Current Sleeping arrangements

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by E&Msmom, Jul 26, 2009.


Are your twins sharing a bedroom?

  1. Yes

    32 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  3. Other

    0 vote(s)
  1. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    My boy/girl twins share a bedroom and have separate cribs. Normally this arrangement works well for us. It seems anytime we have company (which is a few times per year) and the kids sleep schedules get off or we find them disrupting one another we discuss splitting them up but then we never do...

    so our your kids still sharing a room?
    Have you thought about splitting them up? If you did, hows it working out? If you didnt, why not? Would you like to?

    Last thing is about toddler beds. My kids arent even attempting to climb out (thank goodness) but they often get tired and go to their room and bang on their beds because they want IN. I keep thinking if they were in toddler beds they could go lay down whenever they want. Im also curious to see if they would sleep together.... am I crazy for having these thoughts?
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We think about separating our girls, and discuss it a lot. But I am selfish and like having our 3rd bedroom as our office/guest room.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our twins were separated into their own rooms at 6 months old. Our rooms are not big enough to hold two cribs, so when they ran out of room sharing one crib, we changed to their own rooms. They handled the transition pretty well and hardly wake each other up (their rooms are right next to each other). The separation worked out great for all us!
    They have not yet tried to climb out of their cribs but DH and I have been talking about doing toddler beds when they turn 2, after Christmas. Unless they start climbing out before then...then we'll do it sooner.
  4. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    Our boys were in seperate rooms from 5months to 17months since one was a much better sleeper then the other. I always wanted to put them back together and finally bite the bullet at 17months and put them back together. It works great for us and I love having them together as much as they love being together! Oh and like the pp I like having the spare room and that way if we ever do have a third we already have the room.

    As for putting them in toddler beds, I'll think about it in the winter when the boys are 2 1/2 but really that's the earliest I personally would want them out of the crib and would rather they stay in there until 3!

    Good Luck with your decisions.

  5. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Our girls are still in the same room but separate cribs, we don't plan on separating them anytime soon. Our cribs turn into toddler beds but we want to keep them in the full cribs as long as possible.
  6. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys share a bedroom and will until they move out! :lol: We do have a four bedroom home, however, the office/playroom is mighty small, I wouldn't really want to put one of them in there. As it is-we have two bedrooms upstairs and all the kids are up there. And well...the princess will have her own room! Not to mention-their rooms are mighty large. In their room we have two cribs, two dressers, a glider/footrest, and a changing tower. And there is still plenty of room in the middle of the room.

    As for cribs-they are still in them and they will be in there for a good long while. They have never tried to climb out of them-THANK GOODNESS! I don't see taking them out for at least another year. Just no need for it-and I'm not about to try that transition with an infant! ;) Our cribs also turn into toddler beds then twin beds as well.
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    My boys share a room. When we were transitioning from co-sleeping to cribs, we put each in their own room for naptime and that worked for awhile. However, Jacob began relying on having Jackson in the same room in order to sleep. He has always been more socially engaged, so I think this is just the sleep expression of the same thing.

    I am not going to hurry the transition to beds at all. I will be glad to keep my boys in cribs with crib tents until they are night potty trained, or until 3-ish, whichever comes first. They are not day PTed yet, so I think 3 will probably be a good point to start the transition. Everyone is happy with the current arrangement, so why change it?
  8. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Mine are in the same room, however when we buy our house (hopefully within the next 6 months...) we will probably separate them... just for those times when they keep waking each other up. As for toddler beds, we're not planning on doing that before they are potty trained.
  9. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If they are not jumping out of their cribs I would 100% without a doubt hold off on the toddler beds. Mine have transitioned to toddler beds fine, but there are drawbacks. They don't nap as well in toddler beds, so I have had to put the PNP up in the extra bedroom and one girl naps in there now. If you think they wake each other up in cribs, just think about how it is with toddler beds; when one is awake now she literally goes and wakes up her sister.

    Mine share a room and always will. Unless at some point they express a desire to be separated. The benefit to toddler beds is they actually sleep better at night now, as in they sleep longer. The reason is that after we "put them to bed" they go get in bed together and read and chat and have quiet time together. So they're actually falling asleep later so they wake up later.

    I just remember being a little kid and feeling so lonely in a bedroom all by myself. I wish I had a sister to snuggle with at night and I'm so glad my girls have each other!
  10. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Our girls share a room and have their own cribs. We plan to keep them in the cribs as long as possible. We do have another bedroom and eventually they will have their own rooms. However, that isn't planned for quite some time.
  11. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    My girls share a room and we don't have any plans to separate them anytime soon. They don't bother each other and they actually sleep better in the same room. Up until last week my girls were in cribs, but they were consistently climbing out so we made the switch to toddler beds. I was so afraid of how it was going to go, but I have had absolutely no problems to speak of. They don't get out of their beds to play or explore at all. They lay down and go right to sleep. It has been such an easy transition for all of us.
  12. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    Our boys share a room and will as long as we live in our house since it only has 2 bedrooms. They are still in their cribs and I think they will be for quite awhile. They already wake each other up at night so much that I moved their cribs so they are no longer within touching distance and that has helped. I can't imagine what it would be like if they could just walk over to the other bed and wake up their brother.
  13. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    My girls share a room and are still in cribs. We do have another bedroom but it's currently being used as a toy room and then we have a separate study as well. My older DD has her own room but I don't plan on separating the twins until we move into a bigger house. We plan on moving when they are in school and we aren't paying another house payment in childcare! As for the toddler beds/big beds, we won't move them until they start crawling out of their cribs or they turn 3. Whichever they hit first! I'm not at all looking forward to it though!

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