I bought tickets to Dora Live today for A&R's birthday. They love that silly show so much, I hope that I can handle two two year olds during the show!
Good luck! :bow2: I am nowhere near ready to take mine to show like that but I bet the kids would love it. Let us know how it goes!
I bet they'll love it! I took Nadia when she was 2, and she was literally dancing in the aisle, and screaming SWIPER NO SWIPING! at the top of her lungs. Definitely a hit. I considered taking K&K -- it's coming here in August -- but I don't think they're ready to sit through it yet. We're going to do a practice run with a movie or something. Let us know how it goes!
I took mine this Spring when they were just shy of 2 1/2. They LOVED it! Mine are shy,though, so they were glued to my Mom and my laps during the entire show. Have fun!