colicky, sensitive baby. It went on up until 3/4 months pretty badly. My DH and I both felt horrible because he drove us nuts. Even when family came to visit with lots of energy, he would eventually wear them out.
    I'm sorry. Hang in there. It's really hard. Our DS started getting better when he started crawling. He can still be pretty intense at times, but his personality is very sweet and goofy. It makes up for a lot when they can laugh, play, giggle and you can see them doing something besides screaming!!
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