Curious... do your babies have assigned seating in car?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jjokitty, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. jjokitty

    jjokitty Well-Known Member

    I know the safest place for the car seat is the middle of the back seat. Obviously we have two babies so only one can sit in the middle. My girls have always been different sizes with Sophie being the smaller one, so we assigned them car seats in order to keep the adjusting of straps to a minimum. I decided to put Sophie in the middle since she is smaller and I guess I thought she might need a little extra protection in a crash. But of course they are both small and I want them to both be as safe as possible, so sometimes I feel just a wee bit guilty about always putting Avery in a slightly less safe position. It doesn't keep me up at night or anything, just wondering if anyone else thought about this. Or do you switch back and forth between seats? Or am I just a weirdo for even thinking about it???
    Avery is now over 3 lbs bigger (people used to ask if they were identical, now they ask how far apart they are, not certain they are twins!).

  2. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We don't have either seat in the middle. They wouldn't fit next to each other. But DD always sits behind the driver and DS behind the passenger. We also do it so we don't have to fix the straps. Plus DD has a few pacifiers in her seat.
  3. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Chloe is behind the passenger seat & Sydney is behind me - always!!!
    Only because Chloe is a diva & I need to beable to reach back to her to grab a toy/binkie/blanket etc :)
  4. LillyWhite1

    LillyWhite1 Well-Known Member

    Hi! Yes, ours are assigned for the same reason, one is 2lbs bigger so it's easier to lift the smaller baby into the side with the gap for people to climb in to the third back row. But also Cameron is on oxygen and an apnea monitor so we put him behind the driver's seat because in the minivan his gear lays on the floor and can't slide around very far. If it was on the other side and we accelerated or stopped suddenly then the gear which is attached to him could hurt him if it was tugged.
  5. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Nope. We don't assign places in the car. We don't even assign car seats. At this point it isn't an issue because they are the same size. We have one vehicle where one is in the middle and one behind the passenger, but the van has one seat behind each front seat because there is no middle position.
  6. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    Our boys have assigned seats and only because it started out that way- Finn was a bit bigger than his brother so to save from having to constantly adjust the straps we kept them in their own seats. They now weigh exactly the same (had their 9 month check up yesterday and for the first time ever they weigh the same- 19lbs7oz!) but we'll still keep them in the same seats- it's habit now... and I have 3 kids and an SUV so dd is in the middle just because it's easier getting her in rather than lifting the boys infant carriers over her toddler seat...
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    No assigned seats here either. The boys have alwasy been the same size and we have a van so we alternate who goes where. But DD is always in the back row unless she is by herself and then usually she wants to ride in one of her brothers seats.
  8. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    Nope… and we don’t assign car seats as well (but we are only 3m). I usually put who is in a “mood” in the middle so older ds can help… but it never fails, the other twin will get in a mood half way to our destination… I originally planned on putting the twins on each side and older ds in the middle (so I could snap in the car seats easier, and he could help with binky’s and toys)… but with my sons school drop off, he had to be by a door… so the bases are behind the driver and in the middle and older ds always sits behind the passenger seat… gonna have to get a car w/ a 3rd row soon.. now when I go out w/ just one twin (as I do for errands) I always put that twin in the middle

  9. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Mine were different sizes, so they always sat in the same car seat (both on the middle bench). They finally got big enough for boosters when they turned 5, but they still sit on their "usual" sides of the van.
  10. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    There was a weight difference in the very beginning so they did have infant car seats assigned to each one because of the strap length. However, the baby that got carried out to the car first, got the middle seat. It didn't take long for them to catch up in size though and they have been within a lb (or less) of each other for a long time. My oldest DD is the only one with assigned seating obviously since she's older plus she has to be on a particular size for pre-school drop-off also.
  11. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    Assigned car seats and assigned seating for us. One was bigger than the other so we had different head bolsters to begin with and strap length of course. And then in the car, as one was lower down the in the seat so the car seat itself had to be reclined more (bigger bolster under it). It's not as much of an issue now, but it's habit. So when we move to convertible seats I am sure we will stick with the assigned seating just because. Not to mention one of my boys is a big spitter and the other isn't. Doesn't seem fair to make the non spitter sit in the spitter's seat (I know, yuck). I am constantly cleaning the straps, and seat, but I still know...
  12. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    Yes they do.. DS has always sat behind the drivers side and DD on the passenger side.. We keep it that way because we had to cover DS's carseat because of his allergy to nylon.
  13. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No assigned seating in our car - just whoever happens to be the first baby I load into the car is the baby in the middle. ;)
  14. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We've never assigned seats. The girls are about the same size so we never had to. For awhile when they were in the infant seats we had one in the middle and one behind the passenger seat. That way DH or I could sit in the back with them. Now we just have them on either side and the middle is full of toys and blankets and half eaten cheerios.
  15. 2twins07

    2twins07 Well-Known Member

    We do not have assigned carseats because we loosen the straps to get them each out anyway, so it's easy to just readjust them back. However, we do have assigned highchairs because those straps are a bit tought to adjust.
  16. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Since my girls were different sizes, they had assigned seats as well. I couldn't get a good and tight installation with the seats side-by-side so there was one seat on each side.
  17. Lynner405

    Lynner405 Well-Known Member

    Yep mine have assigned seating for the same reason as you. I put DD in the middle because she was so little, and the boys are by the doors. I was thinking of moving my older DS into the middle because I have to reach in to put DD in and he could just climb into his seat....but I just leave them how they are because I worry to much :)
  18. 4kidsmomexpectingtwins

    4kidsmomexpectingtwins Well-Known Member

    My babies have assigned seating for much of the same reason. Molly sits in the middle because she is smaller. Stefan is heavier and so I figured it would be easier for me to pull Molly out of the middle of the seats than it would be Stefan. Now all 6 of my kids have assigned seating... although my 12 year old is not happy that she has to sit in the back with her little sister, Emily. :)
  19. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    We don't have assigned girls are pretty close in size so it never really matters as far as the straps go.
  20. Flutterbymama

    Flutterbymama Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(LillyWhite1 @ Aug 6 2008, 01:35 AM) [snapback]916264[/snapback]
    Hi! Yes, ours are assigned for the same reason, one is 2lbs bigger so it's easier to lift the smaller baby into the side with the gap for people to climb in to the third back row.

  21. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    Assigned here, thier weights are still different, DD always sits behind driver, DS behind passenger. We did this from day 1 as daddy took DD to "his"side of the car and I got DS on "my" side of the car. It just became habit.
  22. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    No assigned seating here, although we do have about a 2.5lb difference their straps are still the same so they go in either car seat and either position in the car. We have them behind the passenger and driver's seats (no one in the middle - as sometimes I have to climb back there to settle a baby - when I am not driving of course!).
  23. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    We never put one in the middle. Peyton always went behind the driver b/c his legs were a tad shorter and Jake liked to kick the seats! :winking0009:

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