crying every hour at night-

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Specky, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Ok, I may have asked this's been about 4-6wks and Ryan will cry, sometimes in his sleep, almost every hour after midnight.

    We give him his binky and he falls right back to sleep. He rubs his face on his lovey and kicks his legs and cries, or wimpers.

    He doesn't want to eat, he doesn't seem to be teething and it's been so many weeks for a growth spurt, right?

    We mentioned it to our dr, and she thought it might be night terrors, I thought that happened when they were 3-ish (i used to have them).

    My husband is "fearful" of waking Christopher (thats NOT something we want to do, he HATES to sleep and we have a hard time getting him too).

    I say let him work it out for a bit and not rush with the binky, but the crying does escalate...

    anyone know what could be causeing this??

  2. rabresch72

    rabresch72 Well-Known Member

    Mine do that's very frustrating. Could they be teething? Mine are and I think that they sometimes have pain in their mouths which causes them to cry out. It scares the crap out of me! Try letting it go and see what happens...sometimes my kids put themselves back to sleep without our help. Sometimes I just want to go back to sleep, so I may rush the process a little bit. Silly me, right?
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Have you tried giving him Tylenol or Motrin before bed? Jake is the same way when he's getting new teeth. Even last night he was up 3 times wimpering and searching for his paci. The first two times he put himself back to sleep, but the third time I knew he lost the paci and I went in to give it to him. I forgot to do Motrin last night but you can be I won't forget tonight!! :)
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We had this too. I would wake and then put himself back to sleep. I noticed it mostly on days where the naps were not the best. I just chalked it up to being over-tired.
  5. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys! We were giving motrin for like 1 wk for teething (dr. approved) then they got strep, there was motrin for another I get worried that they are getting too much. It really worked great! I guess I'm just afraid that every little fuss we are going to race to the motrin (and I mean race! hahaa)

    what are your thoughts?

    Rachel, I also thought about the nap thing, but he naps really really well...he falls asleep beautifully, it seems to be the same time every night. it's just so weird!
  6. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I was thinking it could also just be a growth spurt. Is he learning anything sitting or babbling? We also had sleep disturbances during new milestones. I feel you on the Motrin "overuse". I get like that too.
  7. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Curious to hear what others have to say. W does this too - makes for a very restless sleep for DH and I as we never know if it is going to escalate or if he will soothe himself.
  8. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to update, incase anyone else experiences this...

    Talked with the Pedi, and like many of you said..probably a sleep disturbance due to new milestones. She mentioned for some reason, learning to crawl, specifically, in many children causes sleep disturbances.

    We put a fan in the room and wiere going to let him CIO a bit, unless he gets frantic, she also wanted us to "reset" his sleep clock, she said either put him to bed a 1/2hr later or earlier, and where he is sooo tired, we put him to bed at 6pm (boy seems awfully early)...BUT...he never woke up last night!! woo hoo! slept all night!

    Just thought I'd share...thanks for all your help ladies!

  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    isn't that crazy to put them down earlier and them sleep all night! I read about it in one of the books - crazy! glad it worked for you.

    I was going to say teething... looking back ours started teething at 6mo and that's when they started to quit sttn...

    On that note, I just found out about "teething tablets", we got the Hylands brand. I love them! I think they are at any CVS etc, and at health food stores. Recently ours started getting their molars and have woken up in pain. Its so heartbreaking... when they are in pain! If its just a typical cry I don't mind letting them fuss a bit, but for pain, it was amazing to pop one of the dissolving tablets in their mouth and they really settled down quickly.

    hope your magic of putting down earlier continues to work!
  10. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Specky @ Jun 13 2009, 06:34 PM) [snapback]1353247[/snapback]
    Just wanted to update, incase anyone else experiences this...

    Talked with the Pedi, and like many of you said..probably a sleep disturbance due to new milestones. She mentioned for some reason, learning to crawl, specifically, in many children causes sleep disturbances.

    We put a fan in the room and wiere going to let him CIO a bit, unless he gets frantic, she also wanted us to "reset" his sleep clock, she said either put him to bed a 1/2hr later or earlier, and where he is sooo tired, we put him to bed at 6pm (boy seems awfully early)...BUT...he never woke up last night!! woo hoo! slept all night!

    Just thought I'd share...thanks for all your help ladies!


    Jocelyn does this alot (they still get up to eat once or twice) and she's in the midst of learning to crawl. Love the milestones but hate the sleep disruptions! I'm still waiting for STTN. ;) Yay for the reset working!
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