Daily Routines & schedules

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by imlodog, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    I'm just curious to see what others days look like with children the same age as mine. This is my typical day:

    6:30 - wake up, sippy of milk
    7:30 - breakfast
    8-9 - play, sesame street
    9 - nap
    10:30 - snack
    10:45-12:30 - play
    12:30 - lunch
    1 - nap
    2:30-3:00 - play
    3:00 - snack
    3:15-5:00 - dinner
    6:00-6:30 - bedtime

    I'm wondering what people do during 'play' time. Do you have anything structured that you do every day? Do you just play w/ them on the floor, read, etc. and let them lead? Also, they are starting to move towards one nap, i think...so what do you do w/ all that time?

    I do have regular playgroups i attend too during the week...so that takes up some time.


  2. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    7:30 wake up
    8:15ish breakfast
    10:30 morning snack
    12:30- lunch
    1:30- nap
    4:00- snack
    5:30- dinner
    7:00- bath
    7:30- milk and bed

    Ours is not structured. Besides playing with their toys, they usually see a movie in the morning and one at night. They do lead though byt playing with their toys or looking at books or bringing me books to look at. We go to library and music class 2 days a week. On the other days, I try to go to my moms for change of scenery or if it is super cold out, we just stay home. They have been on one nap since around 13-14 months I think.
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We went to one nap at 17 months. This was our schedule then (it was also July so we could go outside too).

    7:30-wake up

    Actually that is pretty much our schedule now still. Before one nap though, naps were 9:30-11:30 and 1:30-3:15. All other times were the same though.

    For play time, they just play. No structured play. They play with their big sister, blocks, they do watch Doodlebops at 10, but that is really the only thing they will watch. Now we do coloring, but other than that and going out in the morning to things, it's play with their toys.
  4. Kathy1109

    Kathy1109 Well-Known Member

    Lois, this is what our schedule looks like:

    6:30--Wake, sippy of milk


    7:30-10:00--Play in the family room/read books

    10:00-Snack and sesame street



    3:00--Wake and snack

    3:30--Curious George then play until dinner


    6:30--Stories then bed

    I am curious how others structure their days. It seems the kids are bored easily. It has been too cold here to go out anywhere.
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    7am wakeup
    7:30am breakfast
    11:00am lunch
    12:00 noon nap
    4:00pm snack
    6:15pm dinner
    7:30pm bedtime

    Their play isn't terribly structured. They do usually play with their chalkboard, color, and sometimes they paint or play with playdoh. They do a lot of dancing to music and singing.
  6. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    ok, just reread my post....i made an error.

    3:15-5 - play
    5 - dinner

    thanks for all of your schedules...keep them coming!
  7. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    Mine went to 1 nap at 8 months old. YIKES!

    Here is our schedule:
    7:30 / 8 am wake
    8/8:30 am breakfast
    11 am sometimes snack
    Noon lunch
    1:30 - 4:30 pm nap
    5:30 pm dinner
    7:30 bed

    For play time, our schedule varies every day. Mondays and Thursday's we go to the YMCA (they are in free daycare while I work out). Tuesday's we have a twin group. Wednesday's we have another play group. Thursday's we also sometimes go to the Library story time. Friday's we have EI in the AM, then possible play group, or errands. Saturday's we sometimes go to the YMCA as a family. Sunday is church.
    No matter HOW cold it is I almost always take them out, even if it is just to BJ's and back. We go NUTSO being home all day and the change of scenery really helps.
    During "play" at home it varies. we don't do any TV here, so (a) they play with their toys and books while I try to do dishes or make the bed, (B) we all play together, or © I try to unsuccessfully force my DD to do functional play. (she is the one in EI. She won't put anything in a bucket, won't give back & forth, etc. etc. So everyday I try to get her to do it but she won't. We keep trying!)
    Best of luck!
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Well hello there Lo! :hi:

    Here is our day:

    7-7:30 get up and immediately get 8oz of milk
    7:45 the TV goes to news and we play in the family room with the toys, no structure
    8:30 we go up to the kitchen to make and eat breakfast
    9:00 we go upstairs/make beds/brush teeth/get dressed and then we hang out in the kids room until
    10:00 when we come back downstairs to watch some SS and play
    11:45 is lunch
    12:15 is nap
    3:30 get up and drink 8oz of milk
    3:45-4:30 play in the family room
    4:30 go upstairs and color/play basketball/do the sit&spin :lol:
    5:15-5:30 come back down to cook dinner, they help :rolleyes:
    6:00 dinner
    6:30 brush teeth/bath/bed by 7:00

    Tuesdays and Thursdays we have a playdate in the mornings. Weds. we may start going to Little Gym. In the afternoons is usually when I go to the stores with them because that seems to be when time stands still. ;) So that makes things go by a bit for us. As for the playing...just the usual that others have mentioned... reading/puzzles/kitchen/magnadoodle{big hit}/blocks/cars. Upstairs we have more puzzles, books, a house for them, the zebra bouncy thing, basketball hoop, a sit& spin, more blocks, etc. I tried to make more then one playroom because honestly I get bored, so I figure they must. :)
  9. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Mine switched to 1 nap right around then too.

    wake 7:30/8am head downstairs
    8/8:30am breakfast
    9am sippy of milk
    11:30am lunch
    12:30 nap
    3pm wake from nap and sippy
    5pm dinner
    7pm bedtime

    I try and leave the house after breakfast most mornings. I have twin playgroup I attend and also set up various playdates. When its nice out (not so much now!) we go outside in the afternoon after thier nap. I do not have any structure to their day, we play, we go out, we do whatever!!
  10. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    My twins has switch to 1 nap per day about 2 months ago. Here is our typical day --

    6 AM, sippy cup with milk and a bowl of cereal with milk on the bottom
    8:30, breakfast
    9:00, play time
    10:30, Nap (throw 1 or 2 load of laundry, do some tidy, vaccum, and etc.)
    12:30, Lunch
    1:00, play time
    3:00, snack
    5:30, dinner
    7:45, bedtime (they wait for their daddy come home at 7 PM and he read book to them before bed)
    8:00, I clean all over again in the kitchen and put their toys away for next day
    11:00, prepare their sippy cup and cereal for next day (I bring their high chair in the family room to watch Disney channel in the AM while I can type)
    11:30, bedtime for the Parents

    We go to our play group after their lunch (as they don't nap in the PM anymore) but they do sleep in the Van when play group is over and go for an quick eye shut on the way home.

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin (almost 16 mos)
  11. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My son is 17mths now and is starting to go to one nap a day.

    7am wake up
    7:30 breakfast (earlier if he wants to eat right away)
    9:00 lay down time (incase he takes a morning nap) and if no nap he comes out at 10 if he naps I wake him at 10:30
    11:30-12 lunch (depends if my girls have school if they do lunch is at 12)
    1:00 nap (12:30 if he doesn't nap in morning) and he usually sleeps till 3 or 4
    5:00 dinner
    7:00-7:15 bed time

    He plays inbetween everything and we don't have structured play. He plays with his toys or brings me books to read. We do watch some tv in the morning sometimes because my girls like to watch before school or sometimes after lunch. We usually do go downstairs to play after his afternoon nap for a change and so he doesn't see me or dh (whoever it is that night) cooking dinner or he won't leave us alone. If we are eating dinner later than 5:30 then I will give a snack after nap but I don't like to give snacks since then they won't as good as a meal since they are fuller. When it starts getting warmer out we will play outside more. We have tried crayons and she just throws them so in another month we will try again. Oh we do do playdoh on some days and he likes that but that is usually a treat day since it makes a big mess.
  12. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    We're moving to one nap it looks like, but here is our schedule right now:

    7 - 7:30 wake
    8:00 breakfast
    8:30 play
    10:30 nap
    12:00 lunch
    12:30 play
    3:00 nap
    5:30 dinner
    7:15 bath
    8:00 bedtime

    Our play is mostly unstructured. It's too cold to be outside but when we have warmer days/summertime we go to the park. My mom comes here one day a week, and then we go to her another day so we have a break in the week. We also do playdates every other week or so and will probably do more once the girls go to one nap.
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