Curious: when did your OB appointments become more frequent?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ovatar, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. ovatar

    ovatar Member

    I'm seeing my OB monthly until 24 weeks, after which I begin seeing her every 2 weeks. Does this seem kind of late to switch to 2-week appts for a twin pregnancy, or is it pretty typical? Maybe I'm just a little obsessed with having *constant* medical attention. ;)
  2. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    My OB's standard is them same. I had some complications so they've been seeing me every 3 weeks for a while now. At my 22 week appointment my BP had gone up a little bit and they switched me to every two weeks because I had pregnancy induced hypertension with my first. I suspect that I'll be going weekly in the not so distant future.
  3. momluvtaylor

    momluvtaylor Member

    I too only saw my OB every 4 weeks. I saw her last week (23 wks) and now will start seeing her every 2 wks. I have been seeing a peri for ultrasound appts every 2 wks though.

    twin girls due 6-17
  4. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I didn't start seeing my ob every 2 weeks until week 26... then it was every week once I hit 30. I was seeing the peri every 2 weeks starting at week 18 because they were mono/di (which relieved my obsession with wanting constant medical attention! :) )
  5. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    I have seen mine every 2-3 weeks since getting pregnant, depending on her schedule and mine.

    once i hit 32w she had me come in for weekly NSTs, but I'm still only seeing her every ohter week (i'm 35w now).

    I think because we're all doing well with no complications she doesn't feel the need to see me more often (which I'm fine with).
  6. flygirlcdh

    flygirlcdh Well-Known Member

    I see mine every 4 weeks and get an ultrasound (at diff location) every 4 weeks as well. They said at 28 or 30 week it will start as every 2 weeks and then if I hit 36 weeks it will be once a week. Basicaly the same schedule as when I was pregnant with my singleton... But I always thought my doctors aren't the greatest...
  7. lewis514

    lewis514 Well-Known Member

    They just scheduled me for my first 2 week appt at my appt last week ( so 28/29 weeks). My OB said he normally would have started at 24 weeks but I have been doing really well and I already had an appt with MFM at 26 weeks so he said I would get a pass. Starting next week, I am on 2 week OB visits and weekly Biophysicals with MFM.
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I started biweekly visits at 24 weeks. :good: And then weekly at 32 weeks.
  9. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]So far it has been every 4 weeks as everything is going really well, i think it might change when i get to 30 weeks or so :D [/SIZE]
  10. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    I just had my 24wk checkup today (I'm 24wks 3days) and I don't go back for another 4 wks. I think my office usually does 2 wk visits after 24 weeks, but my doctor said that everything looked perfect still so she doesn't need to see me before the 28 wk mark. She did warn me, however, that I'll be switching to 2 wk appts after that.

  11. Jooles

    Jooles Active Member

    I went monthly until 24 weeks and had two biweekly appointments before going weekly at 29 weeks (yesterday).

    I started weekly NST's at 28 weeks. Also, I go to the Peri every three weeks for weight & cervix checks. I now see the Peri weekly to do a biophysical profile on each of the twins since the NST isn't 100% reliable with multiples.
  12. heather.anne.henderson

    heather.anne.henderson Well-Known Member

    I have seen my ob every two weeks since I was 10 weeks and released from the RE and I see my peri every 4 weeks. I will now see the peri every 3 weeks and will start seeing my ob every week when I hit 31 weeks.
  13. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I had an extremely laid back doctor and a great twin pregnancy. I was on monthly visits until about 30 weeks, then my weekly appts. started at 34 weeks. I was doing a peri for my level 2 ultrasounds at 20, 26, 32 weeks and then after that it was weekly NST's because they thought that my twin A's water was low. I had huge babies at 38 weeks via scheduled c-section.
  14. ovatar

    ovatar Member

    Thanks everyone. That's reassuring. :good:
  15. mjamieson

    mjamieson Member

    I was seen every 3-4 weeks until 26w, then every 2 weeks until 30w, and now every week for OB appt, NST and u/s.
  16. kat5682

    kat5682 Well-Known Member

    I guess the system in the UK is a little different. I had an appointment with my midwife this week and she happened to explain to a trainee midwife the pattern of appointments. I have an appointment either with my midwife or at the antenatal clinic once a month up to 28 weeks then every 2 weeks up to 36 weeks and then every week. So I had an appointment today and my next is on 19th March at the antenatal clinic and I've also got my 28 weeks scan. So there you go :)
  17. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    I was seeing my OB every 4 weeks until 20 weeks. After that he switched me to every 2 weeks, but I ended up in the hospital at 24 weeks because of PTL. I think every doctor does it differently. When I first found out I was having twins he had said that around 20 or 24 weeks they start seeing you every 2 weeks, rather than every 4.
  18. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    I'm 27 weeks and I'm just going to start seeing my OB every 2 weeks. I've been having US with my Peri every 4 weeks. No complications.. Thank goodness.

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