Dairy Equivalents

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by swilhite25, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    DD and I are almost weaned, our last session will be in a couple of days. She still prefers breastmilk, but since she's only nursing once a day now has warmed up to whole milk somewhat. She might drink 3 or 4 ounces in one day. I give her cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc. during the day as a substitue, but I was wondering how much of that she needs to equal 16 oz. of whole milk. Does anyone have a handy link or know off the top of their head how much yogurt or cheese I need to offer to replace that milk? I used to have a great chart, but I don't know where it is now or where I got it from. Thanks!
  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I know 1 minigo is equal to one serving of milk. I also buy the drinkable yoguarts for the boys. Nathaniel wasnt a huge milk drinker until recently, so I gave him a drinkable yoguart with Breakfast and Lunch. Hope this helps
  3. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    For us I found that keeping to a 3 sippy/day schedule just like we did with the bottles instead of having milk with meals (they get water)has helped with intake. I think you are doing well offering them all the other dairy products. I wouldn't worry so much about how much milk is in certain dairy products and just make she is getting her proper servings of dairy and fluids. When my daughter wasn't drinking much milk my Dr said to just remember that any runny foods like applesauce and even whole fruits and veggies contain water so she is getting enough liquids and then the dairy/calcium component with the yogurt and cheese. I found going to canada's food guide helped me to figure out amounts/serving. They have a toddler section. I think its 2-3 servings a day of dairy is the recommendation for a toddler. I think there is a serving of milk in a slice of cheese even, but way more salt. One thing you might want to consider is the vitamin D (don't know if you are supplementing anyway due to breastfeeding) but here in canada it is in our milk, not sure where you live. But if your DD isn't drinking the milk you might want to make sure her yogurt if made from vit D fortified milk. Not sure if this all helped :)
  4. mish_lewis

    mish_lewis Well-Known Member

    I do not have a link....but have a similar issue with my BF, 17month boys. My Ped told me that they could do 6oz of juice with cal. and 7oz of yogurt (not low fat)each, per day. Mine do not like milk and barely eat cheese. We just weaned completely Monday.
    Good luck!
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