Daily Routine

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jenstwins, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. Jenstwins

    Jenstwins Active Member

    I was thinking about structure here too. I am a stay at home mom, we eat dinner and go to sleep and naps on a set schedule but other that that our day is a free for all. We color play outside go to beach or the mall or visit people no day is the same and I let them do whatever activity they want. Does anyone at home have a real set schedule for snacks and play.
  2. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    Nope, our days sound a lot like yours. we have meals and naps and snacks predictably, but playtime is unpredictable. I often try to work in reading and computer time before 10 b/c that's when they, and I, focus best, but otherwise I like the unpredictability of different activities day to day.
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well snacks I do give around the same time everyday and like you eating and naps/bedtime. But other than that, nope we just do what we want to do.
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Same here. Meals, snacks, nap and bedtime at the same time, but in between, it's whatever happens to be going on that day. We have joined a MOM's Club, and those playgroups tend to be in the morning, then we usually run errands in the afternoon.
  5. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    We have a set schedule for naps and meals. I also make sure I clean while they are asleep. Otherwise we kind of do whatever strikes our fancy.

    I suppose it wouldn't be hard to set up a rotating activity schedule like Monday is craft day, Tuesday is paints/colors day, Wednesday is Exploring Nature day, Thursday is Imagine It day, and Friday is reading at the library day. (Or something like that)

    This has given me food for thought, thank you!
  6. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Naps, meals, bedtime routine, snacks, all pretty much routine. Their prenap and prebedtime routine is pretty structured.

    Most mornings, we stroll to a park to play.
    Most afternoons we do outings, usually in the car, sometimes errands, sometimes fun.
    But it's not rigid: depends on weather, moods, if any of us are sick, if they napped or slept well (grumpy), if we have something scheduled or I have errands that must get done (like groceries).

    This morning we stayed home bcuz I was tired and it was chilly. This afternoon we took a LONG walk, 2 quick errands and spent time at the park. Now dh is home and feeding them dinner. They always have dinner, baths, milk sippies, 3 books and then bedtime.
  7. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    I have a routine, but I'm willing to let it go for a better offer. KWIM? like if a friend wants to have a play date I throw everything out. Or if we are going to do a special family activity out of the house.

    breakfast by 730, then get dressed, then play time or "school" time.

    "school" this year is when I consciously try to teach them the ABC's, read books, Bible stories, and do a very simple craft related to the "letter of the week." I also go to a free program in our town called "play shoppe". It's a play group with a very short circle time to talk about a different letter of the week and a theme around that letter. We sing songs, play with toys, and do a craft, and eat a snack with other parents and children. It's great! So on the days I don't go to play shoppe, I'm trying to reinforce the concepts in my own 45 minute version of "school". I've just started this whole "school" idea today, so don't be too impressed. I still don't know what I'm doing. I never thought I'd end up attempting to "home school" but look at me go.

    11 or 1130 lunch
    then outdoors for our usual exercise game
    then inside for bathroom, story, nap by 1pm
    then snack when they wake up; and I start cooking dinner, which is served at 5 or 530. twins sometimes "help;" other times they are banished to cook in their own play kitchen.
    Usually bath around 630 or 7. then whatever till bedtime at 730 or 8.

    Yesterday instead of "school" I had the girls help me sort laundry and wipe things and clean.
  8. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    We have a routine, that is different everyday. I, like the other Heather, am willing to change it, no biggie! It just works better and we get more done when we have a plan. KWIM?
  9. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    Our meals, naps and bedtime are always on a set schedule, but playtime (mornings and late afternoons) are flexible. We have things we like to do on certain days, but most days it's just a matter of what plans I have made.
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