Crying while changing diaper and clothes

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by stefwebb, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    Both of our boys HATE to have their diaper or outfits changed? I hadn't really thought much of it except they would have to get over it. DH asked though if all babies did it and I honestly don't know. After thinking about it I don't remember my nephew or any of the kids I babysat for pitching these kinds of screaming fits over putting on pjs. So are we alone with this?
  2. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Mine cried for the first couple weeks when getting their diaper changed. I think they: 1.] didn't like being nakey 2.] didn't like the feel of the wipes on their bums. Now, they don't seem to mind though. As for changing their clothes, they're pretty good about that unless their putting on a 'fashion show' lol [many outfits - one after another].
  3. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    Mine still do it. at 10 months they might not like to be "held down"
  4. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    Oh gosh - I would never even try that. I've left clothes on them that are really a little small just to not have to fight with them to change their clothes again. The other night DS1 puked twice in an hour and I felt like I was torturing him as I put on the third set of pjs.

    It's the laying down part they hate. Distraction (book, bear, diaper cream, lotion bottle) works sometimes but most of the time there's just screaming involved.
  5. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Most kids scream for at least a few weeks. They problem is that they realize they have mobility and you have taken it away! I had special toys for diaper changes that were only for diaper changes. I believe they included a set of real keys and a tube of diaper rash cream amongst other "forbidden" objects. When they get to be about 12-18 months they can cooperate more and actually slip their own legs into pants or open the diaper and that keeps them distracted as well.
  6. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    mine never cry when changing. they actually LIKE being naked, i let them hang out at every diaper change for a few minutes. i watch bringing home baby on tlc and i noticed the majority of them do cry during changes. hopefully it gets better soon!!
  7. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    DS is like this. Sometimes I give him a toy and it helps :hug:.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine definitely did around that age. They were very intolerant of being held down or made to sit still, even for the 10 seconds it takes to put a shirt on (and it takes longer when they're flailing wildly!). Just hold them down as gently as you can and get it over with. For diaper changing, we kept a bunch of distractions nearby -- things they weren't usually allowed to play with, like magnets, binder clips (that was a big hit), even ballpoint pens (since they can't usually get the cap off at that age).

    It got a lot better after they were about a year.
  9. rabresch72

    rabresch72 Well-Known Member

    The first few weeks were the worst for us. They still don't like having their diaper changed, but they're getting better with the clothes! GL!
  10. kdoleva

    kdoleva Well-Known Member

    Oh my! Lately our ds, it is like we are killing him. He screams like a madman. I give him this piece of fancy ribbon and that works to distract him for 30 seconds.
  11. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cottoncandysky @ Oct 14 2008, 01:45 PM) [snapback]1025844[/snapback]
    mine never cry when changing. they actually LIKE being naked, i let them hang out at every diaper change for a few minutes. i watch bringing home baby on tlc and i noticed the majority of them do cry during changes. hopefully it gets better soon!!

    Same here...they love being changed so much that if DD is upset, we can put her o the changing table and pretend to change her (pull off pants/socks) and she's all smiles in a few minutes. It's so weird - we joke that we should've skipped cribs and just let them sleep on the changing pads! One thing they have always liked are the high contrast shape cut outs I printed out and taped to the wall. They always reach out to touch them and talk to them. I change the shapes so they are always different, and recently we added wall cling animal stickers to the mix - a big hit that keeps both of them talking while we change them. DD loves when we fan her bottom, too (to dry her off) - that always gets a giggle. Honestly, mine are probably the happiest on the changing table...we don't get nearly as many smiles on the play mats! I'm sure that will all change once they're mobile, though :unsure: .
  12. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Mine are the exact same way!!! Diaper changes and clothing changes during the day are a chore and a bit difficult, but that last diaper change and pjs at the end of the day, they can scream so frickin loud!! I try to use toys to distract and sometimes it works for a few seconds, but normally we just endure some screaming at the end of the day! I hope its just a phase, but so far its been going on for like a month! I like the idea of "forbidden Objects" at toys - I am going to try it!
  13. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    The forbidden object works for a little while. Sometimes long enough to get the diaper changed. When I take it out of one hand to put on pjs though it's all over. I hope it's a phase though they've done it from day 1. They do love to be naked, but they want to get up and go somewhere while naked, not let me put diaper/clothes back on them! Ahh well the nightly scream fest continues...
  14. cmccarthy

    cmccarthy Well-Known Member

    I have one of each.
    DD loves to be naked (not sure how much I like that... LOL) and will lay there sweetly while you change her. DS will scream bloody murder. He wants to get up and be held right away afterward.
    Maybe it's a boy thing?
  15. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    My older DS started this around 10.5 months - squirming, screaming, etc. when getting his diaper/clothes changed. I would try to engage him in some favorite songs (only worked about half the time) and then I would also give him a "forbidden" object as PP mentioned. Some paper, the telephone, remote control, etc. - something that he wasn't usually allowed to play with. That seemed to work as long as I kept switching it up and finished the whole process like a speedracer! :rolleyes:
  16. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    Mine get really squirmy, sometimes fuss. Some of the daily things I use are, letting them play with a diaper, using a diaper as a fan (that air really catches their attention), playing peekaboo over the side of the table we use (it's really low-to-the-ground), letting them hold the diaper creme, etc. Some of those things also distract from the grabbing of the poo-covered weewee. A multitasking distraction, if you will. :p

    Or making a sort of peekaboo game about pulling their clothes off/putting them on.

    I try to smile a lot even if I'm feeling a little stressed out at their shenanigans to keep them calmer.
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