CT scans of heads because they are measuring large?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by nmnguyen7, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. nmnguyen7

    nmnguyen7 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone,

    We just got back from our 9 month appointment for our two and the pedi ordered a CT scan for both babies because they are off the charts in head size (well past the 97 percentile). I am not concerned about this really because they BOTH have had fairly large heads from the get go (are following a normal curve in head measurement, just always large), look perfectly normal, are developing normally and neither my husband nor I have small noggins by any stretch. I am just wondering if anyone else has been through this? How long does the CT scan take (I can't believe I forgot to ask that when we were at the office)?

    I posted a topic recently about my son not sitting still for diaper changes, I can't imagine how he'll be when they have to scan his melon!

    Thanks for any advice or experience you have to share!
  2. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    My 3yr old had a cat scan at about 6 months, MRI about 9 months & another cat scan when he was 2. The MRI they had to put him to sleep because they need them extra still. It was a little scary having go under, but it was quick. The cat scans he had were pretty quick to and over in a few minutes. I remember him getting quite upset about it all though. They just strap them down for a cat scan.

    His reason were for an illness when he was little. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with him he would just quit breathing for no reason. Come to find out he had the Whopping Cough, Pertusss. When they did the 1st cat scan the noticed he had a small cyst in his brain that was less than 1cm. We were told it was nothing to worry about. Fast fwd last year he got hit in the head with a bat clear to his skull by big brother (complete accident playing tball). They did a cat scan and noticed the cyst had more than doubled in size. Now he is seen by a neurosurgeon every year for an MRI to make sure it is not still growing. He should have his 1st repeat MRI this summer.
    Shewww that was a long story. lol
  3. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Our Pedi. has been saying the same thing. They have had big heads all along, but they were off the charts at the 12 month visit. He is going to recheck them at 15 months. Because both heads are big, it is most likely genetic. Even if their heads are large at 15 months, there is no way I will allow a CT scan. I think it is mainly the Pedi. being extra cautious. I might allow an MRI since there is no radiation with an MRI. I just think it is unnecessary to subject my kids to all of that radiation, thus increasing their chance of cancer later in life. Plus, my kids show no other symptoms of a problem, no delays, etc.
  4. JenKik

    JenKik Well-Known Member

    We went through the same exact thing with our girls. At their 9mo checkup, a "fill in" pediatrician (because ours was out of town) thought that the babies' heads were way too big, given their age. Well 1st off, my babies were preemies, so they're going to be a little unproportioned in some sense. I doubted his thinking, I knew and still know in my heart that there's nothing wrong with my babies. SO... I rescheduled their appointment so that we could see their regular pedi when he was back in town. He wasn't concerned. He treats my 8 year old son and knows what both me and my husband looks like. Neither of the 3 of us have small heads so there again, I wasn't worried. The babies are meeting their milestones in a timely matter, they are thriving..again I'm not worried. But because the "fill in" pedi, or quack as I call him, opened that can of worms, my pedi sent us to a Genetics Specialist at a nearby Childrens Hospital. We got there and after a loooong family history quiz and an exam of the girls the genetecist asked "Why are ya'll even here?" My thoughts exactly!!!!!

    With all of that being said, I think that if your LO's are meeting milestones as they should and are thriving as they should then I wouldn't worry about it. And by all means DON'T GOOGLE ANYTHING! It will give you nothing but the worst answers possible. :hug:
  5. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    One of my boys has a huge head, been off the charts since the first ultrasound. I even had tests for TTTS because of the weight difference, which was all his head! I just pointed to DH who can't wear any hat unless it's clown-sized. ;)

    He had a CAT scan at around 6 months. I took him into the hospital to try to get the scan without sedation. He was really upset and just squirmed too much, no matter what I did. I realize now that it was the first time he'd been back in that hospital since he'd left from a month at NICU and probably thought I was taking him back. :( I scheduled another apt with a nurse to get sedation but when he went in, they said 'let's just try' and the trooper, he just held my hand, sucked hard on his paci, and they got the scan in 15 seconds or so without any sedation. The machine was noisy but he just looked at me the whole time. They didn't find any problems, of course, but I'm glad my doctor was on top of any possible issue. I'd suggest that you try it without sedation first, but have the nurse ready if he needs the sedation. You need to be calm and quiet yourself and they'll put a lead apron on you and let you hold his hand. Good Luck!
  6. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This would be my Anthony! He always had a large head. At the four month appointment the pediatrican asked if we thought his head was large-or I should say-growing excessively. Well no, because we were with him all the time. Long story short...

    We did the CT scan. We did the MRI. We did the neurologist. He's fine. Perfectly healthy. He was going to the neurologist every two months to check the growth. The neurologist told us, that some kids have this-more prevalent in twins maybe(or at least she saw alot of twins with it), and that he would start his own growth curve and around 18 months, the growth would start to level off. And sure enough-it did. He did everything he was supposed to be doing-meeting milestones, sitting, crawling, walking, etc. He followed objects with his eyes in all sorts of directions, etc. So deep down, I didn't think there was anything wrong.

    I get the MRI/CT scan procedures mixed up. I think they just made sure his head was strapped in, as well as arms, etc... and that was it. I think the MRI takes longer, and they put him to sleep(just gave him something that would make him sleepy). The CT scan was quick. And you should have a nurse call the night before the procedure to explain what is going to go on, and then you can ask them how long the procedure will take.

    In any case-good luck! And stay away from google!
  7. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    CT are relatively quick, but will probably feel like an hour when your dealing with a squirmy baby. I hope it goes well for you. I'm sure your gut feeling about their heads being normal is right on. It is good that your ped is extra cautious. Keep us posted.
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