Curious, when did your cervix start thinning? How are you measuring?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by desolation_anonymous, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    Am 25 weeks (mono/di boys) had u/s Thursday, fluids look fine, etc... yesterday at my Dr. appointment at 25 weeks my OB said I am measuring 37 weeks (I measured 32 11/2 weeks ago) wow, what a growth spurt! I wonder how big I'll be if I make it to 37 weeks!

    She also mentioned my cervix is now 3.5 cm, it has been 4 or more the entire pregnancy, and was 4.1 last week. She said this is normal as the uterus grows, but I'm a little concerned about it thinning that much in one week, as I have 3 more weeks of work. As this is my first preganncy ever, I'm not sure what to expect.

    So I was hoping to find out how other ladies on this forum are doing, if you wouldn't mind sharing (for the ladies) ;)

    So, I was curious, how many weeks are you how big are you measuring?

    For those of you whose cervix(es) started to thin, when did it start thinning? How quickly? Did you end up on bedrest?

    Thanks in advance for all replies!
  2. lukesmom325

    lukesmom325 Well-Known Member

    I am 26 weeks and measuring 33 weeks. . .and the babies are measuring in the 50th percentile. I am also dialated to 1 cm and have been since about 23 weeks when I was put on bedrest. . . My cervix is still pretty thick though. They think I am just dialating early since this is my 2nd pregnancy. . . I can't wait for them to measure Tuesday to see how much I have grown because I think I have had a growth spurt in the last week!!

  3. melissa1

    melissa1 Well-Known Member

    You know my doctor never gives me these measurements so I have no idea..Maybe ignorance is bliss LOL I am huge though and they say you grow the most in the third I grew the most in the second trimester huge growth sputs I think that is why my stretch marks are so bad. In the third I have been pretty steady not any huge growth spurts.
  4. angelf

    angelf Well-Known Member

    I am 31 weeks and am currently measuring at 2.8 cm. At 26 weeks, I was at 4 cm. The docs noticed I started funneling at 28 weeks and was down to 3.5 cm. Fortunately, 28 weeks was when I started my bedrest, and things haven't gotten worse over the past 3 weeks. The doc said that this isn't unexpected since I have another child.
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    3.5cm is still considered normal, but I would make sure they are checking the length every 1-2 weeks to make sure it is not shrinking quickly. My peri never measured my fundal height so I don't know what I measured.
  6. missjoli

    missjoli Active Member

    At 24 weeks I was measuring 34 weeks. That's a whole lotta belly! LOL! My cervix was 2.86 around 21 weeks, and then at 24 weeks it was up over 3 cm with no funneling. I go back in on Tuesday, but I'm not sure if they'll check it again or not.
  7. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Mine had not really thinned even at 37 weeks. I just ran out of space (I'm very short) and they had to take the babies because their environment was no longer safe enough, not enough room for the amnions. Mine were 6,9 and 6,13 when they were born at 37.1 wks. I don't know what I was measuring. I was 4 feet around.
  8. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    At 16w (my last appt) I was measuring 20w. Not sure what my cervix measurement was but the tech said it looked fine.
  9. djessup

    djessup Member

    In my 33rd week, I measured 40 and the babies were 4 / 11 and 5/13. My last cervical u /s showed 4 cm several weeks ago and I think I remember the peri saying anything over 2 cm is good
  10. mkuhns01

    mkuhns01 Member

    I am 25 1/2 weeks, measuring 36 weeks, and I was put on bedrest today b/c my cervix thinned to 1-2 cm (just a quick check ). My full u/s is Thursday. He also said this could be in part to it being my 2nd pregnancy.
  11. jordyn25

    jordyn25 Well-Known Member

    At my last appt last week I was 22 weeks and my cervix was 4.4.
    I will continue to get it checked every 3 weeks and hope its stays the same!
  12. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I measured about 8 weeks ahead later on, but when I was induced at 38 weeks, I only measured 43 inches (due to dropping of baby as well). I started to dialate at 32 weeks from 2 cm to 4 cm at 37 weeks and 4 1/2 cm when I was induced. My babies always measured ahead (1-2 weeks) and they were born close to 8lbs a piece 12 days early.
  13. walker006

    walker006 Well-Known Member

    When i was 33 weeks with the twins i was measuring 47 weeks. I delivered them at 35 weeks.

    Good luck!!
  14. jroberts

    jroberts Well-Known Member

    I went in at 26 1/2 weeks and had thinned from 4 1/2 to about 2 1/2. My Dr. put me on strict bed rest. I'm not at 31 1/2 weeks, the strict bed rest helped a lot, last week at 31 weeks i was between 2 1/2 and 3....the DR said at this point they just want to see at least 2 1/2. My Funneling has actually gone away quite a bit also. For me the decreased activity helped quite a bit. I have a 4 1/2 year old and a 3 year old, so it will be interesting to see what happens this week since I've been up a little more.
  15. totalee001

    totalee001 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(angelf @ Aug 24 2008, 01:23 AM) [snapback]944762[/snapback]
    I am 31 weeks and am currently measuring at 2.8 cm. At 26 weeks, I was at 4 cm. The docs noticed I started funneling at 28 weeks and was down to 3.5 cm. Fortunately, 28 weeks was when I started my bedrest, and things haven't gotten worse over the past 3 weeks. The doc said that this isn't unexpected since I have another child.

    Are you having a scheduled c-section? I am only asking because you are 32 weeks and due on October 7th and I am 33 weeks and due October 16. I'm wondering if I should be expecting my babies to come early than I thought. My doctor has not given me a planned c-section date yet. I guess I should ask at my next appointment. The only thing she said was that if I go into labor between 34-36 weeks they would not do anything to stop it.

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